Configuring Student Paper-Pencil Test Registration in TOMS in TOMS 1 – 2 p.m. November 20, 2014 California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP)
Configuring Student Test Registration in TOMS 2 Purpose By the end of this Webcast, local educational agency (LEA) CAASPP Coordinators will know how to configure student paper-pencil test registration in the Test Operations Management System (TOMS), which will ensure appropriate students receive the following paper-pencil tests: –Science CMA or CAPA Grades 5, 8, and 10 only –STS for Reading/language arts (RLA) –Special versions of the CSTs, CMA, STS, and Smarter Balanced summative assessments in ELA and mathematics Large print, braille, Smarter Balanced mathematics in Spanish
Configuring Student Test Registration in TOMS 3 Agenda Overview File Upload One by One Live Demonstration Questions Updates and Announcements
Configuring Student Test Registration in TOMS 5 Overview of Systems and Processes Administer CAASPP assessments (online and paper-pencil) TOMS Configure student test registration Configure online test settings (designated supports and accommodations) TOMS Configure student test registration Configure online test settings (designated supports and accommodations) CALPADS Manage student demographic data CALPADS Manage student demographic data 123
Configuring Student Test Registration in TOMS 6 Overview The default student test assignments in TOMS are as follows: –Grades 3–8 and 11: Online Smarter Balanced summative assessments in English language arts/literacy (ELA) and mathematics –Grades 5, 8 and 10: California Standards Test (CSTs) for Science (paper-pencil)
Configuring Student Test Registration in TOMS 7 Overview (cont.) Q:Why do I need to configure student test assignments in TOMS? A: To indicate students… –in grades 5, 8 and 10 who need the Science CMA or CAPA instead of CSTs. –in grades 3–8, and 11 who are eligible for the alternate field test in ELA and mathematics. –who will take the optional Standards-based Tests in Spanish (STS) for reading/language arts.
Configuring Student Test Registration in TOMS 8 Overview (cont.) A:To indicate students who need the following special versions: –Large print or braille versions of the Science CSTs or CMA –Spanish version of the Smarter Balanced mathematics test –Large print or braille versions of the Smarter Balanced ELA and mathematics assessments Note: This option is available only to LEAs who have received approval by the CDE.
Configuring Student Test Registration in TOMS 9 Overview (cont.) Q:What will happen if I do not change any student test assignments in TOMS? A:All students in grades 5, 8 and 10 will receive the Science CSTs only.
Configuring Student Test Registration in TOMS 10 Overview (cont.) Last year, orders for paper-pencil tests were placed in the STAR Management System through the Order Management Module. This year, you will only need to make sure students have the appropriate test assignments configured in TOMS. Configuring student test assignments in TOMS Placing paper- pencil material orders
Configuring Student Test Registration in TOMS 11 Overview (cont.) Paper-pencil Smarter Balanced summative assessments are only available to LEAs that have been approved by the California Department of Education (CDE). LEAs approved for paper-pencil Smarter Balanced tests are configured in TOMS by the California Technical Assistance Center (CalTAC). Note: CDE-approved LEAs that need the special versions of the paper-pencil Smarter Balanced tests (i.e. braille, large print, Spanish mathematics) must configure the appropriate student test assignment(s) in TOMS.
Configuring Student Test Registration in TOMS 12 CAASPP Paper-Pencil Tests 2015 CAASPP paper-pencil assessments include: –Science for grades 5, 8 and 10 : CST California Modified Assessment (CMA) California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA) –Standards-based tests in Spanish (STS) in reading/language arts (RLA) Grades 2–11 Optional
Configuring Student Test Registration in TOMS 13 CAASPP Paper-Pencil Tests (cont.) 2015 CAASPP paper-pencil special versions include: –Braille: Science CSTs and CMA STS in RLA Smarter Balanced summative assessments in English language arts/literacy (ELA) and mathematics –Large print: Science CSTs and CMA STS in RLA Smarter Balanced in ELA and mathematics –Spanish version of Smarter Balanced summative assessment in mathematics Grades 3–8 and 11
Configuring Student Test Registration in TOMS 14 Overview (cont.) There are two ways to configure paper-pencil test assignments for students: 1.Complete the student test registration file and upload it to TOMS 2.Configure test assignments one by one within the TOMS interface
File Upload
Configuring Student Test Registration in TOMS 16 File Upload Process Before beginning the file upload process, refer to the archived Webcast on preparing the student test registration file on the Training Web page at Note: LEAs must indicate students in grades 3–8 and 11 who are eligible for the alternate field test (ELA and mathematics) in the file upload. Identifying eligible students in the file is critical to getting accurate participation counts for CAASPP assessments in your LEA.
Configuring Student Test Registration in TOMS 17 File Upload Process (cont.) 1.Select the [Test Operations Management System (TOMS)] button on the CAASPP portal at Log onto TOMS using your sign in credentials.
Configuring Student Test Registration in TOMS 18 File Upload Process (cont.) 3.On the left navigation bar, select the [Students] button.
Configuring Student Test Registration in TOMS 19 File Upload Process (cont.) 4.Upon selecting [Students], a dropdown menu will open. Select the [Paper Assignments] button.
Configuring Student Test Registration in TOMS 20 File Upload Process (cont.) 5.Select the [Download Spreadsheet Template] link to download the student test registration template.
Configuring Student Test Registration in TOMS 21 File Upload Process (cont.) 6.Fill in the necessary fields of the template. −Column A: Student’s Statewide Student Identifier (SSID) −Column B: Test Administration (configured in TOMS) −Column C: CST for Science −Column D: CMA for Science −Column E: Alternate assessment (CAPA for Science, ELA, Math) −Column F: STS for RLA −Column G: Braille −Column H: Large print −Column I: Smarter Balanced summative mathematics in Spanish
Configuring Student Test Registration in TOMS 22 File Upload Process (cont.) 7.Save the completed template as a.csv file. 8.Upload the completed.csv file(s) on the Upload Student Test Assignments page in the TOMS interface.
Configuring Student Test Registration in TOMS 23 File Upload Process (cont.) 9.Check on the status of your uploaded file(s) on the Upload Student Test Assignments page in the TOMS interface. : Processing : Complete : Delete file: Download errors
Configuring Student Test Registration in TOMS 24 Preparing Your File Do not move or change the order of the columns –Column widths can be expanded for easier viewing Accepted file formats: –.csv only Only one special form—braille, large print, or Smarter Balanced mathematics in Spanish—can be selected for a student on the file –If a student needs both braille and large print, contact CalTAC Maintain the column headers in row 1 Do not use formulas Save your file frequently!
One by One
Configuring Student Test Registration in TOMS 26 Configuring One by One 1.Select the [Test Operations Management System (TOMS)] button on the CAASPP portal at Log onto TOMS using your sign in credentials.
Configuring Student Test Registration in TOMS 27 Configuring One by One (cont.) 3.On the left navigation bar, select the [Students] button.
Configuring Student Test Registration in TOMS 28 Configuring One by One (cont.) 4.Upon selecting [Students], a dropdown menu will open. Select the [Search] button.
Configuring Student Test Registration in TOMS 29 Configuring One by One (cont.) 5.Enter details about the student in the search fields or select the LEA the student is associated with by selecting the [Select Organization] link.
Configuring Student Test Registration in TOMS 30 Configuring One by One (cont.) 6.Select the [Search] button.
Configuring Student Test Registration in TOMS 31 Configuring One by One (cont.) 7.Upon selecting [Search], search results will populate in a table underneath the fields.
Configuring Student Test Registration in TOMS 32 Configuring One by One (cont.) 8.To view and/or edit a student’s profile, select the magnifying glass [View] icon.
Configuring Student Test Registration in TOMS 33 Configuring One by One (cont.) 9.The selected student’s profile will open and the student’s demographic information will be displayed.
Configuring Student Test Registration in TOMS 34 Configuring One by One (cont.) 10.To configure the student’s test assignments, select the [Test Mode] tab.
Configuring Student Test Registration in TOMS 35 Configuring One by One (cont.) 11.Select the tests that need to be configured for the student. Note: The selectable tests will appear based on the student’s grade level (i.e., Science tests will only appear for students in grades 5, 8 and 10). Note: Unless your LEA has been approved by the CDE for paper-pencil Smarter Balanced tests, the Online and Paper- Pencil radio buttons are not selectable.
Configuring Student Test Registration in TOMS 36 Configuring One by One (cont.) 12.Select the [Update] button.
Configuring Student Test Registration in TOMS 37 Configuring One by One (cont.) 13.Upon selecting [Update], you will receive a confirmation message.
Live Demonstration
Updates and Announcements
Configuring Student Test Registration in TOMS 41 Updates and Announcements Student demographic data will be viewable in TOMS this week. Test registration functionality in TOMS will be available next week. TOMS Student Paper-pencil Test Registration Manual is forthcoming. Next Webcast: Configuring Online Student Test Settings in TOMS –Date: Wednesday, December 10, 2014 –Time: 1 – 2 p.m.
Resources and Support
Configuring Student Test Registration in TOMS 43 Help Desk Support The California Technical Assistance Center (CalTAC) is here to support all LEA CAASPP coordinators! Monday–Friday from 7 a.m.–5 p.m. PT Phone: Web site: