Drinkable History Walking Tour Peter Hammerstien saloon circa 1905
Tour stops 1)P D & E RR / I C RR 2)Chero Cola 3)Weber Hall / Carpenter Hall 4)Old Brewery 5)Fulton Ave Brewery / Sterling Brewery 6)Evansville Furniture Co 7)Indiana Stove Works / Craddock Finishing 8)Heyns Furniture / Tin Man
Tour Map
Drinking background Germans like beer Early beer small-scale, much like home brew “Old Brewery” first large operation Smaller breweries gave way to larger ones –F W Cook Brewing Co –Evansville Brewing Association - comprised of Fulton Ave Brewery, Evansville Brewing Co, and Hartmetz Brewery Survived Prohibition by making other products Notable brands included Cook’s Goldblume and Sterling Last major brewery in Evansville closed 1988 Evansville Brewing Company revived beer making in Evansville, but the venture failed 1997 Tin Man brings large scale brewing back to the city
Illinois Central RR Peoria Decatur & Evansville (P D & E) RR reached town 1881 Later Illinois Central (I C) RR Freight Depot rebuilt circa 1916 Abandoned 1980s, repair shops and turn table razed Repurposed for Case Engineering I C RR freight station 1929
Chero-Cola New bottling factory built 1922 Distributed Chero-Cola and later Nehi Becomes Double Cola plant c1950s, expands Now Lensing Wholesale Chero Cola fleet 1922
Weber Hall / Carpenter Hall Weber’s Hall built c1890 Weber’s Malt House on Fourth Ave, also known as Franklin Brewery, made malt extract Carpenters’ union purchases building 1922 and becomes known as Carpenter’s Hall 1940 addition in rear Headquarters of Local 90 Carpenter Union 1932
Old Brewery Brothers-in-law Rice & Kroener establish first brewery in area 1837 Situated along the Wabash & Erie Canal (Indiana St) Became known as “Old Brewery” when Rice split off to form City Brewery (later FW Cook) in 1853 Ran simultaneously to Fulton Ave Brewery across street 1880s Newer factory saw the old one out of business Closed 1884 and razed 1886 Old Brewery complex from the 1880 aerial map
Fulton Ave Brewery Built 1881 across from Old Brewery Large collapse 1890 saw the iconic stock house erected (corner building) Becomes part of Evansville Brewing Association (EBA) 1894 Bottling plant completed 1914 New offices built 1955 Razed Wagon shed (c1890) and grain dryer/storage (c1900) still standing Above – Original Fulton Ave Brewery building c1888 Below – 1969 view of the corner of Pennsylvania and Fulton
Fulton Ave Brewery Aerial view of the brewery area around 1940
Evansville Furniture Co Evansville Furniture Co dates back to c1870 Present structure built 1879 Large additions added around 1900 and 1920 Becomes Universal Furniture 1936 Big fire in February 1975 claimed half of the factory More recently antique mall and now offices Evansville Furniture Co 1931
Indiana Stove Works Founded in 1881 by stove makers Schrader, Fischer & Boehne at the southeast corner of Illinois and Seventh Incorporated 1887 as Indiana Stove Works Best known for making Darling Stoves Expanded over the years and eventually occupied the entire block 1936 becomes Craddock Furniture Large fire Feb 1972 Indiana Stove Works c1900
Franklin House / Heyns Furniture Franklin House boarding house and saloon built c1870 William Heyns establishes his furniture company around 1889 Business grows and 1901 expands building (see next slide). Ornamentation at top added into the brickwork A variety of uses after the furniture company closes c1930, but primarily boarding/hotel and a restaurant/saloon Fire 1961 claims the left third Miscellaneous uses including liquor store and used furniture company Tin Man finishes an earlier restoration in Cheers!
Heyns Block Heyns Furniture Co 1901
Heyns Furniture c1870Franklin St House built as boarding house / saloon 1886Heyns takes ownership c1889Heyns & Co established as a furniture company 1901Building enlarged as Heyns Block 1930s-1940sSpillman’s Restaurant and Hotel 1950sBud Bays Indian Sales and Service (motorcycles) / Irwin Liquors / West Side Swap Shop 1961Left (east) section is destroyed by fire 1960s-1970sBlue Bell Liquors / Rite Deal Furniture 1970s-1980sAl Hocker / Rogers Used Furniture Store 1990sWest Side Consignment & Resale Shoppe 2000sTri-State Printing 2008Remodeled for restaurant, stalled 2012Renovated for Tin Man Brewing Co
Other breweries - F W Cook Brewing Co Established as City Brewery renamed F W Cook Brewing Co Closed 1957 Razed 1965 for Civic Center Left – F W Cook Brewing Co c1890 Mid – Brewery in 1947 Right – Demolition 1965
Other Breweries - Evansville Brewing Association (EBA) Hartmetz Brewery –Opened 1863 –Located on Harmony Way in West Heights –Closed c1910 –Razed c1940 Evansville Brewery –Opened 1891 –Brewing ceased 1914 –Various operations –Brucken’s since 1969 Top – Hartmetz Brewery c1900 Bottom – Evansville Brewery 2010
Other Bottling Works Bernardin Bottle Cap Co –Founded 1880s –One of last industries to leave downtown –Opened plant 1949 at foot of Mt Auburn (now Silgan) Coca Cola Bottling –Established locally 1903 –Existing structure rebuilt around 1926 with later additions –Recently repurposed as office space Top – Bernardin Bottle Works 1948 Bottom – Coca Cola Bottling on Pennsylvania St