1 Community Worksheet
2 Task Force/Strike Team Commander Procedures 1.Determine/Advise Control Center of Task Force/Strike Team Assembly Staging Area 2.Proceed to and set up Assembly Staging Area 3.Assemble and Inventory all Response Assets and Personnel (See Reverse Side of Worksheet) 4.Begin Convoy, under Police Escort, to Destination, Advise Control Center By Phone or Radio 5.Establish Communications with Destination Dispatch Center
3 Task Force/Strike Team Commander Procedures 6.Confirm Response Destination Staging Area and/or Team Assignment 7.Establish Communications with Incident Commander 8.Manage and Operate to Best Advantage 9.Confirm Logistical Support Needs (Personnel Rehab, Food, Fuel, Water, etc) 10.Provide Status Reports to NH Control Center
4 Commander Worksheet #1
5 Commander Worksheet #2
6 Police Escort/Security Procedures Establish Communications with Task Force/Strike Team Commander Monitor Area Security and Traffic Determine Travel Route to Destination Lead Task Force/Strike Team Convoy to Destination, Advise State Police Establish Communications with Destination Community Police Agency Maintain Communications with Task Force/Strike Team Commander Coordinate/Manage Security Needs of TF/ST Provide Progress Reports to NH State Police (Situation Status, Logistics, Support Needs)