Welcome to Back to School Night! Please find your child’s desk and leave them a word of encouragement on the note card….this would also be a good time to snoop in their desks!
A Little About Me La Costa Meadows Alumni Liberal Studies/Teaching Credential and Elementary Education Masters of Education 6th Year Teaching, 2nd Year at LCM
3rd Grade Curriculum Language Arts- Standards based; mostly done in small reading groups Math- Standards based; mostly done in small groups Writing- Formal Letter, Personal Narrative, Descriptive Writing. We will also be doing creative writing and journals! Science- Animal Adaptations, Light-Energy-Matter, Solar System S.S.- Ca. Native Americans, Landforms & Mapping, Local and Community Government
Field Trips and Special Events Torrey Pines- Native Californians Earth Day Movie Floating Sea Lab End of the Year Boomers Party Traditions Feast End of the Year Party
Homework There will be three weekly assignments assigned on Monday and due Friday. Spelling- 1 activity a night with 8 words in the spelling workbook or Spelling City, workbook must be signed by parent for Spelling City. Fluency- Read with an adult, answer questions and sign Writing- Changes weekly, will sometimes will be a blog! In addition there will be one nightly assignment due the following day. Please sign your child’s planner nightly! **If assignments are not returned the following day the student will be given as S.O.S, they must bring it back signed the next day or they receive detention. The 2nd missed assignment in one week will get an S.O.S and detention.
Our Classroom Economy Every day the students show up to “work” they will earn $2. They will have a job that will pay weekly. They may also earn money for good behavior. At the end of the week they will pay $3 in rent. They can be fined for poor behavior, messy desks, or lost supplies. Once a month we will hold a store where they can buy things with their money.
Classroom Management Do the right thing…The Dolphin Way! Do Your Best Work Help Others Succeed Respect Your School Rewards Praise Fantastic Day Note/Call Home Consequences 1st Offence = Warning 2nd Offence = 5 minute time out, Fined $1 3rd Offence = 10 minute time out, note home, Detention, Fined $1 4th Offence = Principal **Severity Clause - Straight to Principal**
Grades All tests/quizzes will be given a percentage. All other work will be marked with the following: + Excellent + Above and Beyond Assignment Completed Correctly - Work is below expectations - Incomplete/Unacceptable Work
Percent Grades 100% - 90% = 4 89% - 75% = 3 74% - 60% = 2 59% and Below = 1
Daily Schedule Language Arts8: :40 DiRT10: :10 Recess11: :30 Writing11: :10 P.E./Science/ Social Studies/Computers 12: :50 Lunch12:50 - 1:35 Math1:35 - 2:45 Silent Reading and Packing Up 2:45 - 3:10
Weekly Schedule This can be found as a separate link on the class website!
Technology Room 29 is going green! o Weekly News will be ed weekly o Most notes will be ed or e-blasted (be sure to register) o By the end of 3rd grade your child will create at least one Power Point Presentation!
Important Reminders Register with on the LCM website SMUSD Wellness policy…healthy food only for class parties and birthdays!! Please return all papers as soon as possible.
Calling all Volunteers In Class: Reading- Reviewing SRA’s one on one and Literature Circles (coming later in the year) Math- Reviewing Pretest and test one on one with students. Library- Escort the class to library and stay with them during library time Science Garden- Escort the class to Science Garden and stay with them in the garden Music- Escort the class to music and stay with them during music time Art Docent Technology Help ??????? Wednesday guest reader Behind the Scenes: Copying At home grading- SRA’s, Math tests, Math timed tests Prep materials Paparazzi - to help make sure we get photos in the yearbook Room Parent(s)