National Incident Management System (NIMS) Briefing What this means to your qualification!!
Paragraph 1 from NIMS Memo dated 10 APR 2008 The National Board recently voted to implement NIMS training for CAP emergency services personnel. The board made the decision to become NIMS compliant so that our volunteers will be better prepared to support all our Federal, state, and local customers. Completing the same NIMS training that all other agencies are striving toward will make CAP a more viable partner that is able to work well with other similarly trained organizations. It will also help your units qualify for grants that are only available to those organizations that are NIMS compliant.
Our Requirements Members will need to complete online courses by 31 December 2008 in order to remain qualified All online courses are available at: ICS 400 training is the exception and needs to be completed by 30 September 2009.
Requirements If you did not complete any of these courses your qualifications are currently suspended You have until 1 February to complete the courses or your qualifications will expire and you will have to requalify The next slides tell you what courses are required for you to maintain or earn your qualifications
Numbering The numerical numbering is not sequential They have been described by order of need
IS-700 Course Name:National Incident Management System (NIMS) An IntroductionNational Incident Management System (NIMS) An Introduction CEUs: 0.3 College Credits: n/a Required for All personnel training for any specialty beyond GES If you have a GES and plan to train you need this
IS 200 Course Name:ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action IncidentsICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents CEUs: 0.3College Credits: 1.0 (When combined w/ IS-100.a) Required for Mission Pilot, MSA, GTL and Radio Operator or Higher If you are or want to be any of these you must take this course
IS 800 Course Name:National Response Framework, An IntroductionNational Response Framework, An Introduction CEUs: 0.3College Credits: 1.0 (When combined w/ IS-1900) Required for Branch Directors (Ground, Air) and Key base Staff (Comm Unit Leader, Information Officer) or higher If you are or want to be these qualifications you must take this course
IS 300 This is not an Online Course ICS 300 Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents Required for Branch Directors (Ground, Air) and Key base Staff (Comm Unit Leader, Information Officer) or Higher This course is designed to enable personnel to operate efficiently using the Incident Command System (ICS) in supervisory roles on expanding or Type 3 incidents. This course requires 24 hours for presentation. The course unit topics include ICS fundamentals review, incident/event assessment, unified command, incident resource management, planning process, demobilization, transfer of command, and closeout.
IS 400 This is not an Online Course Required for Incident Commanders and Recommended for Section Chief Positions. ICS 400 Advanced ICS for Major and/or Complex Incidents This course is designed to enable personnel to operate efficiently in the advanced application of the Incident Command System (ICS). I-400 provides training for senior personnel who are expected to perform in a management capacity in a major and/or complex incident environment. This course will require hours for presentation. The course units and lessons provide fundamentals review for Command and General Staff, unified command (optional), major and/or complex incident/event management, area command, and multi- agency coordination.
Breakdown MSA, UDFT and FTMs need ICS 200 FTLs need ICS 700, and ICS 200 Pilot, Observer, Scanner need ICS 700, and ICS 200 Air Branch, Air Operations, Ground Branch and Ground Operations need ICS 700, ICS 200, ICS 800 and ICS 300 Incident Commanders need all plus ICS 400
Questions? RCS Emergency Services Officer LtC Candi Jones