Introductory Thoughts Jesus often taught using objects that his listeners were familiar with. Tonight, I want to do the same. Let’s compare the Christian to a pencil.
Designed For A Purpose The purpose of the pencil is for writing down information. We were also designed for a purpose. Romans 12:1-2 Romans 7:4 1 Peter 2:5
Purchased With A Price Just as I spent money on this pencil, a price was paid for you. We were purchased through the blood of a sinless Savior. 1 Peter 1: Corinthians 6:19-20
Has A Trademark You can look at this pencil and know that it came from a certain company. There are things that mark us as Christians that show that we are possessions of our creator. Love – John 13:35 Faithfulness – Revelation 2:10 Zealous of Good works – Titus 2:14 We give an impression of the one whose mark we bear.
Leaves A Mark As you move the pencil across your paper or your hand it will leave a mark. We do the same. They will either be upset or mad because we treated them unfairly. Or, they will leave us better because we showed them the Love of God. Is the world a better place because of our lives?
The Inside Is Most Important No matter how attractive it is, a pencil is useless unless it will write. God tells us on several occasions that it is our heart that is important. 1 Corinthians 13:1-3 Matthew 12:34-35 Matthew 15:18-19
Erases By Bowing It’s Head Low Only when the head is lowered can mistakes be erased. We must humbly admit sin by bowing low. Luke 18:9-14
Closing Admonition There are many similarities, but there is also a great difference. The pencil must do whatever the owner decides. God has given us a choice. Romans 6:16 The greatest difference is that you have a soul.