Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) n Original development 1940 –Hathaway & McKinley n (MMPI ) MMPI-2-RF 2008 n Over 18 years n MMPI -A – 1992 (adolescent) 14 – 18 yrs n Clinical populations n paper-pencil, computer or audio n minutes n About 338 questions
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2-RF)(MMPI-2-RF) Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2-RF)(MMPI-2-RF) n Criterion based (or data reduction) large pool of questions select appropriate criterion groups factor analysis
MMPI – 2-RF scales n 50 scales n 8 Validity scales n addiction scales n supplemental scales
Problems with MMPI-2 norms inter-item consistency is low high inter correlations between scores validity reading at 6th grade self-report
California Psychological Inventory-260 (CPI)(CPI) California Psychological Inventory-260 (CPI)(CPI) n Developed revised 2005 n assess normal adult personality n 260 true/false questions (1/2 from MMPI) n minutes n paper-pencil n normed on college students
California Psychological Inventory (CPI) n 29 socially desirable behavioral tendencies Interpersonal styles self acceptance self control flexibility n more positive than MMPI n used for educational, vocational, counseling
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) (MBTI) Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) (MBTI) n Isabel Briggs Myers and Katherine Briggs n 1940s n Based on Jung’s personality dimensions n 126 forced choice questions n minutes
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) n Heavily used in research n lots of validity studies n used in academic and counseling settings n vocational preferences n interpersonal interactions
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (example of MBTI types) (example of MBTI types) Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (example of MBTI types) (example of MBTI types) n Measures 4 dimensions of personality extroversion-introversion (EI) sensing-intuition (SN) thinking-feeling (TF) judgement-perception (JP) n combine into 16 personality types e.g. ESTJ
Self assessment of MBTI scales Extrovert/Introvert Very strong E medium E centered medium I very strong I Sensing/Intuition Very strong S medium S centered medium N very strong N Thinking/Feeling Very strong T medium T centered medium F very strong F Judging/Perceiving Very strong J medium J centered medium P very strong P
Keirsey Temperament Sorter – II KTS-II KTS-II Keirsey Temperament Sorter – II KTS-II KTS-II Created by David Kerisey 1978 Similar to MBTI test profile High reliability and validity Shorter Computerized
KTS scales 4 Scales – similar to MBTI -- different words, same letters (E)=Expressive vs. (I)=Attentive (S)=Observant vs. (N)=Introspective (T)=Tough-minded vs. (F)=Friendly (J)=Scheduling vs. (P)=Probing
MBTI/KTS/images Scores???? 1. MBTI – individual scales 2. MBTI - combinations 3. KTS 4. “projective ABAB Reliability ???? Validity ???? Standardization ????