Procedures & Routines Coach Gill’s
Entering the Classroom Shake hands at the door. Sharpen your pencil-Pen is acceptable Class “BOSS” is responsible for getting the journals and folders passed out at the beginning of class. Begin working on bell work.
Sharpening your Pencil Do this before class starts as you enter the room. If you do not have a pencil, borrow one from a friend. If you still can’t find one, I will trade you one of your belongings for a pencil! Do not sharpen pencils while I am talking to the class.
Supply Tubs The supplies in the tubs are for your table only.(Located on the Supply table) There needs to be 2 of each of these supplies when your tub is returned to the supply table: scissors, glue DO NOT break or steal the supplies.
Quieting the Class I will clap. You will clap in the same rhythm then make the timeout sign with your hands. Stop. Be still. Be quiet. Look. Listen for important information.
Turning in Science Journals/Folders/Workbooks When instructed by me, pass your journals/folders/workbooks to the person closest to the center aisle on your row. The class “BOSS” will put away journals/folders/workbooks into the cabinet with the correct class period on the front.
Restroom Restroom breaks are allowed only if you have not used your pass 3 times already this six weeks. Restroom breaks are at my discretion. Do not interrupt me during a lesson to ask for the restroom. Only 1 student is allowed to go to the restroom at a time.
Group Work Do not get into groups until instructed by Coach Gill. Gather all supplies needed for group work. If you have questions, ask 3 neighbors before asking Coach Gill. Keep voices to an inside noise level.
When you are absent… Take your make-up work from the folders beside the door at the front of the room. Also, make sure to copy any missed notes from a neighbor. You have the number of days absent plus one day to complete this work. Make-up work not turned in will result in a 0.
When Coach Gill is absent… Follow the regular classroom procedures. Listen and follow the directions given by the substitute teacher. Be respectful.
Working with Whiteboards Write only Science. No names, pictures, words, or any other writing but the problem you are given. The rags are your erasers. Please do not write or draw on them. Use a light touch. Pressing down on the markers ruins them.
Leaving at the end of Class Coach Gill will dismiss you at the appropriate time. Do not pack up until I instruct you to do so. You will be dismissed the EXIT door only if you are in your seat and quiet.