Forney ISD School Health Advisory Council Annual Progress Report To the Board of Trustees April 7 th, 2014
School Health Advisory Council Every independent school district is required by law to have a school health advisory council (SHAC) of which the majority of members must be parents who are not employed by the school district. Texas Education Code Title 2, Chapter 28, Section
What is a SHAC? What is a SHAC? A SHAC is a group of individuals representing segments of the community and school district which provides advice to the district on coordinated school health (CSH) programming and its impact on student health and learning.
Coordinated School Health All Texas schools are required by law to implement a CSH program in grades K-8. Texas Education Code Title 3, Chapter 38, Section
What is Coordinated School Health? What is Coordinated School Health? Coordinated School Health is a systematic approach of advancing student academic performance by promoting, practicing, and coordinating school health education and services for the benefit and well-being of students in establishing healthy behaviors designed to last a lifetime.
Coordinated School Health
Eight Components Health Education Healthy and Safe School Environment Counseling and Mental Health Services Parent and Community Involvement Staff Wellness Promotion Health Services Physical Education Nutrition Services
Coordinated School Health Texas Education Code Coordinated School Health Texas Education Code All elementary, middle, and junior high schools have adopted, been trained in, and are implementing an approved CSH program or are developing an original district-wide CSH program as required in Chapter 38, Section of the Texas Education Code. Forney ISD has adopted the CATCH program. CATCH is implemented in all nine elementary campuses and both middle school campuses. For more information on CATCH please see
State Legislated SHAC Requirements Committee-related The following are requirements of local SHACs per legislation Texas Education Code, Chapter 28, Section : A parent must serve as a chair or co-chair Majority of members must be parents who are not employees of the district SHAC must meet at least 4 times a year SHAC must deliver an annual report to the Board of Trustees SHAC is required to submit recommendations regarding the districts’ health education curriculum
State Legislated Requirements District/Campus-Related SHACs can provide oversight for the following activities required of local campus/districts per legislation Texas Education Code, Chapter 28, Section : Provide written notice, course content and parents’ rights regarding sexuality education if taught Ensure that full-day pre-k students participate in 30 minutes of daily vigorous activity Include goals and objectives for CSH in HS and MS Campus Improvement Plans Administer FitnessGram® to all students in grades 3-12 Choose an evidenced based alcohol awareness instructional program Use the PAPA program in HS or MS health classes Comply with revised graduation requirements
Forney ISD SHAC Members Angel EropkinChairperson/Parent Stacie BrownCo-Chairperson/Administration/Health Services Tracy Busby Parent Katheryn Chaney Parent Debby Newsom Parent Candi Taysom Parent Kristi Quintana Parent Lucy Burns FHS Student Arriana Cervantes NFHS Student Erin Moore Physical Education Brandi Christopherson Physical Education/Coach Tracey Money Advisory capacity:Food Service Dr. Katherine Cammarata Advisory capacity: Academic
SHAC Meeting Dates SHAC Meeting Dates 1. September 27, November 21, February 27, March 27, 2014 *Minimum of four meetings are required annually.
Forney ISD Information The Forney ISD SHAC information can be found on the district website under the Health Services department webpage at: ms/pages.phtml?sessionid=98a0ad4a5dbc 85d7b68a9ea2f3ae1654&pageid= ms/pages.phtml?sessionid=98a0ad4a5dbc 85d7b68a9ea2f3ae1654&pageid= Agendas and minutes of all meetings can also be found on this webpage.
Forney ISD SHAC Goals Forney ISD SHAC Goals 1.Implement an annual District Health Fair. It is the goal of the SHAC to continue this health fair on an annual basis. 2.Seek mental health programs/resources to provide resources for students/staff struggling with mental health issues. (also address HB 1386, HB 1942, 82 nd legislature) 3.Review and make recommendations for any new legislation effecting coordinated school health.
SHAC Activity Report 1. November 21, Committee re-structured and adopted by-laws. SHAC voted as a committee to sponsor an annual district health fair. 2. February 27, 2014 meeting elected Angel Eropkin chairperson; approved and implemented Texas Youth Tobacco survey among randomly chosen science classes at NFHS through the Texas A&M Public policy Research Institute. 3. March 27, 2014 invited Timberlawn counselor to explore programs/resources for staff/students mental health needs. 4. March 27, 2014 reviewed excerpts from top three choices of Biology books to be adopted for next school year.
SHAC Recommendations SHAC Recommendations 1. After reviewing excerpts from three of the potential new biology books for next school year, it is the SHAC’s recommendation that two books clearly address HIV in an educational format while maintaining the districts approach to abstinence. 2. SHAC is still exploring mental health programs and at this time there is not a specific program for recommendation, although the committee expressed an interest in facilitating staff development for staff members on the issue.
SHAC Meeting Dates SHAC Meeting Dates 1. September 25, November 20, January 22, March 26, 2015 All meeting dates are open to the public and posted on the SHAC webpage.
QUESTIONS? QUESTIONS? This presentation was edited to fit the specific Forney ISD SHAC ideations by Stacie Brown, Health Services Coordinator in conjunction with Chairperson, Angel Eropkin, April 1, This presentation was developed by the Texas Department of State Health Services, Texas School Health Advisory Committee, January, For additional information about this presentation, contact Links to external sites appearing in this presentation are intended to be informational and do not represent an endorsement by the Texas Department of State Health Services. The sites also may not be accessible to people with disabilities. For information regarding this presentation, contact the School Health Program at or Original publication: January, 2010 Revised: January, 2013