© Copyright _ Bro’s Place 2003 Jerry Rayburn of Hattiesburg Mississippi, was once kicked out of a Bourbon Street strip club for “ demanding that the.


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Presentation transcript:

© Copyright _ Bro’s Place 2003

Jerry Rayburn of Hattiesburg Mississippi, was once kicked out of a Bourbon Street strip club for “ demanding that the stripper put back on her clothes ’’. Jerry Rayburn of Hattiesburg Mississippi, was once kicked out of a Bourbon Street strip club for “ demanding that the stripper put back on her clothes ’’.

‘‘The closest I ever came to a menage a trois was when I once dated a schizophrenic. ’’ Curtis Cole ‘‘The closest I ever came to a menage a trois was when I once dated a schizophrenic. ’’ Curtis Cole

Everything I can't find... I know is in a very secure place.

Boudreaux was shopping at the Wal-Mart when he ran into his old friend Thibodeaux outside the jewelry section. Thibodeaux noticed that Boudreaux had a small gift- wrapped box in his hand. "So,what you done bought dere, Boud?" Thib asked. "Mais, now that you done asked me that," replies Boudreaux, "it was time to buy my Chlotile's birthday present and this morning when I asked her what she done want me to get her, she say, 'Oh, me I don't know, sha, just so it got a lot of diamonds in it.'" "So, what you done got for her, Boud?" Ole Thib asked. Boudreaux,smiling proudly, replied, "Maise, I got her a deck of cards.."

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© Copyright _ Bro’s Place 2003 See you next Friday See you next Friday