NHS Electives Course Offerings for Rising 9 th Graders
Architecture Drawing & Design O Intro to Engineering & Drawing O Sample Projects: O CAD Drawings O House Designs
Engineering O Foundations of Engineering O Sample Projects: O Bridges O Rockets O Roller Coasters O Power Tools O Mechanical Systems
Broadcast Video Production O Broadcast Video Production I O Sample Projects: O Film Various School Events O Titan Tron O Film & Edit School Broadcast Shows O Field Trips to CNN O Class & State Competitions O Daily Morning Announcements
Business & Computer Science O Business Essentials O Sample Projects: Creating Your Own Business, Stock Project, Federal Reserve Field Trip O Computer Applications O Sample Projects: Buying a Car, Newsletters, Company Letter O Computing in the Modern World O Sample Projects: Web Site, Programming, Networking, Build Computer
Fashion Marketing O Marketing Principles O Sample Projects: O The Apprentice O Create a New Super Hero O Promotion Project O Super Bowl Ads O Field Trips: O World of Coca Cola O Chick-fil-a Corporate Office O Atlanta Mart
World Languages O Northview High School is the only school in the county with FIVE languages! O Chinese O French O German O Latin O Spanish
World Languages O All languages have programs from Levels I through AP. All programs are involved in a variety of the following opportunities for language activities OUTSIDE the classroom: O Governor’s Honors O Language Contests O National Exams O Student exchanges O Guest Speakers O Field trips O Competitions and Conventions Nationwide
World Languages O When deciding which language, students may consider: O Which language interests me the most? O 4-year state universities look for students to study a language through the most advanced level offered, if possible O Learning languages is a fun way of exploring and understanding other cultures O “Globalization” is the trend in which colleges are presently immersed
Visual Arts O Introduction to Art – pre-requisite for all other courses: O Drawing & PaintingContests O Graphic DesignCompetitions O CeramicsGovernor’s Honors O SculptureScholastic Art O PhotographyField Trips O Jewelry & Metalsmithing O Digital Design Projects (Computer Art) O AP Studio (2D, 3D, Drawing)
Introduction to Art O A sample of projects:
Photography O Photo 1 – Pinhole Photography O Photo 2 – 35mm Film Cameras O Photo 3 & 4 – Digital Camera Photography
Jewelry & Metalsmithing
Drawing & Painting
Graphic Design
AP Studio Art
Band O Four levels of Concert Bands O Marching Band (extra-curricular) O Jazz Band (extra-curricular) O Pit Orchestra (plays for spring musical)
How do I join Band?
Step one: Audition O Mrs. Dickerson will come to your school and audition you during band class. You will be placed in a band based on your ability level, not your grade level. O The audition consists of two major scales & arpeggios (from memory, as many octaves as you can play), the chromatic scale, and one sight reading. Scales vary by instrument. O Your directors will be given the list of scales by instrument before the end of February.
Step 2: Make sure you’ve selected BAND as your elective O Typical freshman class schedule: O Language Arts O Science O Math O BAND O Health/PE (1 semester each) O World Language
How do I join Marching Band? O You must be enrolled in a band class to take marching band O Return registration form and $200 deposit to Mrs. Dickerson at your audition (total fee is $400) O Make sure you can attend summer band camp, July 22 – 26, 2013; 3p – NHS O O me!
Orchestra Rising 9 th graders are eligible to audition for all Levels of orchestra, but all freshmen should Register For Advanced Orchestra 1! Specific placements will be made after auditions in May.
Chorus O Concert Choir – SATB Mixed O Women’s Chamber Choir – SSA O Vocally Charged – Auditioned Pop A Cappella O Glee Club – Non-Auditioned Pop Ensemble Northview’s Vocal Groups have performed at International Night, NHS Football games, the NHS Talent Show, Veteran’s Day, LGPE and more. We are a vibrant and growing program looking for singers of any and all experience levels! me with any questions!
General Music O Guitar Lab O For first-timers through experienced players O Piano Lab O For first-timers through experienced players O Music Appreciation O Music History from the Medieval Era through a History of Rock & Roll O AP Music Theory (11 th & 12 th grades)