Green Lights Program - High-Priority Initiative to Improve Traffic Flow Vehicles Mass Transit Pedestrians Bicycles
Already Completed: All Major E/W Corridors -- University Drive -- US-1 3
Our Residents and Visitors are Seeing Immediate Benefits: Synchronized Green Lights along East/West Corridors Less Unnecessary Stops Shorter Travel Times Fuel Savings 4
Example – Broward Boulevard Motorists should only encounter a few stops between Flamingo Road and US-1. Smoother travel across I-95. 5
Responses from County Residents Have Been Very Positive… 6
“…on University Drive… I COULD NOT BELIEVE IT! I went from Southgate Blvd to Broward Blvd, an 8 mile stretch, cruising without stopping. It has never happened in my 22 years of driving on that road!!!” - P. Veliyathil 7
“Thanks for your help with the two lights at Sunrise Boulevard and A1A and Birch Road. The flow of traffic is 100% better and the backups on A1A do not occur anymore. It is nice to know that someone actually responds to residents.” - B. Mandell 8
“ Thank you sooooooo much for doing this [Green Lights Program] for us! Can’t wait until Sheridan Street is done…it REALLY needs this. Again, thanks!” - L.A. Leone 9
Substantial Environmental Benefits: $14.4 Million/Year in Fuel Saved 300,000 Metric Tons/Year of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduced 10
Traffic Conditions Can Impact Green Lights Program: Overcapacity Intersections - Rush Hour Speeding Emergency Vehicle Preemptions Accidents School Zones Trains and Bridge Openings 11
Next Step: Complete the Remaining North/South Corridors by End of
Re-timing of Intersecting Roads will be More Complicated “Basketweave” 13
Ongoing Efforts: Continuous Refinements Integration of Minor Roadways 14
A Multi-Disciplinary Effort by Many County Traffic Professionals