North Carolina WorkKeys Training
Presentation About ACT WorkKeys Overview Test Administration Guidelines WorkKeys Paper/Pencil & Internet Version
ACT, Inc. Mission: “Helping People Achieve Education and Workplace Success”
Job Analysis Define Your Workforce Assessments Assess Your Workforce Training & Curriculum Develop Your Workforce Certification Certify Your Workforce Research & Analytics Understand Your Workforce Work Readiness System
Who uses WorkKeys Secondary Education Employers Community Colleges Workforce Agencies Corrections
KeyTrain ® is an interactive learning tool for developing and improving the applied workplace skills defined by the WorkKeys system. The core curriculum is complemented by reporting capabilities, diagnostic tools, and soft skills curriculum. Training & Curriculum
3 Applied Mathematics Reading for Information Locating Information Individual Results Job Profile Skills Gap 5 6 KeyTrain KeyTrain provides a self-paced curriculum to help individuals fill their skills gap Call: (877)
Evidence-based Industry-recognized Portable Used to document essential skills linked to workplace success Awarded at four levels: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum credential The NCRC™ is a credential that is: Certification Certify Your Workforce
1%47%21%18% Percentage of U.S. Examinees Earning The Certificate Source: ACT research based on 1,837,880 examinees.
99%67%16%93% Job Qualification of Certificate Holders Job Qualification of Certificate Holders (Essential Foundational Skills) Source: ACT JobPro Data
WorkKeys Skills for Jobs Profiled *Numbers are based on analysis of 5,618 jobs profiled from 2006 to 2010 in the ACT JobPro database. National Career Readiness Certificate
The National Career Readiness Certificate Locating Information Reading for Information Applied Mathematics 77% of profiled jobs utilize all of these skills *Numbers are based on analysis of 5,618 jobs profiled from 2006 to 2010 in the ACT JobPro database.
North Carolina testing will take place in February
North Carolina Testing Will assess using: Reading for Information Applied Mathematics Locating Information
ACT policies and procedures Protect integrity of testing program Protect you from allegations
#1 priority for test administrators is TEST SECURITY
Security Issues
WHO administers WorkKeys tests? Authorized personnel only Trained in standardized test administration Qualified, reliable proctors 1 per 25 maximum
WHERE does test administration take place? Testing rooms appropriate seating facing forward no distractions
During Testing Read only Manual Walk around room Discourage prohibited behavior answer questions Must not engage in non- test related activities: Read books Talk casually No food or drink in test room
Admitting Examinees Direct examinees to seats Alphabetical OK Left/right and front/back Be “directive” about it Personal recognition by staff Not friends or parents Not via phone calls Current official photo ID
Internet Version All NC high school testing is to be done with WorkKeys Internet Version where possible. Paper-and-Pencil Assessments For accommodations and in cases where Internet Version is not possible. Assessments
Assessment Details Test TitleTiming Applied Mathematics Reading for Information Locating Information Internet Version: 55 minutes Paper and Pencil : 45 minutes
Scheduling Considerations Number of students Three assessments per student Availability of computers
Match Criteria Last name Month of birth Day of birth Examinee ID First name
Attributes/Local Items School Code LEA
Equipment for Testing Wooden pencil with good eraser Collect and shred! Basic four function calculator
Irregularities Technical issues Examinee illnesses Irrational behavior Document everything! Prohibited behaviors Creating disturbance Giving/receiving help Calculator issues Cell phone If security breach Call ACT 800/ ASAP!
Paper/Pencil Supervisors Manual: private/manuals/SupervisorsManual.pdf private/manuals/SupervisorsManual.pdf Ordering materials December 1 – January 6 Form available on website
Sample Answer Folder
Completing the Answer Document ID Number in box 3 is the NC Wise Student Number Same number as the Examinee ID number used with WorkKeys Internet Version Local Items must be completed
Sample test directions for paper and pencil tests
Exact timing of paper and pencil tests Use more than one timepiece Time each room individually No “central” timing Don’t miss 5-minute warning
Checking in materials for paper and pencil testing Pack/Return Slip Note Discrepancies Secure Storage Save boxes
Security of materials for paper and pencil testing Check-in immediately “Two Lock Rule” Treat as you would a large sum of $MONEY $ Documented “Chain of Custody”
Accommodations Requests Documentation (must submit prior to testing): collect, review, keep note link between disability and ability to take the test determine appropriate accommodation Report of Accommodated Assessment (
Other Accommodations Available for Paper and Pencil Testing Reader Sign Language Interpreter Braille Extended time
Electronic Reporting for paper and pencil tests Very important - sign up An will be sent with your URL, User ID and Password. An will be sent when reports are ready to download. 10 days to download reports.
WorkKeys Internet Version
User ID/Examinee ID Examinee ID Part of the 5 match criteria NC Wise Student Number User ID Must be unique Add 99 to the end of the current NC Wise student number.
Password 8 digit birthday June 20,
Technical Requirements Check your sustained bandwidth – 256K per workstation
Internet Accommodations Extended time only Time and a half Double time Three hours
WorkKeys Internet Version 2. Groups – Create a group 3.Batch Load – Add to group – Group Registration – Group Authorization 1. Create a single registration –Authorize –Launch –Instant Report 4. Reports Portal
How does it work? Registration Authorize Test Report
Internet Version Access Administrator and Proctor URL: Examinee URL: Site administrator User ID and Password
Quick Start Guides/Training Modules User ID: Admin Password: Training
WorkKeys Administrator Training WorkKeys Internet Version Users Guide
Test Site Staff WorkKeys Manual Verification Fax it back to ACT
Expectations and Objectives
Training Tasks Module 1: WorkKeys Internet Version Quick Start Guide Required Modules: 2 hours
Sample Training Page
Refreshers Webinar dates: January TBA Q&A sessions: January TBA
Training Realms User ID: NCTraining123 Password: NCTraining123
North Carolina Information Website northcarolina
Communication All communication will be via to the School contact.
Contact Us 1/800-WORKKEY ( ) 877/ /7