Student Count Procedures By the team of Candi Headley (6133) and MIS (6065) 1
General Notes Thank you to everyone for all you are and have been doing since August! The Student Count really is a team process – including schools and their office staffs, special education, ELL, the transition program, MIS and Finance. We have created a Powerpoint that encompasses everything that needs to be done, and who is responsible for each piece. Please be aware of the titles on the top of the slides – whichever group is responsible for that information will be displayed! 2
Index 4. Schools – Demographics screen 6. Schools – Race & Ethnicity 8. Schools – General Enrollment 9. Schools – State Reporting fields 13. MIS – State Reporting fields 18. Secondary Schools Only 19. Ad Hocs – Schools 21. Procedures – Attendance 24. Procedures – Enrollment Info 27. Procedures - Behavior 29. Student Count Procedures Step 1 – Step 2 – Step 3 – Step 4 – 37 (secondary only) Step 5 – Step 6 – 42 (secondary only) Step 7 – 43 (secondary only) Step 8 – 44 Step 9 – 45 (secondary only) Step 10 – Step 11 – 48 (secondary only) Step
Schools Required Fields – Demographics Verify Full Name matches birth certificate! A birth certificate or other proof of legal age, as well as proof of residence is required per board policy. Verify Gender and Birthdate Verify Race/Ethnicity Verify/enter Birth Country Note: Student must be 5 on or before 10/01/2013 if in Kindergarten and 6 on or before 10/01/2013 if in 1 st grade. 4
School Required Fields – Demographics Explanation of fields Last name, first name, and middle name must match birth certificate. “NMN” is no longer accepted in the middle name box. This information will instead be put in the comment box. Birth Country – this needs to be modified for students NOT born in the US. If you have students who were born in a foreign country, please mark this on the Birth Country! If they are born in the US, the code is already correct, as MIS has defaulted this to the US if the field was blank. Furthermore, please enter the date the student entered the US in the “Date Entered US” field! This will help us verify migrant and immigrant students for auditing purposes. 5
School Required Fields – Race & Ethnicity All students in Infinite Campus are required to have an ethnicity (Hispanic: yes/no) And at least one race selected. This is a two part question to which each part must be answered. For additional information and resources see the “Race & Ethnicity” tab. 6
School Required Fields – Identity Changes Path: Census>People>Identity (NOT just Demographics). Click “new” to add a new identity. Please remember to change all student names via an Identity change. Even if it’s a typo, add a new Identity. If we’ve already submitted for a State ID number, then an error occurs on the state report because the name is different. Changing only the Demographics screen erases all history, and makes finding and correcting errors extremely difficult. 7
School Required Fields – General Enrollment New Students – make sure all available student information is entered into Infinite Campus! If the student has transferred into the district from another district, please remember to add previous school information in the “Start” comments on the Enrollment screen. For kindergarten students, please list the previous school; either “home” or the name of the pre-school that the student attended. Verify the Grade, Start Date, and Start Status. Also, as a student enters or withdraws from the school, use the Start and/or End Comments to note where the student is coming from / going to. Eg, “Somerset MS CA ”. Entry and withdraw codes need to be accurate, as this is information the auditor checks and uses in determining the count. –Union Colony, Frontier, University and West Ridge Academy are in district transfers- code 11 8
School Required Fields- State Reporting Resident District or State Pupil Attendance Enrolled in US Continuous in CO 9
Explanations For residents outside of Greeley-Evans enrollment boundaries (Eg, Ault or Loveland), use the “Resident District” “AND “Pupil Attendance” drop-downs to recode the students. MIS will default any items left blank to our district for all students. Please see the Ad Hoc reports section for information on how to locate the students who will need to have this code modified. “Pupil Attendance”: (this field is tied to “Resident District” field). MIS will default anyone left blank to the code to “01 – Resident, Designated School”. For open enrolled students, this code must be changed to “02 – Resident, School of choice” OR whichever option fits the student. Please see the Ad Hoc Reports section for instructions on how to find which students are open-enrolled, and then go back to change it from the default code. 10
Explanations Con’t “Enrolled in US”: This field collects the date a student most recently enrolled in any public or non-public US school (not Puerto Rico). Home school does not count as “public or non-public US school”. If the student has never attended schools outside of the US, use the date the student first entered any US school at any grade. If the student has attended schools outside of the US, use the date the student most recently entered or re-entered any US school at any grade. Schools on US military bases count as US schools. Note: “Continuous in US” has been replaced by the “Enrolled in US” date field. MIS has created an Ad Hoc to help your school identify students who have not been continuously enrolled, and thus would need to have the date changed, and the checkbox UNCHECKED for “Continuous in US”. This work happens in the Enrollment tab (date and check box) 11
Explanations Con’t “Continuous In CO”: Student has been enrolled in a Colorado public school since 3/10/11 for grades 3-10 or 4/23/11 for 11 th grade. Pre- Kindergarten and Kindergarten do NOT count towards the 3 years. MIS has removed the checkbox and date for all Kindergarten through 2 nd grade students, since they will not qualify for either! Please see notes on how to run Ad Hoc to verify these fields for both “Continuous in CO” AND “Enrolled in US” date field. Multiple households: One of the cleanup pieces is to find students with multiple households, and making sure secondary households are flagged. (by flagging the address as secondary). By flagging them as secondary, then we can determine which address is primary (and if it is within our district boundaries) 12
MIS Required fields – State Reporting “Language Background” has been defaulted to English IF it was blank; this is a required field. MIS will work with the state on ELL students who have a language background of English (which will cause an error when uploading). *** Schools should not modify language codes. “Funding Code”: If you have a program or a student that qualifies for less than full time funding it is up to you to change the funding code to the correct code! 13
MIS Required fields – State Reporting “Homeless” and “Homeless Residence” fields will be entered by the MIS team once received from the Welcome Center. MIS is responsible for District Number, SASID, School Code, Eligible Facility/Detention Code, Free or Reduced Lunch, Continuously in District, Continuously in School, expelled students, and October New to School. 14
MIS Required fields – State Reporting - ELL Personnel, please verify : Migrant Immigrant Continuous in ELL Language Background Language Proficiency ELPA year ESL Bilingual 15
MIS Required fields – State Reporting Verify 504, IEP status, disability type(s), and make sure they are flagged appropriately. Also verify checkbox for CSAP Alternative assessments under State Reporting fields – per state reporting, this must be determined by IEP team. 16
MIS Required fields – State Reporting- Transition Team, please verify Path: Student Info>General>Enrollments>State Reporting Fields>Transition. Please code all students to appropriate year of transition! If funding code is 80 but student is part-time, please change funding code to reflect part- time! 17
Secondary Schools Only Path: Search by Course/section, find course, and click on name to go to main Course tab. The MIS team added “Type” categories for courses to include IS, and WS. Please go though all courses in 13/14 that could be included in either of these 2 categories, and contact MIS with changes! There is an Ad Hoc you may run of students who are enrolled in those courses. Please see the Ad Hoc Reports section for information on how to locate these students, and how to flag them accordingly. See pg. 23 in Student October Count 2012 Resource Guide for documentation requirements. 18
Ad Hocs MIS has created the Ad Hocs needed for the October Count. We have also created an extra “red neck” user group, and placed at least one person from each school into this group. The name of the group is “AA – October Count”. Find the name(s) of the Ad Hoc(s) to run, and run them in the 13/14 school year for your school. DO NOT MODIFY THESE AD HOCS except for school name (you may change it to your school name)! They have been created so each school may use them – if you modify these reports, it will affect your school as well as others! 19
Ad Hocs con’t Non-continuously enrolled students –finds certain end statuses in 13/14 year. This is then used to check “Continuous in US” and “Enrolled in US” fields. Non-resident students. Students are flagged with addresses that aren’t Greeley or Evans. This is then used to 1. verify primary and secondary households and 2. “Resident District or State” field and 3. “Pupil Attendance” in State Reporting. Open-enrolled students. Students who have been flagged as open- enrolled will be pulled. This information is then used to modify the “Pupil Attendance” field in State Reporting. Independent Study. SECONDARY ONLY. Students who are taking an Independent Study course will be pulled. This information is then used to check the “Independent Study” checkbox in State Reporting. MASTER LISTING for grade, nationality, and gender. This should be grouped by grade level. NOTE: this will not pull “S” type enrollments. Students over 21 – Any student who will turn 21 by October 1st. 20
Attendance- A pupil must establish membership by being in attendance for inclusion in the membership count. A pupil shall be in attendance if one of the following apply: The pupil attends school for all or any portion of the official count day. The pupil is absent on the official count date, has attended school in the 5 school days prior to the official count date, and has resumed attendance within 30 calendar days after the official count date The pupil is absent on the official count date, has attended school during the current school year prior to the count date, and has resumed attendance within 5 school days after the official count date The pupil is absent for the entire eleven day count period, has attended school during the current school year, the district has obtained a “Letter of intent to return”, and the pupil resumes attendance within 30 calendar days after the official count date Reference: CSBOE Rule 2254-R
Procedures - Attendance On October 1 st (as well as any other day), please make sure that all attendance is accurate. This includes flagging students with attendance codes such as “Homebound”, “Suspended”, etc. Make sure to enter comments for why the student was absent. Eg, “ill” or “doctor’s appointment” for each absence. The auditor checks and uses these comments to determine the count! Use the print feature under Attendance>Daily Attendance, effective date 10/01/2013 to print a list of students who are absent on that date. To pull out lists of student by absence code, use Attendance>Reports>Period Count (eg, suspended students or students listed as Homebound). 22
Procedures – Attendance Con’t Mark attendance sheets with appropriate code. For grades 1 through 5, if the school has a student that is a non-full day attendee, please send MIS an attendance schedule with student name and number. If a student is absent on October 1st, but has been attending your school anytime during the three days prior or three days after, the student can be included in the count! Use the Attendance>Reports>Attendance Register report to check student enrollment and attendance for the three days before and after October 1st. Use options of Student’s Daily Attendance, date range of three school days before Oct. 1st to three days after Oct. 1 st then choose each grade level in turn. 23
Procedures – Enrollment Info Notification Letter - During the week of October 3 rd (deadline is October 8 th !!!), please fill out the lower portion of the form (separate sheet for each school district), Candi Headley will complete and mail to the appropriate former school district. Withdraws – Once an enrollment has been end-dated make sure to fill in the End Status Comment field. Where did they go? 24
Procedures – Enrollment Info Con’t The school must fill out an “Intent to Return” form if a student is absent on October 1st and 3 days prior to OR after the count day. When the student returns, please complete the “Intent to Return” form and send it along with the all documentation of reason(s) the student was out for more than 3 days. Eg, vacation, emergency, suspensions, surgery, illness, doctor’s letter, and school nurse information. Intent to Return letter – make sure your school’s letterhead is at the top of the “Intent to Return” form. Fill in ALL student information, including name, grade, and student number. 25
Procedures – Enrollment Info Con’t You MUST have a parent’s signature to make this an official/valid form. Please keep these forms at your school until the student returns. All information, including a returning date, the signature/title of the school official, and the date the form was signed must be completed before sending to MIS. The school official must sign these forms. The student has until October 30 th to return to school. If the student does not return, please provide a written document and send it to the MIS department so that we do not include the student in our count. 26
Procedures - Behavior To find students who have been suspended during this time, run EITHER the Attendance>Reports>Period Count report for code “OSS: Out of School Suspension” or the Behavior>Reports>Resolution report. 27
Student Count procedures We have created procedures that, if followed, should ensure an accurate student count. You are being asked to ensure that the data for your school is ACCURATE! Please make all changes in the Infinite Campus database by end of day on October 1 st ! We will be backing up Infinite Campus for the count at that time. This is the information that will be sent to the state. There may be some outstanding issues at that time that are beyond your control. If this is the case, please contact Candi at 6133 or MIS at On October 8 th, all ELEMENTARY and K-8 documentation must be signed and turned in to Candi. On October 10 th, all Middle School documentation must be signed and turned in to Candi. On October 12 th, all High School documentation must be signed and turned in to Candi. 28
October 1st! Student schedules will be printed for you at 5 pm on Monday, October 1st. Have your data updated prior to 5 pm Monday, October 1st. If you finish early, please contact
Step 1 (All Schools) Gather the following reports for your school. Substitute roster given to teachers to get student signatures (Attendance>Reports>Sub Attendance Roster) Assignments in Infinite Campus are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED THIS YEAR. Master student list (Ad Hoc) Be certain to run this by grade not alpha. No Secondary enrollments will appear this year. Enrollment Status report (Student Info>Reports, to be used for enrollment history) Attendance Register (Attendance>Reports>Register, to be used for attendance history for 3 days before and after October 1 st ) A listing of students with spotty attendance (Attendance>Reports>Period Count OR Day Count reports – use minimum number of absences to check) A listing of Homebound students (from attendance reports) A listing of Expelled students – pertains to secondary schools ONLY! (from MIS dept.) A listing of Suspended students (Attendance>Reports>Period count OR Behavior>Reports>Resolution report) A listing of students not in attendance on October 1st (Daily Attendance printout) A list of part-time students based on schedule / documentation (eg, homeschooled). 30
Step 1 con’t Elementary - you will need the following colors of highlighter: pink, green, orange and blue. Secondary will need pink, green, blue, yellow, purple, and orange. You will also need a blue pen. The highlighted colors will help us verify your counts. MIS will provide the highlighters. 31
Step 2 - Elementary Review the following listings. If you believe the students listed in the various categories are correct, and that no students have been omitted, set the report aside. If the reports are NOT correct, MAKE THE CORRECTIONS IN PENCIL on the report and note the corrections on the MASTER STUDENT LISTING by the student’s name. Students enrolled during the count window (Enrollment Status report) Students that are Homebound, expelled, or suspended (Period Count) Students absent on Oct 1st (Daily attendance printout) 32
Step 2 - Secondary Review the following listing printed from Infinite Campus. If you believe the students listed in the various categories are correct, and no students have been omitted, set the report aside. If the reports are NOT correct, MAKE THE CORRECTIONS IN PENCIL on the report, and note the corrections on the MASTER STUDENT LISTING by the student’s name. Students enrolling during the count window Students with partial schedules Students are that are Homebound, Expelled, or Suspended Students taking post secondary option courses Students taking courses at other District 6 sites (use Enrollment Overlap report) Students absent on Oct 1st Student schedules PRINTED ON OCTOBER 1 ST. Schedules will be printed for you this year and delivered to your school on October 3 rd. 33
Step 2 – Secondary con’t Now begin to check off students in an orderly manner, schedule by schedule, to determine actual count. Take the individual student schedules and the attendance listing for October 1 st. To verify, pull schedules for all students that were in attendance on October 1 st. Remove from this stack all students that are on any of the lists mentioned on the previous slide or have spotty attendance. Remaining should be a work set of student schedules consisting of students with no special issues who attended October 1 st. Review the schedules one by one for accuracy, and put a checkmark beside the names of the students whose schedules you have just reviewed on the MASTER STUDENT LISTING. Set these schedules on the floor if accurate, in a corrections pile if inaccurate. If you find errors, note the errors on the schedules and on the MASTER STUDENT LISTING. 34
Step 3 - Elementary Look at the listing of students enrolled during the count window. Highlight all names in this group in GREEN on the MASTER STUDENT listing. For students who transferred within the state but from outside the district, complete a notification letter. Then go to step 5 (step 4 is specific to secondary schools). 35
Step 3 - Secondary Look at the listing of students enrolled during the count window. Review your Pupil Count Manual. Pull the schedules for these students to verify. Note the following on the MASTER STUDENT LISTING. For each student on the list, note if the student came AFTER October 1 st. Note if the transfer is in District, out of District but in State, or Out of State Note also the status of the required CDE letter called “Notification Letter of Pupil Enrollment on Count Day or in the Five Days Preceding Count Day” (required for in-state). Refer to training material for copy of the letter AND your responsibilities concerning this. For out of state transfers, or in-district transfers, note the date the student began attending your school. Next, review the schedules for this group. Set these schedules on the floor if accurate, in the corrections pile if inaccurate. If you find errors, note the errors on the schedules AND on the MASTER STUDENT LISTING. Highlight all names in this group in GREEN on the MASTER STUDENT LISTING. 36
Step 4 – Secondary Next, pull the listing of students that do not have a full schedule and their respective schedules for verification. Highlight this group of names with a YELLOW marker on the MASTER STUDENT LISTING. On the MASTER STUDENT LISTING, note the number of classes the student is taking. Include only the classes listed on the schedule PLUS any additional classes that were inadvertently omitted. Note this correction on the MASTER STUDENT LISTING. Note the number of hours in the student’s schedule for the semester. Next, review the schedules in this group. Set these schedules on the floor if accurate, and in the corrections pile if inaccurate. If you find errors, note the errors on the schedules and on the MASTER STUDENT LISTING. 37
Step 5 Review the listings of the homebound, home schooled, suspended, and expelled students. Note any corrections needed on the MASTER STUDENT LISTING. Make sure you have adequate documentation to support the homebound and home schooled listing. The student must either have been in school or receiving homebound instruction, or be home schooled registered by October 1 st. Highlight these names in BLUE. See pages 22, 23, and 28 in the Pupil Count Manual for more information. 38
Step 5 con’t Home Bound students – If a home bound student is receiving school district instruction and meets the following criteria, the district may include the student in its home school count. The pupil is enrolled on the official count date. The pupil is receiving instruction that includes, but is not limited to, instruction delivered using technology under the supervision of a certificated or licensed teacher. The determination of full-time or part-time status is based upon the number of hours of pupil teacher contact scheduled prior to becoming home bound. * Contact 6133 if you have any questions regarding a homebound student. Reference: CSBOE Rule 2254-R
Step 5 con’t Home Schooled students – A home schooled pupil receiving instruction under an established system of home study shall not be included in the membership count. Home schooled pupils may be counted as part- time if they meet membership requirements and have a public school schedule of at least 90 hours of pupil-teacher contact in the semester of the official count date. * if you are not sure the schedule meets part-time requirements, contact Reference: CSBOE Rule 2254-R
Step 5 con’t Expelled students – Expelled pupils are not eligible to be included in the pupil count. However, if a pupil is expelled from a school setting and the district continues to provide an educational program off-site, or purchased educational services, then the pupil is eligible to be counted. Students must be in an educational program on the official count date. This includes students expelled in a prior school year. The determination of full-time or part-time status is based on the number of hours of pupil-teacher contact scheduled either prior or being expelled OR currently in the expelled program. The district may count an expelled student if the student was expelled in the current school year, was not in attendance during the 11 day count period, and the pupil resumed attendance in an educational program (provided by the school district or another educational agency) within 30 CALENDAR days after the official count date. Reference: CSBOE Rule 2254-R-5.03(8) 41
Step 6 – Secondary Pull the listing of students taking post-secondary options, work-study or independent study and their respective schedules to verify. Highlight these names with a PURPLE marker on the MASTER STUDENT LISTING. On the MASTER STUDENT LISTING note the number of classes the student is taking. Include only the classes listed on the schedule PLUS any additional classes inadvertently omitted. Note this correction on the MASTER STUDENT LISTING. Also note the number of hours in the student’s schedule for the semester. Make sure you have adequate documentation for these courses. They should be in the student’s schedule! Next, review the schedules for this group. Set these schedules on the floor if accurate, and in the corrections pile if not accurate. If you find errors, note the errors on the schedules and on the MASTER STUDENT LISTING. 42
Step 7 – Secondary Pull the listing of the students taking courses at other district six sites (use the Enrollment Overlap report). On the MASTER STUDENT LISTING, note the number of classes the student is taking. Include only the classes listed on the schedule, PLUS any additional classes that were inadvertently omitted. Note this correction on the MASTER STUDENT LISTING. Also note the number of hours in the student’s schedule for the semester. Next, review the schedules for this group. Set these schedules on the floor if accurate, and in the corrections pile if inaccurate. If you find errors, note the errors on the schedules and on the MASTER STUDENT LISTING. Circle these names in PEN on the MASTER STUDENT LISTING. 43
Step 8 Pull the listing of students with spotty attendance. Have these students been in attendance during the count window? See page 3 of the Pupil Count manual for options. If they are not in attendance as indicated you need to have the “Intent to Return” form signed by the parent/guardian by October 30 th ! For all students who are absent October 1 st please print a screen of that student’s attendance (Student Info>General>Attendance, and then print button). The auditor checks these to verify membership. If you need to get an “Intent to Return” form, note it next to the student’s name on the MASTER STUDENT LISTING. If you are pressing charges for truancy, note that also, and provide documentation (truancy Letter-dated on or before October 7 th ). BE PREPARED TO PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION. Highlight these names in ORANGE on the master student listing. 44
Step 9 – Secondary Do you have anyone at your site that turned 21 before October 1 st ? If so, please contact MIS. Use the Census>Reports>Census by Birthdate report, or an Ad Hoc can be utilized. See the Ad Hoc section for more information on how to run this Ad Hoc. 45
Step 10 - Elementary Look at the remaining students on the MASTER STUDENT LISTING. These should be the names of students that normally attend school but were absent on October 1 st. Review them for accuracy, then highlight these names in PINK on the MASTER STUDENT LISTING. 46
Step 10 – Secondary Review the remaining schedules. These should be schedules of students who normally attend school but were absent on count day, and have full schedules. Review them for accuracy. Set these schedules on the floor if accurate, and in the corrections pile if inaccurate. If you find errors, note the errors on the schedules AND on the MASTER STUDENT LISTING. Highlight these names in PINK on the MASTER STUDENT LISTING. 47
Step 11 – Secondary Make all corrections needed per schedule sheet and MASTER STUDENT LISTING. Re-run the individually corrected schedules. Put an asterisk (*) by every correction as you verify it has been corrected. Next, complete and sign off on the MASTER STUDENT LISTING. 48
Step 12 Make copies of documentation you want to keep for your files for elementary. For secondary, please make sure copies were created before designees return the forms to MIS. Elementary Principals need to bring all the original documentation to the Administration Bldg, 3 rd floor on or before Oct 8 th, at this time the Principal must sign the MASTER STUDENT LISTING to verify their approval of the data. Secondary Principals need to bring all the original documentation to the Administration Bldg, 3 rd floor on the designated date, at this time the Principal must sign the MASTER STUDENT LISTING to verify their approval of the data. If you need to provide additional documentation at a later date note that in a cover memo. Please include the date the information will be available! Sign the bottom of the MASTER STUDENT LISTING indicating your agreement with the accuracy of the information contained on the reports. 49
FINISHED! This completes the procedure. Thank you for your time and dedication! 50