Mini Lesson! Lesson on Personification
In Beverly Cleary’s Words “Minutes crawled by. The long Oregon dusk turned into night. The girls turned on the television set to a program about people in a hospital...”
Can minutes really crawl? What do you think Beverly Cleary meant when she said that the minutes crawled by? Can you imagine minutes crawling across our classroom floor? Too Silly!
Can minutes really crawl? In Ramona Forever time went by so slowly for Ramona and her sister that they thought the minutes where crawling. Beverly Cleary was using a writing technique called: PERSONIFICATION
What is personification? Personification is when you describe nonliving things by using human actions or emotions. What does this fancy word mean? Still confused? Don’t worry – let’s look at some examples to help understand personification better.
The Sun Danced The sun danced across the sky on the hot summer day. Can the sun really dance?
The Pencil Screamed The pencil screamed as the boy turned the handle on the pencil sharpener. AAHHHH! Has your pencil ever screamed?
The Old Car Groaned The old car groaned as it made its way down the long open road. I can’t make it! Has your car ever groaned?
The Strawberry Spoke The strawberries seemed to say, "Eat me first!" Eat me first – I am yummy! Do strawberries really talk?
Do you understand it? I hope you understand this writing technique a little better. There are several different stations that you will have to go to and show your proficiency. Be prepared to go to the different stations moving your card, use your time wisely, complete the checklist so that you know where you’ve been!