H UMAN T RAFFICKING S ECTION Jason Sherman – Spring 2012
L OGISTICS Office Hours 5-6pm in Greenhouse Café (by appt) Midterm
C OMPETITIVENESS What is sex slavery so profitable? Shouldn’t it be a more competitive industry? Could reduced competition in the labor market of source countries hamper the incentive for exploitation and trafficking? Wes (3-4pm) What are the varying factors that cause such a difference in profitability between countries? Sarah (3-4pm)
D RUGS VS. S EX T RAFFICKING Why is sex trafficking more profitable than the drug trade? Why do you think the penalties for drug trafficking are so much greater than those given for sex trafficking? Aria (3-4pm) and Justyna (4-5pm) Finding an “escort” is easy in the U.S through open advertisements. Finding drugs is not, why? Elisabeth (3-4pm) How come more women have assumed a large role in human trafficking rather than drug trafficking? (Shanen 4-5pm)
E LASTICITY OF D EMAND What does it mean that the demand for sex slaves is elastic? What do you think can be done to make the demand of the sex market much less elastic? Jenna (3-4pm)
R ANDOM Q UESTION We talk a lot about innocent victims and evil traffickers. Is it possible that capitalism and huge inequalities between countries make the traffickers victims of the system too? Could it be that traffickers are desperate and can only get ahead by trafficking, and does this justify trafficking. Ian (4-5pm)
Groups Please me your thesis to the following question: Discuss the main critiques of contemporary campaigns to abolish trafficking in human persons.
M IDTERM E XERCISE Please write 3 topic sentences you will have for your body paragraphs and them to me.