By: Gabe A. & Irith Sharma The Pencil Dispenser By: Gabe A. & Irith Sharma
Invention to Make School Better The pencil dispenser is a mechanism that allows you to always have a fresh and new pencil in every class period. It would be placed in each classroom so that there wouldn’t be one classroom without it.
Purpose It would help conserve the amount of trees used for pencils because you can reuse your pencils after every class you get a fresh new pencil. Students would never be unprepared for class by missing pencils because they wouldn’t need to bring pencils to class.
Benefits This invention will benefit kids in middle school who don’t bring pencils every class. They will be supplied a new pencil so that they don’t have to go back to their locker. When they are done using the pencil, they can put it back into the box by a pencil-shaped hole on the top.
How It Works The Pencil Dispenser is a box mounted on the wall that gives you a choice of regular wood pencils or mechanical pencils. The button underneath the pencil that you want gives you the pencil you want through the slot at the bottom. When you are done with the pencil, you can put it back into the box by an opening in the top of the box.
Diagram Slot Where Pencil Goes Back Type of Pencil You Want Button Regular Mechanical Slot That Pencils Come Out Of Type of Pencil You Want Button Slot Where Pencil Goes Back
Improvement of… The pencil dispenser is an improvement of a toothpick dispenser in restaurants. The difference from a toothpick dispenser and a pencil dispenser is that the pencil dispenser has 2 types of products. The Pencil Dispenser has mechanical pencils and regular wooden pencils, while the toothpick dispenser has 1 type of product.
Changes In The Classroom Students will never forget a pencil anymore. Also teacher will never be interrupted by kids needing a pencil. Another change in the classroom would be that there wouldn’t be a pencil sharpener anymore because the pencil dispenser would have a sharpener inside the box that does it automatically.
Cost The cost of the pencil dispenser would be about $39.99 for each pencil dispenser. They will be available in all of your local stores. If you buy 3 you can get one free with no extra charge. If you call now you can get 15% off. Call 1-800-PENCILS (1-800-736-2457)