Start Bellquiz #1 on Balance Get out your notes – Today we will be talking about proportion, scale, and the Golden Mean If you weren’t here last time pick up the three papers from the front. You can get the notes online, your missed assignment is described at the end of the powerpoint. (Balance on a fireplace mantel)
Scale & Proportion Too Big, Too Small, Just Right!
PROPORTION The ratio of the parts to the whole and to the surrounding areas The most effective proportions have an uneven ratio. Examples 2:3, 3:5, 4:7, 5:8
According to scale, squares/rectangles are the least pleasing shape and triangles are the most pleasing.
Proportion The parts of a chair (arms, legs, back, and seat) should be proportional to each other and to the chair as a whole. The chairs should be a proportional size to the table they are around.
THE GOLDEN MEAN Discovered by the Greeks If you divide a line at just the right point, between 1/3 and ½ OR ½ and 2/3 from the end. Ratio within these parameters are the most pleasing. * Remember odd numbers are better than even numbers The ratio of the larger segment to the smaller segment will equal the ratio of the larger segment to the whole. 2:3 is most effective
According to the golden mean, which coffee table length is the most pleasing? A coffee table that is the same length as the sofa? A coffee table that is2/3 the length of the sofa? A coffee table that is half the length of the sofa?
How is golden mean used in this picture?
Where is the golden mean (correct ratio) being used in this room?
Scale The relative size of an object in relation to the height and width of the area in which the object is placed. An Item may be in proportion to itself, but furniture and accessories must be in scale to the room. Consider: 1)Furniture and accessories, 2) the amount of furnishings, 3) and size of furnishings to the scale of the room. Example: Small rooms do not use large furniture or a large amount. Example: A large floor lamp next to a delicate loveseat would be incorrect, but a slender floor lamp would work.
Consider These Scales: Size of the human body in scale to the item in use. Adult in a child's chair Furniture and accessories to the room or space. Little painting above a large couch Amount of furnishings in the space. 1 chair in a large room with vaulted ceilings. Size of furnishings to the scale of the room. Small rooms do not use large furniture or a large amount of furnishings. A large floor lamp next to a delicate loveseat would be incorrect, but a slender floor lamp would work.
Too Big. This rug covers too much of the floor beyond the conversation area to define it as a discrete space.
Too Small. Instead of creating intimacy, the rug only increases the appearance of isolation.
Just Right. Choose an area rug that’s about as long and wide as the furnishings in the space.
Too Big. There’s no breathing room in this are-to-sofa match.
Too Little. This picture is tall enough, roughly matching the height of the sofa. But it ends up looking leggy and lost because it’s too skinny in proportion to the sofa’s width.
Just Right. To size a single picture, choose one that’s nearly the same height as the sofa and between half and two-thirds its width.
Crazy Scale/Proportion Page –(not in the packet) Choose ONE other person to work with. Using magazines create a CRAZY room design that is not of proper scale. Be creative on this and have some fun! It doesn’t have to be mounted!!! Include a title, paragraph, and at least 5 pictures In your paragraph, include the following in complete sentences: How is the scale/proportion off in your picture? Definition of scale and proportion. How scale/proportion is used in interior decorating. Turn this into me before you leave today!
Proportion and Scale assignments #2 Table lamp This small table and flower arrangement is in the foyer of a home. The client wants a lamp on the table. Cut out a picture or design, draw, and color a lamp with an appropriate lampshade that would be in correct proportion and scale with the table, the space, and the flower arrangement. Explain how you arrived at your lamp design based upon rules of scale and proportion. #3 Floor lamp and framed picture In the picture below, cut out a picture of or design, draw, and color both a framed picture placed above the couch and a floor lamp placed in between the couch and the chair. Pay particular attention to making the frame and floor lamp proportionately correct for the scale of other furnishings. Remember to follow the “rule of two-thirds” guideline for the frame’s placement. Explain how you arrived at your framed picture and floor lamp design based upon rules of scale and proportion.