Author Paul Merrell, Eric Schkufza, Zeyang Li, Vladlen Koltun ---Stanford University Maneesh Agrawala ---University of California, Berkeley
outline Introduction Overview Functional criteria --clearance,circulation,pairwise relationship,conversation Visual criteria ---balance,alignment, emphasis Generating suggestions
Introduction(2/2) Contributions -- identify a set of design guidelines -- develop a system for creating furniture arrangement
Overview Creat a room Select furnitues Generate suggestions
Overview Use Markov chain carlo sampler to suggestion optimized layouts
Definition Functional criteria ---How well the layout support human activities Visual criteria --- concern the perception of the layout as a visual composition
Clearance A = {(1, 0), (0, 1), (0, −1)} B = {(0, 0), (1, 1), (1, −1)} (1, 2), (1, 0), (0, −1), (1, 0), (1, −2)}
Clearance Many furniture items need open space around them
Circulation Circulation --An effective furniture layout must support circulation through the room and access to all of the furniture.
Pairwise relationships Human physiology affects how objects should be positioned with respect to each other.
Pairwise relationships
Pairwise relationships
Conversation the seats within a conversation area should be roughly four to eight feet apart
Balance The principle is to place the mean of the distribution of visualweight at the center of the composition. The visual weight of an element is its perceptual saliency. A common assumption is that larger objects carry more visual weight.
Alignment In furniture arrangement, alignment primarily concerns the orientation of the furniture items relative to each other and to the walls of the room.
Emphasis It is generally desirable to have a dominant focal point in the interior, so that the eye can rest without suffering competing demands for visual attention.
Generating suggestions Density function and sampling i ⋲ ci; pd; pa; cd; ca; vb; fa;wa; sy; efg and wi are the mixture weights.
Generating suggestions mbedded&v=iJLY7ZylajU