Scottsdale Airport Operations Plan Photo by Justin Lawrence
Single runway 3-21 Runway is 8,249 feet long and 100 feet wide Equipped with Medium Intensity Runway Edge Lights (MIRL) 100,000 pound weight maximum Scottsdale Airport Overview
FAA Tower Hours Regular hours: 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 31 : 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 1 (Super Bowl): 5 a.m. until the following Monday 9 p.m. U.S. Customs & Border Protection w/ U.S. VISIT On-airport Fire Station and Aircraft Rescue Fire Fighting (ARFF) team SDL has a long history of providing first class access to those visiting the greater Phoenix metropolitan area. Super Bowl will be no different; we remain committed to providing exceptional service to all users of our facility. The Airport will utilize every resource to assure you receive the best service available. Scottsdale Airport Overview
Airport Information Airport Administration: Tower ( L) Ground ( L) CTAF ATIS – ( ) Clearance – ASOS ( ) ATCT
Airport Information (800) (480) Fax: (480) ARINC: Unicom: (480) Fax: (480) ARINC: Unicom:
Prior Permission Request (PPR) Required Due to the high volume of traffic anticipated during the event and in conjunction with other airports managing traffic during the Super Bowl over the last few years, the Airport has developed a reservation system that will be managed by the FBOs to better coordinate with the FAA. Reservation system will provide the FAA with essential information such as tail numbers and names of operators utilizing the airspace during the Super Bowl. A set number of reservations for arrivals and departures have been equally distributed to each FBO for their customers.
PPR Required All aircraft (based or transient) intending to access/depart SDL either VFR or IFR from 5 p.m. of Super Bowl Sunday, February 1, 2015 through Monday, February 2, 2015 must have a reservation with their preferred FBO. Please contact your preferred FBO to discuss your service needs prior to your arrival (this applies to ALL traffic during the above referenced timeframe). You will be provided with a confirmation number by your preferred FBO which must be added to the comment section of your flight plan. According to FAA Air Traffic personnel, the Airport will have approximately 30 – 32 departure slots per hour available and 4 arrival slots per hour during the PPR Super Bowl event time frames, so place your reservation with your preferred FBO as soon as possible.
Super Bowl aircraft parking map
Under the proposed TFR, Scottsdale Airport will be allowed to accept arrivals and departures during the times that the Super Bowl TFR is in effect. There will be limited access for arrivals (estimated 4 per hour) starting at 5 p.m. Super Bowl Sunday through Monday due to the high amount of departing traffic from the region. Temporary Flight Restrictions
The FAA will be releasing a set number of departure reservations to the airport during Super Bowl weekend. The FAA completed an enhanced departure route from Scottsdale Airport. Two new RNAV departures with separate departure fixes to de-conflict with DVT. Published – Nov Due to safety concerns, passengers and crew will be required to wait for departure in the FBO facility. Departure Reservations - FAA
Aircraft crews must check in with Airport Departure Control Desk (Aviation Department Staff) at their respective FBO when ALL passengers are present and ready for departure. It is recommended that crews arrive at least 45 minutes prior to departure. It is recommended that passengers arrive at least 30 minutes prior to departure. Halftime/Post Game Departure Procedures
A departure reservation number will be issued by the Airport Departure Control Desk once clearance is received. Once a departure reservation number is assigned, pilots and passengers will be escorted to aircraft by the FBO. Prior to engine start, check ATIS for Clearance Delivery instructions. Obtain IFR clearance from Clearance Delivery at Contact Ground for taxi instructions at ATC will direct aircraft to the departure runway. Halftime/Post Game Departure Procedures
Crew 45 mins Passengers 30 mins Request Clearance ADCD Escort to a/c by FBO Obtain clearance by ATC Depart Prior to Departure Timeslot
Based aircraft at Scottsdale Airport will require a reservation to depart during the PPR period (Sunday through Monday). Reservations may be obtained by calling one of Scottsdale’s FBOs. The Airport Departure Control Desk at their preferred FBO (the FBO which coordinated your reservation) prior to receiving clearance from the FAA. FBOs will coordinate with based tenants looking for departure reservations. Based Aircraft Departures
Departure slots are available and they will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis through the FBO reservation system. All aircraft will be required to check in at the Airport Departure Control Desk at their respective FBO and must have ALL passengers and crew ready to go in order to obtain clearance. Based tenants will be required to coordinate with the Airport Departure Control Desk via Telephone. Important Information
Space for accommodating ground transportation at Scottsdale Airport is severely limited. Please expect significant traffic during the hours immediately following the event. Your patience is appreciated. Scottsdale Airport is located approximately 32 miles NE of the University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, Arizona Please refer to your FBO for ground transportation accommodations. Ramp side access for vehicles will be prohibited during the PPR timeframe of the event. Ground Transportation Vehicles will not be allowed to wait outside of the FBOs due to limited parking and security concerns. The ground transportation plan is dynamic and subject to change.
SDL to Stadium: 32 miles Stadium SDL
No vehicular access will be permitted to any ramp, taxiway or runway. To ensure passenger safety, loitering around any parked aircraft is not permitted. All passengers are requested to stay inside the aircraft unless transferring to a van or the FBO. No smoking within 50 feet of any aircraft. No garbage, luggage or packages to be left unattended. The airport reserves the right to restrict movement on any movement area should the need arise. Safety and Security
For noise abatement information, please visit We ask that all pilots using SDL to be a good neighbor to our community and fly quietly. Noise Abatement
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