KINDERGARTEN SUPPLIES Shared Items – Do NOT Label 1 box Crayola markers (10-pk classic color, no skinny markers please) 15 sharpened #2 pencils 2 bottles Elmer’s glue 6 Elmer’s glue sticks (1.4 ounce) 6 Expo dry erase markers – dark color 1 handheld, covered pencil sharpener 1 box Kleenex 2 reams white copy paper (8.5x11) Each grade K class needs the donation of 1 set (25 of one color) 2-pocket folders Please LABEL the following items: Large backpack 2 boxes Crayola crayons (24-pk classic color) 1 large pink eraser 1 small snap shut plastic pencil box 1 pair child Fiskar scissors 3 sturdy 2-pocket plastic folders Specialists: Art: 3 large (1.4 ounce) Elmer’s glue sticks Spanish: 10-pk. Crayola markers GRADE 1 SUPPLIES Most items will be shared, please do NOT label. Backpack or school bag (LABEL) 2 boxes Crayola crayons (24-ct.) 3 lined spiral notebooks 48 ct. #2 pencils 4 boxes Crayola washable markers 2 boxes Crayola colored pencils – sharpened 1 pair child Fiskar scissors 2 large erasers 1 handheld, covered pencil sharpener 10 Elmer’s glue sticks 1 large bottle Elmer’s glue 3 Expo dry erase markers – black only 2 boxes Kleenex 1 small pencil box Clorox wipes 2 reams white copy paper (8.5x11) 2 boxes peanut-free snack for class size of 25 Each grade 1 class needs the donation of 2 sets (30 of one color) 3-prong, 2-pocket folders Specialists: Art: 1 box Crayola crayons (24 ct.) Spanish: 1 box Crayola crayons (24 ct.) GRADE 2 SUPPLIES Shared Items – Do NOT Label 3 boxes of 24-ct. #2 pencils 3 plain, solid-color pocket folders (one red, one blue, one yellow) 3x3 Post-It-Notes (1 pack) 2 packs of pencil top erasers 1 bottle Elmer’s glue 6 Elmer’s glue sticks (2 sticks in student pencil box) 3 lined spiral notebooks (solid color cover) 6 Expo dry erase markers – dark color 2 reams white copy paper (8.5x11) 2 boxes Kleenex Please LABEL the following items: Backpack 1 box 24-ct. Crayola crayons 1 8-pk. Crayola washable markers 1 box 12-ct. Crayola colored pencils - sharpened 1 handheld, covered pencil sharpener 1 pair child Fiskar scissors 1 pencil pouch or snap shut pencil box (large enough to hold coloring supplies, scissors and 2 glue sticks) Specialists: Art: 1 (8 pk.) Crayola watercolors Spanish: 1 box Kleenex GRADE 3 SUPPLIES Most items will be shared, please do NOT label. Backpack or school bag (LABEL) 1 box 12-ct. Crayola colored pencils - sharpened 4 Elmer’s glue sticks 1 yellow highlighter 4 spiral notebooks – wide rule 3 boxes Kleenex 1 ruler (inches & centimeters) 2 packs Expo dry erase markers – blue and black color only 1 handheld, covered pencil sharpener 20 Ticonderoga or Dixon pencils (sharpened) + 2 extra boxes 6 folders Antibacterial wipes 2 reams of 20 lbs. white copy paper (8.5x11) 2 bottles Elmer’s glue 1 pack Crayola colored markers 1 box 24-ct. Crayola crayons 1 pair child Fiskar scissors 1 zip pouch for supplies Gym Shoes Specialists: Art: 1 box (12 ct.) Ticonderoga or Dixon pencils Spanish: 1 box (12 ct.) Ticonderoga or Dixon pencils, 1 blue spiral notebook and 1 blue folder GRADE 4 SUPPLIES Most items will be shared, please do NOT label. Backpack or school bag (LABEL) 60 each - #2 pencils (Dixon brand) 1 pack Crayola colored pencils 2 Elmer’s glue sticks (not liquid) 6 spiral notebooks – 1 subject 5 Expo dry erase markers – blue or black 1 white board eraser 2 handheld, covered pencil sharpeners 1 pack fine tip markers 1 pack red pens 8 folders – solid color, heavy duty or plastic 1 pencil box/bag 2 erasers 1 pair child Fiskar scissors 2 boxes Kleenex Antibacterial wipes 2 reams of 20 lbs. white copy paper (8.5x11) College ruled loose leaf paper Head phones Calculator ½ inch 3-ring binder with pockets STUDENT PLANNER FEE: $5.00 Specialists: Art: 1 pack Crayola washable markers (8 count) Spanish: 1 box Ticonderoga or Dixon pencils, 1 red notebook and 1 red folder H AYES E LEMENTARY S CHOOL 615 M ISSISSIPPI S TREET NE F RIDLEY, MN (763) S CHOOL S UPPLY L IST Thursday, August 29, 2013 Orientation for Grades (3:00 – 6:00 p.m.) Tuesday, September 3, 2013 First Day of School for Grades 1 – 4 Kindergarten Orientation (10:00 -11:00 a.m. OR 1:00 – 2:00 p.m.) Wednesday, September 4, 2013 First Day of School for Kindergarten ** Please NO Rose Art Supplies ** Please bring all supplies on orientation day. We encourage you to purchase pencils, erasers, glue, etc. in multiples when they are priced reasonably during sales. Please keep extra supplies at home and periodically check with your child to see if they need more supplies. All classrooms are in need of the following extra supplies: #2 Pencils, Kleenex, Scissors, Glue Sticks, 3M Masking Tape. Thank you. Rev. 05/30/13