EUROPUR General Assembly Cascais, June 14 & 15, 2001 SLABSTOCK FLEXIBLE FOAM MARKET REVIEW SLABSTOCK FLEXIBLE FOAM MARKET REVIEW General economic outlookGeneral economic outlook slabstock production volumes slabstock production volumes The main marketsThe main markets Upholstered furnitureUpholstered furniture BeddingBedding AutomotiveAutomotive W. Dupont
EUROPUR General Assembly Cascais, June 14 & 15, 2001 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ’99 & ’00 SLABSTOCK MARKET INDICATORS GDP-growth+ 2.4%+3.4% Raw materials price index ether- 4.0% +13.0% ester- 6.0%+ 8.0% Slabstock marketether volume+ 3.2% +4.7% ester volume+ 3.8% +3.5% Upholstered furniture market+ 2.0% +1.8% Bedding market+ 0.9%+0.5% Car/LCV market+ 1.8%+0.3%
EUROPUR General Assembly Cascais, June 14 & 15, 2001 SLABSTOCK MARKET REVIEW USA- JAPAN - EU KEY ECONOMIC INDICATORS Source : EOCD & EC (04/01) ’99’00’01 ’02 ’99’00’01 ’02 ’99’00’01 ’02 USA Japan Euro zone GDP Growth (%)Inflation (%)Unemployment rate (% lab.f.)
EUROPUR General Assembly Cascais, June 14 & 15, 2001 SLABSTOCK MARKET REVIEW ECONOMIC OUTLOOK MACRO-ECONOMIC STRUCTURAL CHANGES Implementation of the monetary union & EURO (12)Implementation of the monetary union & EURO (12) Enlargement of the EU(15): +12 countriesEnlargement of the EU(15): +12 countries Information societyInformation society ImmigrationImmigration Active labour force vs retired population changingActive labour force vs retired population changing Increase in age group (65+): +27 Mio people in 25 yearsIncrease in age group (65+): +27 Mio people in 25 years Source: OECDSource: OECD
EUROPUR General Assembly Cascais, June 14 & 15, EU %+ 4.3% Non EU-member states+ 0.5%+ 6.5% Q1, % * * B/F/D/I/NL/SP SLABSTOCK MARKET REVIEW ’99 & ’00 POLYETHER FOAM PRODUCTION EUROPE Source : Europur
EUROPUR General Assembly Cascais, June 14 & 15, in metric tonnes EU15 +N+CH393, , ,795 Non EU-member states (Eastern E.)*58,350* 106,950* 113,860* Total451, , ,655 *Estimated SLABSTOCK MARKET REVIEW ’00 POLYETHER FOAM PRODUCTION EUROPE Europur members Source : Europur
EUROPUR General Assembly Cascais, June 14 & 15, 2001 SLABSTOCK MARKET REVIEW ’00 POLYETHER FOAM PRODUCTION BY COUNTRY Source : Europur
EUROPUR General Assembly Cascais, June 14 & 15, 2001 SLABSTOCK MARKET REVIEW POLYESTER FOAM PRODUCTION WEST-EUROPE Growth :+ 8.6%+3.7%+ 3.8% +4.5% in tonnes Growth :+ 8.6%+3.7%+ 3.8% +4.5% Source : Europur
EUROPUR General Assembly Cascais, June 14 & 15, 2001 SLABSTOCK MARKET REVIEW MAIN MARKETS : UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE INDUSTRY PROFILE Production value ’00 : 12.2 billion EUROProduction value ’00 : 12.2 billion EURO Employment : 135,000Employment : 135,000 Key players :Key players : Welle,Schieder,Hukla,Steinhoff (Germany) Natuzzi (Italy) Christy Tyler (UK) Dumeste (Cauval Ind.,FR) Source : UEA
EUROPUR General Assembly Cascais, June 14 & 15, /3 fabric, 1/3 leather VolumeValue High end10%15% Medium35%45% Low end55%40% Contract furniture only 2-3% of total UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE MARKET SEGMENTATION
EUROPUR General Assembly Cascais, June 14 & 15, 2001 MM Euro Value 11,300 11,582 12,220 % variation 2.7% 2.5%5.5% In volume terms : 43.2 million armchair equivalents Volume growth is only 1/3 of value growth UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE PRODUCTION EU TOTAL Source: UEA
EUROPUR General Assembly Cascais, June 14 & 15, 2001 Over the last 2 years market share Italy rose by 3% market share Germany decreased by 3% UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE PRODUCTION ’00 BY COUNTRY Source: UEA
EUROPUR General Assembly Cascais, June 14 & 15, 2001 Total : 3.9 billion EURO Growth : 19 % in period UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE EXPORTS Source: UEA
EUROPUR General Assembly Cascais, June 14 & 15, 2001 Growth : % in period Total ´00 : 3.0 billion EURO UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE IMPORTS ( Intra & Outside EU ) Source: UEA
EUROPUR General Assembly Cascais, June 14 & 15, 2001 UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE AVERAGE MANUFACTURING COST STRUCTURE YEAR 2000 Raw materialsVariable & fixed production 49%51% Wood18% Fabrics25% Leather20% Foam16% Other21% Source : UEA
EUROPUR General Assembly Cascais, June 14 & 15, 2001 MAIN MARKETS : BEDDING European Bedding Industries Association (EBIA) founded 1st semester 2000 Member countries :Austria Belgium France Germany Italy Netherlands Spain Better statistical data available now
EUROPUR General Assembly Cascais, June 14 & 15, 2001 BEDDING 2000 MATTRESS MARKET SIZE # of units% of total Austria760,0003% Belgium770,0003% France4,850,00019% Germany7,500,00029% Italy4,350,00017% Netherlands1,200,0005% Spain2,580,00010% UK3,650,00014% 25,660,000
EUROPUR General Assembly Cascais, June 14 & 15, 2001 Market: Spring Mattresses 2000 Market: Spring Mattresses 2000 Total volume: units
EUROPUR General Assembly Cascais, June 14 & 15, 2001 Market: FPF Mattresses 2000 Market: FPF Mattresses 2000 Total volume : units
EUROPUR General Assembly Cascais, June 14 & 15, 2001 Market: Latex Mattresses 2000 Market: Latex Mattresses 2000 Total volume : units
EUROPUR General Assembly Cascais, June 14 & 15, 2001 Volume (in ‘000) Value in mio € Average Price in € Spring % %82 FPF %40020%69 Latex %40020%148 Others 220 1% 75 4%343 Total % % Mattress Market (2000)
EUROPUR General Assembly Cascais, June 14 & 15, /98 98/99 99/ % + 0.9% + 0.5% BEDDING ANNUAL VOLUME GROWTH
EUROPUR General Assembly Cascais, June 14 & 15, 2001 MAIN MARKETS : AUTOMOTIVE MARKET SIZE DEVELOPMENT West-European assembly Volume 2000 Cars 14,634,000 LCV 1,680,000 Truck/bus 443,000 16,757,000 %
EUROPUR General Assembly Cascais, June 14 & 15, 2001 AUTOMOTIVE CAR ASSEMBLY BY COUNTRY West-Europe 2000: cars Source: J.D. Power
EUROPUR General Assembly Cascais, June 14 & 15, 2001 AUTOMOTIVE MARKET SIZE DEVELOPMENT East-European market ( CZ,HU, PL, RO, RU, SK, SL, TU) Volume ,717, ,000 3,050,000 %
EUROPUR General Assembly Cascais, June 14 & 15, 2001 AUTOMOTIVE CAR ASSEMBLY BY COUNTRY East-Europe 2000: cars Source: J.D. Power
EUROPUR General Assembly Cascais, June 14 & 15, 2001 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2001 FORECAST GDP-growth+ 3.4%+2.7% Raw materials price index ether+ 13% +3.5% ester+ 8% +3.2% ester+ 8% +3.2% Slabstock market ether volume+ 4.7% + 1.0% ester volume+ 3.5% + 2.5% Upholstered furniture market+ 1.8% + 1,0% Bedding market+ 0.5% +0,75% Car market + 0.3% -1.5%