Parents: Kronos & Rhea Birthplace: The island of Crete Attributes: Chariot, Clothing & Jewelry, Palace rooms, Sacred Animals, Plants, & Flowers. Goddess of: Air, Sky, Heavens, Marriage. Favorite City: Argos
This is a picture of Hera from B.C. I chose this picture because it shows Hera sitting on a throne with a cockatoo on the back. One of Hera’s attributes is animals. Also it shows another one of her attributes, which is clothes & jewelry. I also chose this picture because it shows her looking like a goddess, since she has a specter in her hand. ca B.C.
This is a modern-day picture of Hera. This picture shows many of Hera’s attributes. She is holding a specter in her hand, which represents her being a goddess, an apple in her other hand, a peacock on the specter, which is her attribute of sacred animals, and clothed & wearing jewelry. This is a more modern way of showing Hera, but still has all the same aspects as the picture from 500 B.C.
"Ancient Greek Art: Hera." THEOI GREEK MYTHOLOGY, Exploring Mythology & the Greek Gods in Classical Literature & Art. Web. 14 Oct "Greek Mythology Gods Olympians." Deutsches Elektronen- Synchrotron DESY - Wissenschaftssenatorin Eröffnet Erweiterung Des Schülerlabors. Web. 14 Oct "HERA : Greek Goddess of Marriage, Queen of Heaven ; Mythology ; Pictures - JUNO." THEOI GREEK MYTHOLOGY, Exploring Mythology & the Greek Gods in Classical Literature & Art. Web. 14 Oct Modern Picture