FEBRUARY 9, 2015 Informal DTC Webinar Welcome! Thank you for joining us. We will begin shortly.
Intro to New Format We have a new look and feel! ODE-provided Quick Reminders + Topics (25 min.) ODE & DTC Question/Answer Session + Sharespace (25 min.) All questions will be addressed during the Q/A section, as some of them may be answered over the course of the topical slides. Either raise your hand or type your question into the chat box (we’ll tell you how in just a second) We will provide each Webinar Slidedeck for those unable to attend.
Before We Begin… To ask questions, use the question or click the “raise box or click the “raise hand” icon. Please participate in polls when we use them. We need your feedback!
Quick Reminders Extended Assessment Training and Proficiency website open for “practice” Smarter Balanced window opens 3/10—reminder to train staff (reference promising practice at and how- to video at Information for OAKS and Smarter Balanced:
Smarter Balanced Quick Updates Braille Practice Test Released Translated Test Directions for SBAC (PDFs) Text to Speech (TTS) on Practice Test (Items, Items/Passages and Passages) can be accessed via Guest login Permissive Mode is now available on Practice Tests
Assignment of the Classroom Activities for the SBAC Performance Tasks Posted in TIDE on February 24, 2015 School and district personnel with TIDE accounts will have access Assigned by school, grade and content area (ELA/math) District-level users will need to select a school in their district from a drop-down menu Schools will only be assigned for grades at which they have enrolled students
Assignment of the Classroom Activities for the SBAC Performance Tasks PDFs of Classroom Activities Assignments
Classroom Activities for the SBAC Performance Tasks (Special Test Forms) Multiple test forms associated with each classroom activity Test forms will be automatically assigned through TIDE and the Test Delivery System (Student Information System must reflect true attending/resident schools and district) Braille, American Sign Language (ASL), Spanish Translation (math), and non-English glossaries (math) are not available on all test forms. These designated supports and accommodations must be entered in TIDE at least two days before testing
Performance Task Scenarios If a student moves to a new school after starting a Smarter Balanced performance task, and the new school is assigned a different classroom activity than the original school, the student will be assigned a new test form that corresponds to the classroom activity assigned to the new school. Please check with the student’s original school to determine whether the student has already completed a PT. If they have, the student does not need to take a second PT.
Performance Task Scenarios If a student starts a performance task assessment and then moves to a new school before completing the performance task assessment, the new school may want the student to complete his or her original test form rather than start a new test form that corresponds to the classroom activity associated with the new school. If this happens, please contact your ESD partner to discuss having the original performance task assessment form reassigned to the student.
Embedded Glossaries-Audio (math only) Available on Practice Tests 2/13/15 & on Operational Tests 3/10/15
ELPA Update Regular ELPA Practice Test was updated over weekend to remove graphic response drag and drop items and hot text sample items. NOTE: Speaking short response items were field tested last year in middle and high school. Middle and high school student will not receive these graphics on the operational tests, but they are still on the practice tests.
ELPA Update Please report technical issues to your Regional ESD Partner. If reporting issues to AIR via , copy your Regional ESD Partner. You will be issued an helpdesk ticket number, which will guide remaining communications to fix the issue. AIR will close tickets if contacts do not respond to follow-ups after multiple attempts. All TAs: Do not send student identifiable information via as this is a FERPA violation.
ELPA21 Field Test We are in early days of the HS field test—K-8 will open next Monday. Make sure participating TA, STC, and DTC roles sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) prior to testing. Training modules for the ELPA21 Field Test are on the admin site, including a Surveymonkey for the NDA, which leads to the PDUs that all participating roles may receive (3 hours total) once they have completed training.
Work Sample Bank Where will Secure Work Samples be posted? Secure Work Samples will be posted in the Secure Work Sample Bank application within the district secure site. When will the Secure Work Sample Bank application within the district secure site be available? By March 1. Aiming for Thursday, 2/19. The required reading and security forms will be posted by Monday, 2/16.
Work Sample Bank Total Posted in February Number By Domain Remaining to be posted by June Math 73 Algebra 1 Geometry 3 Statistics 23 Reading 127 Informational 5 Literary 16 Writing 277 Expository 8 Persuasive 4 Imaginative 3
Work Sample Bank Which students are eligible to use the Secure Work Samples? Students enrolled in grade 12 during the school year who does not have a passing Essential Skills score using any of the approved assessment options. Eligible students may receive up to two (2) Secure Work Samples in each area.
Work Sample Bank Who will be able to access the Secure Work Sample Bank? The only staff within a district who will have be allowed to view and download Secure Work Samples from the Secure Work Sample Bank are the: District Test Coordinator School Test Coordinator, and a third role, Essential Skills (limited to one per school)
Work Sample Bank What is required to obtain access? 1. Each person must have read security forms and sign security assurance. 2. Then DTC contacts the DSA to request access to the Secure Work Sample Bank for those who have been trained and in accordance with their role and signed assurance.
Work Sample Bank What task information will teachers and other staff have access to? A Secure Work Sample Summary List will be posted on the Essential Skills page to provide information about the posted Secure Work Samples. This list will include the: content area domain Secure Work Sample title for math and reading only, a short summary
Work Sample Bank What will be the training requirement for accessing Secure Work Samples? Any person who has access to or participates in the handling of test materials must read security forms and signed security assurances.
Work Sample Bank What are the reporting requirements? Districts will implement a system to record the assignment of each Secure Work Sample to ensure that only eligible students receive Secure Work Samples. Records of which students received which Work Sample must be kept on file in the district office, subject to audit by ODE.
Work Sample Bank What are the reporting requirements? ODE will send a survey to everyone who downloaded a Secure Work Sample to learn about how the Secure Work Samples were used and to gain insights into how the Work Samples functioned.
Work Sample Bank What are the security requirements? Secure Work Samples may only be administered to students in paper-pencil format; students may respond either in paper-pencil or word processing. All Secure Work Sample content, including student responses and scratch paper, must collected, inventoried, and securely stored. Students must not remove test materials from the test environment; word processed student responses must be saved on a flash drive that is securely stored.
Work Sample Bank What are the security requirements? Transfer of Secure Work Samples must be done securely; as a reminder, neither nor fax are considered secure means of transfer. Students must be monitored during Secure Work Sample administration. All adults who handle or administer Secure Work Samples must have completed the required reading and security assurances.
Work Sample Bank What are the security requirements? Translations are only allowed for Math or Writing Secure Work Samples. They are NOT allowed for Reading Secure Work Samples. Modifications are allowed.
Work Sample Bank What are the security requirements? Improprieties should be handled locally, unless the impropriety presents risk of substantial exposure of the Secure Work Sample. The DTC must contact ODE so that ODE can determine whether to remove the Secure Work Sample and contact the other districts who have downloaded the Secure Work Sample.
Sharespace Topics
Q&A Time