Alaska Measures of Progress Paper/Pencil Webinar March 23, 2015
Webinar Logistics Audio will be streamed through Adobe Connect Audio is also available by calling Pin: —If using the phone for as the audio source, MUTE the Adobe connect sound to prevent feedback Please hold questions until the end All questions must be asked through the chat box, located on the bottom right corner
Agenda Materials Inventory — New students, transfers, or withdrawals since January 6 th —Updating records in KITE – Test & Exit records via TEC file —Additional material orders Materials Security Calculator Usage Materials Return — School Information Sheets —Return Summaries —Shipping Customer Service
Key Dates Materials received in districts —March , 2015 Additional materials order deadline —April 3, 2015 Paper / pencil test window —April 13 – April 24, 2015 Materials returned to Questar —May 1, 2015
Updating Records With any new orders for accommodated forms, make sure to update TEC files and PNPs!
Materials Inventory Use the shipping documents provided to inventory all materials Shipment Summary includes security ID numbers to confirm all secure materials After inventorying school materials, make a copy of shipping documents for district records If anything is missing, contact AMP Customer Service immediately
Additional Materials District shipment includes additional materials overage to be provided as needed —Test Administration Directions (5%) —Standard Test Booklets (10%) —School Information Sheet (5%) School shipment also includes overage —Standard Test Booklets (5%) Accommodated Materials —If additional accommodated materials are needed, contact AMP Customer Service no later than April 3, 2015
Materials Security Reminders Maintaining the confidentiality of assessment materials is critical to ensure integrity and validity —All assessment materials need to be kept in a secure place to prevent unauthorized access —All assessment content is confidential; refrain from sharing information or revealing assessment content with anyone —All assessment materials are to be returned as instructed Security throughout the entire assessment process is essential for valid results Test security is also required by law
Calculator Usage **NOTE: Calculators may be used in Section 1- 3 only**
Major Steps for District Test Coordinators 1.Inventory and organize all assessment materials returned by the Building Test Coordinator; verify and complete all required forms 2.Ensure all materials are returned 3.Package used test booklets and related forms; arrange for pick-up of scorable materials 4.Package unused test booklets, including accommodated materials; arrange for pick-up of nonscorable materials 5.Ensure each box with the correct Questar label **NOTE: All materials must be shipped by May 1, 2015** Materials Return
School Information Sheet —Building Test Coordinator marks the number of used test booklets being returned for each grade assessed —“Pre-slugged” with each school’s information —District Test Coordinator verifies the number of test booklets being returned is correct —Pack keeping the School Information Sheet on top of the corresponding materials Materials Return
District Return Kits —Materials Return Instructions —Return Summary/Transmittal Form —Questar Return Shipping Labels —UPS Shipping Labels Scorable vs. Nonscorable —Scorable materials include all used test booklets with student responses to be scored —Nonscorable materials include unused test booklets or test booklets that should not be scored Materials Return
Return Summaries —District Test Coordinator completes a scorable and nonscorable return summary for the return shipment —Record the total number of each material being returned —Sign and date —Make a copy for district records —Place on the top of package being returned —One form per shipment Materials Return
Return Shipment —Materials will be returned to Questar by the DTC —Return materials in boxes the materials were sent —Make copies of forms for district records —If there is not a standard UPS pick-up at your location, contact UPS to arrange **NOTE: Manuals are not returned** Materials Return
Inquiries & Questions —Phone: — —Hours: 5am to 4pm Alaska Time Customer Service
Questions & Answers