1 Know where you students are
2 ACT Aspire is an Assessment System Developed for and Focused on the Student Identifies a student’s predicted path toward readiness Highlights gaps between what students have learned and what they need to learn Leverages familiar technology Offers robust online reporting that enables timely modifications to student learning and intervention strategies
3 Mission User Experience Market Trends Affirming State / District / School Needs Research / Evidence Why ACT Aspire—The Drivers
4 Research Supports Early Monitoring Readiness matters Earlier monitoring matters Multiple dimensions matter
5 ACT Aspire Vertically articulated, standards-based system of assessments to monitor progress in the context of college and career readiness Summative assessments at each grade level on a 3-digit vertical scale that spans grades 3–10 and links empirically to the ACT’s College Readiness Benchmark score scale (1–36) Subject areas: English, math, reading, science, and writing Linear, computer-based, multiple question types including constructed response, paper-and-pencil option Grade 3Grade 4Grade 5Grade 6Grade 7Grade 8Early High SchoolGrade 11Grade 12 ACT Aspire Summative Assessments (Grades 3-10)The ACT ® ACT Aspire Classroom / Interim Assessment (Grades 3-12) Grade 3Grade 4Grade 5Grade 6Grade 7Grade 8Early High SchoolGrade 11Grade 12 ACT Aspire Summative Assessments (Grades 3-10) ACT Aspire Classroom / Interim Assessment (Grades 3-12)
6 What Makes ACT Aspire Unique? Measures “other” critical areas needed for student success −Science −Text complexity score −Stem score −Work Readiness score with predicted NCRC level Employs modular administration by subject and/or grade Links to ACT College Readiness Benchmarks and aligns with Common Core State Standards Provides evidence-based results
9 Understanding Demands on Your Time Assessment should always assist and guide instruction – not overwhelm it. Thus ACT Aspire requires a testing commitment averaging only 3 hours total testing for all five subjects – with an average single test duration as low as 20 minutes – and not greater than 50 minutes per test. Timing in Minutes
10 Inclusive Accessibility Features
11 Second Language Support Grades 3-6 Spanish Language Audio and Text math, science and writing All grades Spanish Language Support Materials
12 Technology-Enhanced Item Sample
13 Technology-Enhanced Item Sample
14 Reporting Guiding Principles Self-Service Determine how deeply you want to engage with the data Easy-to- Understand Language For all audiences Tell a Story Reflect each child’s possibilities, not his or her deficits Focus on the Journey Progression toward readiness matters, not individual scores
15 Foundation based on Validated Measures from ACT’s Research ACT College Readiness Standards ACT College Readiness Benchmarks ACT Readiness Benchmarks all Grades/Subjects Multiple levels of Proficiency all Relative to ACT Readiness Benchmarks Scaled Subject Scores English, reading, writing, science, and writing Reports are designed for both a quick glance overview – and detailed data to inform and guide next-step actions. Focused on Growth
16 Student Longitudinal Growth charts showing personalized progress Based on ACT’s decades of research from Explore, Plan and ACT users Predicted ACT Scores for Each Subject beginning in Early High School (Grades 9/10) National Median Scores to provide Grade Level Context Composite Scores for Early High School (Grades 9/10) Two year student predicted path towards college and career readiness Focused on Growth
17 Reporting Student Skills Standards performance based on ACT’s College Readiness Standards and aligned to Common Core ACT Readiness Range typical performance of Students who have met the ACT Readiness Benchmark for that subject Paths to Improvement simple interventions
18 National Norms ELA Combined Score (English, Reading & Writing) Reading Text Complexity Scores STEM Combined Score (Science & Math) Work Readiness Measure (Early High School – Grades 9/10) Additional Measures of Readiness
19 Experience with assessing, scoring, collecting and reporting data in a useful format should never be based on the assumption that such a skill set will simply arise. Easy to Use and Interpret Flexible Student Grouping Quick identification of Benchmark Attainment, Growth and Standards Performance Aggregate Reporting that Enables Educators
20 Identifies potential curriculum gaps Identifies Students in need of Intervention Identifies opportunities for Professional Development Aggregate Reporting that Enables Educators
21 What We’ll Learn About Students Subject Scores—English, math, reading, science, and writing ACT Readiness Benchmarks for all grades in English, math, reading, and science Reporting based on ACT College Readiness Standards and aligned to the Common Core State Standards Norms—National Paths to Improvement
22 ELA Scores for those who test in English, reading, and writing Reading Text Complexity Scores (Reading only) Longitudinal growth Student predicted paths toward college and career readiness Composite Score (Early High School) Projected Stem Score Predicted ACT Subject and Composite Score (Early High School) Online Reporting—Support
23 Online Reporting Delivery Rich data and insights Accessible via computer or tablet Downloadable PDFs of prebuilt reports − Student and Educator Reports − Reports for Schools, Districts, and States Aggregate data files available for download to SIS
24 Benefits to You Highest quality item development and test construction Validated standards and benchmarks − Provides a 3-digit, vertical scale for grades 3–10 empirically linked to the ACT scale through the inclusion of ACT’s Readiness Benchmarks at each grade level − Highlights gaps between what students have actually learned and what they need to learn Leverage technology − CBT design to assess more authentic construct and create more natural engagement for students − Robust online reporting
25 Benefits to You Sustainability plan − Ongoing research, support, and validation − Item refreshment plan Connectivity − First digital, longitudinal system to connect student performance from grades 3–12 to college and career − An aligned classroom and interim- based tool and assessment Standards-based reporting
27 Stay Connected − Sign up for updates Learn More − Test features − FAQs − Technical requirements − News − Research
28 Avocet - This site contains manuals and ancillary materials. As new materials are created they will be housed here: Training Management System (TMS) - This site contains training modules, including district readiness, student data, test sessions, and many other topics. The TMS site can be accessed here: The first time you access the TMS site, you will be prompted to enter your address, name, and organization. If your organization does not appear, you may check the “No Affiliation” box, then click on Register. Training and Exemplar Web Sites
29 Access to demo site SubjectUsernamePassword Englishenglishactaspire Readingreadingactaspire Writingwritingactaspire Mathmathactaspire Sciencescienceactaspire To view the ACT Aspire Exemplar Items visit: tn.actaspire.orgtn.actaspire.org Use the appropriate username and password for the subject area you wish to view.
30 Pricing Computer Based TestingPaper and Pencil $22.00 per student for one subject $1 additional per subject $28.00 per student for one subject $1 additional per subject
31 ACT Profile (Beta) Free online tool that helps students answer the college and career planning question: “What do I want to do?” Offers students the powerful, personalized insights they need to make smarter decisions about their next steps after high school
32 ACT Profile (Beta) ACT Profile develops personalized insights and populates an interactive career graph to show students the best career matches based on their self-assessment results. Extends the provided insights to help students understand the educational path needed for each career
33 ACT Profile (Beta)
34 ACT Profile (Beta)
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