Addressing Transportation in Grimes County Group 6 Dilber Bulsara Erica Gibson Ogeikpe Nwogu Jamie Truitt
Introduction The Need ◦Transportation Barrier to health services & other basic needs Mentioned in every discussion group #1 most serious issue in all counties 65% reported: Needed transportation but could not get it
Introduction Target Population ◦65 + ◦Grimes County Population: 25,552 15.6% are 65 or over 800 sq. miles
Introduction Why target those 65+ ◦Make up a significant portion of the population ◦Increasing number of older adults ◦Need medical care/transportation more often ◦Not safe for them to drive
Intervention Addressing the Problem ◦Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) Diver Escort Program
Intervention RSVP and the Driver Escort Program ◦Evidence based ◦Successful in rural areas ◦High volunteer rates Volunteer Rate
RSVP in Grimes County RSVP has been in Grimes County for 5 years RSVP uses volunteers age of 55 and older to transport residents over the age of 65 Brazos Valley has around 250 stations where volunteers are located Volunteers use their own vehicles to pick up those that need transportation and take them where ever they need to go (the volunteers are reimbursed for their gas)
RSVP in Grimes County Transportation to medical facilities is where most are transported RSVP also has one van in Grimes County ◦ There is no age restriction Although RSVP is present in Grimes County transportation is still a problem among seniors
Strategies to Increase Awareness of RSVP Create an RSVP Ambassadors/Advocacy Group ◦Group of adults age 50 and older trained by RSVP Staff Involve senior volunteers in the planning and decision making concerning RSVP in Grimes County
Recruitment Strategies & Activities Involve Community Partners ◦Reach target population & inform of services available ◦Recruit volunteers ◦Identify potential ambassadors Involve Seniors ◦Train senior volunteers to speak at community events and to community organizations to help raise awareness about the needs among older adults in their community Involve Advocacy/Ambassadors Group ◦Increase awareness & recruit volunteers
Community Partners United Way of the Brazos Valley Brazos Valley Area Agency on Aging (AAA) Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Retired Teachers Assoc. The Lena Mae Fares Foundation Grimes county Health Resource Commission Local Churches Sunshine & Progressive Senior Centers Local Public Health Dept Grimes St. Joseph Hospital
Community Resources Kiwinas Navasota Public Health Department ◦Office for holding meetings and extend semi- annual free check-ups for volunteers Grimes St. Joseph Hospital Local Radio & Newspaper Lion’s Club
Impact on Environment Decrease in transportation shortage among target population Increase in participation & utilization of RSVP Identify partners with similar concerns and issues Allow establishment of relationships with key individuals in different sectors in the community
Impact on Environment Provided a solid network and forming coalitions among senior groups and regionally It has encouraged funders to form partnerships and to clarify and coordinate their financial roles and responsibilities Considering the rural nature and the created atmosphere of networking, more senior residents are likely to embrace the program
Defining Success Increase RSVP utilization among seniors in Grimes County and increase the number of people who volunteer Increase in participation among community partners Improve the transportation problem among seniors in Grimes County Enhance networking on individual and community level
Defining Success A positive, value based approach: ◦A successful RSVP program captures the wisdom of seniors and promotes the theme of seniors as contributors to the society and to Grimes County
Defining Success Effective Community Awareness: ◦Successful programs have leaders with the necessary skills to sell the program ◦They know the programs value and how to package it ◦They use focal points to share and publicize success stories and build the case of value
Defining Success Strong Community Partnerships: ◦Partnerships that foster sustainability are ones that share space, resources, services, tools and talents ◦They may support various aspects of the program, provide it with infrastructure, and integrate or combine activities
Defining Success A clear need for the program: ◦Seniors themselves identify the RSVP program need and demonstrate readiness to be involved Focused Efforts: ◦The RSVP program focuses its efforts on specific populations and on access to transportation for seniors. It is community based, volunteer driven and led by seniors
Defining Success Timely planning and evaluation: ◦The RSVP program is developed with partners through joint, long term planning based on vision and mutual goal ◦Ongoing evaluation allows the program assess progress, make need adjustments and market itself
Sustainability Sustaining RSVP means it will continue as long as it is needed It requires planning from the onset of the program
Sustainability Project management Maintain strong community partnerships Ensure ownership by seniors Recruit volunteers with a variety of skills Develop realistic & sustainable roles for volunteers Nurture volunteers
Sustainability Leadership o Internal Champion: an ambassador/advocate of the program that is highly involved member of the community Research & Evaluation o Monitor utilization and participation in RSVP
Conclusion Impact: ◦Increase number of volunteers participating in RSVP ◦Increase use of RSVP among seniors in Grimes County ◦To decrease the transportation shortage in Grimes County among seniors
Resources Conversation with Rick Dysart- Area Agency on Aging on March 8, Yassuda, Monica S., Wilson, Jennifer J. “Driving Cessation: The perspective of senior drivers”. (1997) Educational Gerontology Vol. 23 Issue 6, p525