Dutchtown Elementary School Curriculum Night March 19, 2015 Dr. Winnie Johnson, Principal Dr. Shelia Korvayan, Assistant Principal
Henry County School’s Spring 2015 Testing Schedule Date Content Area Administration Mode Grade Level Tuesday, April 14, 2015 ELA Part I/II Paper/Pencil & Online Grade 3 and Grade 5 Wednesday, April 15, 2015 Online Grade 4 Thursday, April 16, 2015 ELA Part III Grades 3 - 5 Friday, April 17, 2015 Make-Up Monday, April 20, 2015 Math Tuesday, April 21, 2015 Wednesday, April 22, 2015 Science Thursday, April 23, 2015 Friday, April 24, 2015 Grade 3 - 5 Monday, April 27, 2015 Social Studies Tuesday, April 28, 2015 Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Georgia Milestones Features Selected-Response [aka, multiple-choice] all content areas evidence-based selected response in ELA Constructed-Response ELA and mathematics Extended-Response Constructed response is a general term for assessment items that require the student to generate a response as opposed to selecting a response. Extended-response items require more elaborate answers and explanations of reasoning. They allow for multiple correct answers and/or varying methods of arriving at the correct answer. Writing prompts and performance tasks are examples of extended-response items.
Georgia Milestones Features Transition to Online Year 1: minimum of 30% online 4th grade students Students with certain accommodations Year 3: minimum of 80% online Year 5: minimum of 100% online Paper/pencil versions will be available for the small number of students who cannot interact with computer due to their disability. Braille forms will be available.
Administration Times A section may not be stopped until the minimum allotment of time has expired. If students are still productively engaged with the test content, the maximum amount of time, per section, may be given in 10 minute increments. Note: These time limits do not apply to those students who have the accommodation of extended time.
Georgia Milestones General Test Parameters: ELA Writing at Every Grade All students will encounter an extended constructed-response item allowing for narrative prose, in response to text, within first or second section of the test (contributes to the writing score).
Sample 3rd grade Language Arts Constructed Response Question
Sample 3rd grade Language Arts Selected-Response Question
Sample 3rd grade Math Extended Response Question
Sample 3rd grade Math Selected-Response Question
How can I help prepare my student? The night before the test… Make sure that your child doesn’t go to bed angry Plan ahead to stay away from known problems Build up your child by letting them know that you are proud of them and know they will do their best. such as: eliminating answers to make your best guess; going back to the questions that were difficult for you and Use the information in the passage to pick your answer ( NOT your life!)
How can I help prepare my student? The night before the test… Have your child pack his/her book bag and place it by the door If your child wears glasses, make sure they are packed! Ensure your child gets a good night’s rest Minimum of 9 hours of sleep is needed for our students. such as: eliminating answers to make your best guess; going back to the questions that were difficult for you and Use the information in the passage to pick your answer ( NOT your life!)
How can I help prepare my student? The morning of the test… Have your child get ready early to avoid hurrying. Testing begins at 7:45 a.m. Leave early to allow enough time for traffic. Have your child dress in something he/she likes and that is familiar. Being comfortable is important.
How can I help prepare my student? The morning of the test… Be positive when you send your child to school. Encourage them to try hard and do their best. Have your child eat a good breakfast, but not a heavy one.
Free Breakfast on ALL testing dates for ALL Students (Please arrive by 7:20)
How can I help my student? After the test… Ask your child about the test. Acknowledge your child for trying hard on the test. When you get the test results for your child, don’t compare her performance with that of other children. Talk to you child’s teacher with any questions that you might have.
Transition to Georgia Milestone Resources Georgia Department of Education’s site at: http://www.gadoe.org/Curriculum-Instruction-and-Assessment/Assessment/Pages/Georgia-Milestones-Assessment-System.aspx Experience Online Testing Georgia practice site at http://learnoas.ctb.com/GA/ National PTA Parent’s Guide to New Tests in Georgia at www.pta.org/parents
Questions??? Thank you for your attention and have a great evening! Darlene Hackney, Counselor dhackney@henry.k12.ga.us
Please visit your child’s class for… ‘ ‘We Are a Family of Learners.’