Pupil Handbook
Grange Park School
My school is a place where my needs are met At school I will: develop my knowledge and skills manage my autism become more independent learn to cope and be included in the community Grange Park School
At school I will: respect myself respect others respect our environment
I will have my own workstation where I can sit and work on my own I will have my own pencil case, books and folders. In my class I have a Teacher and Teaching Assistants (TAs). My TAs stay with class all day but I will have different teachers for different subjects My classroom
My taxi or minibus will bring me to school. I will wait in my taxi until 8.30am 8.30am I will go to the pupil entrance and wait with other pupils for the door to be opened morning task and register 8.40 energise exercises 8.45 lesson lesson 2 Our school day At:
10.45break 11.00lesson lesson 4 school dinner or packed 1.00lunch 1.25outside break register, relaxation 1.50and class assembly 2.00lesson reward time 3.15taxi home
My teacher will help me set targets to work on at school and at home Targets Special Events On some days, instead of lessons we go out for visits or outings. Sometimes different people come into school to visit us.
Daily routines
At the start of the day Put my bag and my coat in my locker. Put my lunch box away. Put my contact book on the main table. Do my morning task and my jobs. Get my zipper bag.
Jobs At break time we stay in the classroom. We do these things: Drink Fruit Activities Toilet Break time We can stay in the classroom or ask to go out in the Courtyard.
Getting ready for dinner Put my zipper bag on my desk. Wash my hands. Get my lunch box. When staff tell me, go to the dining area for dinner. Line up at the door.
After dinner Put my lunch box on my desk Line up by the playground door. If I am in a club, get ready and go to that club. When staff tell me, go outside.
After outside break Put my lunch box in my locker. Sit quietly at my desk for relaxation.
Clear my table Get my bag and coat and wait for my contact book Sit at my work station and wait for my transport to arrive When my teacher tells me to go, put my chair on the table. At the end of the day
Taxi I will: Only leave the classroom when my teacher tells me Only leave the building with my escort or driver Walk with my escort or driver to my taxi or minibus Respect the other people in my taxi or minibus
If I do not complete my work during reward time I will spend time out of class doing my work. If I get 7 or more ticks during the day I can play games during reward time in my classroom. If I do not get 7 ticks staff will tell me to go to a work area for 15 minutes during reward time to do some work.
Fruit At breaktime we can have fruit to eat with our drinks. We pay £1 each week for this. Outside Break Most days we are able to go outside before dinner. We can play games or go on the climbing frame. Some of us have ‘buddies’ during outside break. Wet Break If it is raining we have wet break. We do different activities in some of the classrooms
Toilets When I want to go to the toilet: Ask a member of staff Put my name on the board Go to the toilet and wash my hands Come back to class and take my name off the board Jobs In class I have a rota of jobs to do each day, for example filling the water bottles or making drinks Assembly Once a week we have a whole school assembly in the hall.
School dinner Instead of packed lunch I can have a school dinner To get my dinner I take a tray, plate, bowl, knife, fork and spoon I queue up at the trolley I can choose what I want to eat I can sit at a table with my friends There is water on the table for us to drink
Uniform We wear a blue sweatshirt, dark grey trousers or skirt, a white shirt and black shoes PE For PE we wear a blue polo shirt, shorts and trainers. After PE we have a shower then put our uniform back on Personal Equipment No mobile phones, ipods or any other computer games are allowed in school
Certificates and rewards Merits: 20 = Bronze 35 = Silver 50 = Gold 70 = Platinum 100 = Emerald 140 = Diamond (Voucher) Blue stickers: 20 = Certificate 40 = Championship Free time on computer lesson 1 on a Friday. 60 = Premiership Outing on a Friday.