Basket weavers were the Hualapai women. They made some coarse, or rough, baskets to hold personal belongings, surplus foods, and/or water. Basket weaving is the procedure of braiding vegetable fibers into baskets, hence the word “basket weaving”. The baskets are made from any bending material, stems, animal hair, hides, grasses, thread, etc… Basket weavers were the Hualapai women. They made some coarse, or rough, baskets to hold personal belongings, surplus foods, and/or water. Basket weaving is the procedure of braiding vegetable fibers into baskets, hence the word “basket weaving”. The baskets are made from any bending material, stems, animal hair, hides, grasses, thread, etc… They also made pottery out of clay that required a great amount of heat. Then they used the color from fruits and berries to make designs.
Family Life The Hualapai people lived in houses called Wickiups. Only a few people could live in a normal sized house at a time. The Hualapai people lived in houses called Wickiups. Only a few people could live in a normal sized house at a time. The siblings learned things from their parents, who learned from their parents etc… They all learned from their ancestors who lived years ago, and that was their culture. The siblings learned things from their parents, who learned from their parents etc… They all learned from their ancestors who lived years ago, and that was their culture. The women made jewelry and weaved baskets. The colors from the jewelry were made from shells, turquois, and the color from fruits, berries, and flowers, the children helped them gather supplies. The women made jewelry and weaved baskets. The colors from the jewelry were made from shells, turquois, and the color from fruits, berries, and flowers, the children helped them gather supplies. The men stayed outside for hours chopping wood, hunting, making houses, and watching over the villages. The men stayed outside for hours chopping wood, hunting, making houses, and watching over the villages.
The Hualapai people live in a reservation beside the Grand Canyon and the Colorado River heavily forested with Ponderosa Pines. They take shelter in a Wickiup for a short amount of time before migrating again. Hualapai people are hunter/gatherers, so they hunt rabbit and deer in their area. When their not hunting, their gathering food like berries. Hualapai women make crafts like baskets by weaving bendable material. To make pottery, they mold clay into the shape they want and give it a lot of heat.