TREP Transportation Reimbursement Escort Program San Bernardino County CalACT Conference—April 2011 Paula McGrew Department of Aging and Adult Services
Department of Aging and Adult Services (DAAS) Three Major Program Areas Social Service Programs In Home Supportive Services Adult Protective Services Office of Public Guardian/Conservator for the County of San Bernardino conservator of individuals who are found to be gravely disabled or to lack the capacity to manage their finances and provide for their own care and where no other individual (relative, friend, or private conservator) is willing/able to fulfill this function, as determined by the court. Area Agency on Aging Programs
DAAS (continued) Area Agency on Aging Programs Funding from the Older Americans Act and the Older Californians Act Senior Information and Assistance Elderly Nutrition Senior Supportive Services Family Caregiver Ombudsman Program Senior Community Service Employment Program
What is TREP? An incentive program for volunteer drivers to assist seniors and persons with disabilities to receive necessary escort transportation when they are: unable to drive no other member of their household is able to drive for them and no other form of transportation is available (or they are unable to use other forms of transportation)
TREP Funding Funding is provided by Measure I funds Measure I is the half-cent sales tax collected throughout San Bernardino County for transportation improvements. 5% of revenue collected within each subarea shall be reserved for Senior and Disabled Transit Service. Senior and Disabled Transit is defined as contributions to transit operators for fare subsidies for senior citizens and persons with disabilities or enhancements to transit service provided to seniors and persons with disabilities.
TREP Partners SANBAG—San Bernardino Associated Governments Department of Public Works 3 Transit Agencies Morongo Basin Transit Authority Mountain Area Regional Transit Authority Victor Valley Transit Authority Senior Disabled Fund of San Bernardino County
Areas where TREP is available Morongo Basin San Bernardino Mountains Victor Valley North Desert Qualified participant must reside in unincorporated area of San Bernardino County
TREP Qualified seniors and disabled persons Volunteer drivers reimbursed by the participant at $0.48 Rides to medical appointments, banking, shopping, errands, etc. 350 miles per month limitation 500 miles per month for North Desert Region
TREP—Processing Application—DAAS Senior Information and Assistance staff verifies eligibility Participant submits Mileage Reimbursement forms by the 15 th of the following month Upon approval, reimbursement will be provided by Senior Disabled Fund
TREP Facts From July to December participants 54,337 miles of trips
TREP Data October 2010 SubareaTotal Miles # Round Trips # of Clients $ Paid to Clients Morongo Basin Mountains North Desert Victor Valley
TREP Data October 2010 SubareaAverage Miles per Round Trip Average Cost per Round Trip Morongo Basin 36.9$ 15.5 Mountains43.5$ 17.8 North Desert144.4$ 55.0 Victor Valley54.4$ 24.5 Average $ 28.2
TREP Funding Amounts SubareaFY 2010/11FY 2011/12 Morongo Basin$7500$20,000 Mountains$5000$12,000 North Desert$5000 Victor Valley$7500 Total$25,000$44,500
…but wait there’s more TREP Department of Behavioral Health funded TREP for Victor Valley and High Desert El Mirage TREP-Work
DBH PEI-TREP Effective October 2009 Funded by Mental Health Services Act, Prevention and Early Intervention funds Partners: DBH, Senior Disabled Fund, VVTA, DAAS Limited to Victor Valley area and High Desert Includes incorporated areas
PEI-TREP Facts From July to December participants 57,394 miles of trips
PEI TREP Data for October 2010 SubareaTotal Miles # Round Trips $ Paid to Clients North Desert Victor Valley Total12,
PEI TREP Data for October 2010 SubareaAverage Miles per Round Trip Average Cost per Round Trip North Desert 27.6$ 9.1 Victor Valley 40.0$ 17.9 Total36.4$ 15.3
PEI-TREP Funding Dedicated $18,000 for 3 fiscal years FY 2010, 2011 ending June 30, 2012 January 2011 added $24, % increase
El Mirage TREP-Work Established January 2010 in response to comments received during unmet needs hearings TREP-Work Funded by Local Transportation Funds
TREP-Work Transportation Reimbursement Employment Program
Collaborative Partners First District Supervisor Brad Mitzelfelt SANBAG Victor Valley Transit Authority Department of Public Works Department of Aging and Adult Services
TREP-Work Connect to the VVTA bus stop at Muskrat and El Mirage Road For work, work related training, education and seeking work One way trip of 10 $0.48 per mile Eligibility is based on income, trip purpose and access to a vehicle
TREP-Work Application—return to DAAS Senior Information and Assistance Mileage Reimbursement Request Complete and submit monthly Upon approval, reimbursement will be provided by VVTA
What Works Seniors in remote areas get rides Partnerships DAAS is able to absorb some administrative costs Title IIIB, Supportive Services funding Mobility Management Service Category Coordination Money dedicated to administrative costs (detailed in Area Plan)
What Could Work Better …Or A Wish List Labor Intensive Additional Funding Expand Program Valley Area San Gabriel Mountains and Lytle Creek
Any Questions?