MIDI Track Views 1. Blocks View 2. Regions View – Selected, copied, cut, and trimmed 3. Notes View – Edit notes 4. Velocity View – Edit attack velocity of each note 5. Volume, Pan, and Controller Graph Views
Destructive vs. Nondestructive MIDI Editing When a MIDI region resides in one track at a single location. Any alterations to the pitch, duration, or placement of notes permanently alters the region. When editing a MIDI region that appears elsewhere in the session (playlist, or location), the edits are nondestructive, and creates a new auto-created region.
Editing MIDI Notes Pencil Tool Smart Pencil Tool – Grabber – Trimmer Insert notes Custom note duration Draw velocity values Delete a single note Grabber Tool Select a group of notes Select a single or range of pitches Transposing notes Move note(s) Edit velocity Delete a note(s) Grabber Tool Select a group of notes Select a single or range of pitches Transposing notes Move note(s) Edit velocity Delete a note(s)
Editing MIDI Notes Trimmer Tool Adjust velocity values Adjust length of of note start and end times Selector Tool Select a range of notes Delete a range of notes Selector Tool Select a range of notes Delete a range of notes
Elastic Audio Track Views Warp View - create and edit Warp markers, correct the timing of a performance. Analysis View - edit detected Event markers. Allows you to add, relocate, or delete erroneous Event markers.
Event Markers Indicate detected (or manually created) audio events. The Grabber tool will drag the markers in Warp view. In Analysis view you can add, delete, and reposition Event markers.
Warp Markers Anchor the audio to specific points in the Timeline. Displayed in Warp view only Thick black vertical lines with a triangle at the base. In Warp view you can apply TCE, add, move, reposition, and delete Warp markers.
Tempo Event-Generated Warp Markers Not editable Displayed only to indicate where Elastic Audio processing has been applied to conform the audio to Tempo Events. Only visible on tick-based tracks Grey vertical lines with a diamond at the top. On a sample-based track, these markers will convert to regular, editable Warp markers.
Warping Audio 1. Telescoping- applied to any point in an audio waveform bordered by a Warp marker on 1 side. Applied on either a tick or sample-based track. 2. Accordion- applies E.A. processing on both sides of a Warp marker, so you can expand or compress equally on both sides of the marker. 3. Range- applies E.A. processing between 2 fixed points, so you can adjust the timing relative to one another.
Warping Warp Indicators- appear in the upper right hand corner once a region has had Elastic Audio processing. Remove Warping- you can remove warping and revert the region to its original duration. Only applied to regions, not region groups.
Quantizing Existing Material Grid/Groove Quantize MIDI Data- adjusts existing note locations and durations so that timing is improved, rhythmic “feel” achieved. Audio Regions- adjusts start times of the regions Elastic Audio- adjusts to the location of detected transient events and applies E.A. processing accordingly.
The “What to Quantize” Section Attacks - aligns note start points to the nearest grid value. Releases - aligns note end points to the nearest grid value. Preserve note duration - preserves note durations by moving end points in concert with start points. If not selected, note start and end points can be moved independently, changing the duration of the note.
The “Quantize Grid” Section Quantize Grid Pop-up Menu – Determines beat boundaries that notes are aligned to. Tuplet – Quantizes using irregular note groupings Offset Grid By – Forward or backward in time by a # of ticks Randomize – Moves notes randomly forward or back in time
The “Options” Section Swing – Shifts every other grid boundary by a % value Include Within – Quantizes material only when located within a percentage of the grid. Exclude Within – Excludes material from quantization when located within a percentage of the grid Strength – Moves MIDI note, audio region, and E.A. events by a percentage toward the grid.
MIDI Real-Time Properties Change MIDI properties in MIDI and Instrument tracks during playback. Track-based or region-based 1. Quantize 2. Duration 3. Delay 4. Velocity 5. Transpose