Activity 9 Systems of Professional Learning Module 3 Grades K–5: Supporting All Students in Writing and Research.


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Presentation transcript:

Activity 9 Systems of Professional Learning Module 3 Grades K–5: Supporting All Students in Writing and Research

Activity 9 75 CCS Writing and Research Successes and ChallengesClose Look at the Writing Standards Writing Grounded in Evidence from Text Research in CCS ELA & LiteracySupporting Students in Writing Routine and Daily Writing

76 Page 56

Activity 9 CCS.W.10 Write Routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences. (Begins in Grade 3) 77

Activity 9 78 Page 56

Activity 9 79

Activity 9 80 DayTaskPurposePart O, W, C 1Notes for Think, Pair, SharePrepare something to share O 1Journal responseReflect on author’s words, predict C 2Journal responseConnect three chapters, predict C 2Draw a picture of setting and write sentences describing scene Formative assessmentC Example from Grade 4: Using Literary Elements

Activity 9 Discuss: What did you notice about writing in CCS- aligned units? Types and purposes of writing Writing as a scaffold, model, or preparation for other tasks Writing instruction Writing as assessment Record in your Notepad any ideas you have for how you might use this activity in your school or district. 81 Page 63