Termite Inquiry
Termites important ecological role structural pest Appearance soft-bodied insect Social insects Communication essential trail behavior
Termite Inquiry 1. Divide into groups of 3 2. Supplies needed: - 5 termites - 4 to 8 white sheets of paper - pens, markers, pencils - paint brush
Science Inquiry: Investigate trail behavior Question Question - Will termites follow lines drawn by a PaperMate Pen? Hypothesis Hypothesis - Termites will not follow lines drawn by a PaperMate Pen
Example of Design
Results: What happened? Results: What happened?
Additional Questions: Additional Questions: - Will termites follow lines drawn by any type of pen, pencil, or maker? - Will termites follow any color? - Will termites follow any design? (REMEMBER TO TEST ONLY ONE VARIABLE AT A TIME!) AT A TIME!) Development of Hypotheses Development of Hypotheses
Results: What happened? Results: What happened? What variable was responsible for the termite’s attraction? Variables: - Color of ink? - Design? - Type of pen or pencil?
Conclusions: Conclusions: - which hypotheses were confirmed? - explain your results – WHY? - explain your results – WHY?
Termite Trails Entomologists have discovered termites will follow any line drawn by a PaperMate Pen, regardless of color Why? - chemicals must reside in the ink’s composition that mimic the termite’s pheromone
Other Inquiries - Choice studies - Termite races PaperMate Pen Pencil Marker PaperMate Pen