Eforwood week – Brussels Iberian case CASE STUDY IBERIA Beatrix Szirmay (AIDIMA) Session 12 Brussels, October 3 rd 2007
Eforwood week – Brussels Iberian case Index 1. Objectives 2. FWC Iberian Case market 3. Product selection – Wood chain 4. Product selection - Fibre 5. Product selection - Bioenergy 6. Next Steps
Eforwood week – Brussels Iberian case 1. Objectives To develop a case study of the Iberian market of wood based products addressed to its implementation to ToSIA. The approach is market driven so main focus of the case study must consider final products as end-users know them for wood- based, fibre-based and bioenergy goods. Analysis in a backwards process will be developed for understanding the implications of selected final products on intermediate products and processes for industries and forest resources. The ultimate aim of the Case Study is to be useful for ToSIA development, so data and indicators are to be checked for working under ToSIA requirements. Conclusions and implications should tell about ToSIA actual possibilities with available data in a large proportion of market segments.
Eforwood week – Brussels Iberian case 2. FWC Iberian market
Eforwood week – Brussels Iberian case 2. FWC Iberian market
Eforwood week – Brussels Iberian case 2. FWC Iberian market
Eforwood week – Brussels Iberian case 2. FWC Iberian market Population The total population in the Iberian region shows a market of approximately 55.5 million of persons: - Spain: inhabitants (January 2006) - Portugal: inhabitants (2006) - Andorra: inhabitants (2004) - Gibraltar: inhabitants (2001)
Eforwood week – Brussels Iberian case 2. FWC Iberian market Population structure of Spain 2005 MENWOMEN Source: INE; Censo de población 2006 Source:AIDIMA
Eforwood week – Brussels Iberian case 2. FWC Iberian market Population structure of Portugal 2005 Source: Instituto Nacional de Estatística, Portugal
Eforwood week – Brussels Iberian case 2. FWC Iberian market Number of households in Spain and Portugal 2005 Income of the households in Spain and Portugal 2005 Spain: Euros / year / household Portugal: Euros / year / PERSON! Spain: households Portugal: households Source:AIDIMA
Eforwood week – Brussels Iberian case 3. Product selection – Wood chain USES and MARKETS Industrial products Wood Chain
Eforwood week – Brussels Iberian case Wood Source:EPF 3. Product selection – Wood chain
Eforwood week – Brussels Iberian case Wood Source:EPF 3. Product selection – Wood chain
Eforwood week – Brussels Iberian case Wood Source:EPF 3. Product selection – Wood chain
Eforwood week – Brussels Iberian case Wood Source:EPF 3. Product selection – Wood chain
Eforwood week – Brussels Iberian case Product selection for wood chains in Iberia: 3. Product selection – Wood chain Similar pattern as in Europe, except “Sawing, planning and impregnation”. Chosen products: furniture, construction elements and wood-based panels. Covering approx. 77% of wood-based product consumption in Iberia.
Eforwood week – Brussels Iberian case Spain: Million Euros 9.6 % of the European Production Portugal: Million Euros 2.34 % of the European Production Source: EPF calculations (includes furniture production, excl. VAT) Production value of wood working industries in 2005: 3. Product selection – Wood chain
Eforwood week – Brussels Iberian case Production value wood industry in 2005: Manufacture of wood and cork, except furniture; manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting materials. Spain : million Euros Portugal: million Euros Source:EPF 3. Product selection – Wood chain
Eforwood week – Brussels Iberian case Spain Particleboard industry 7 companies, 13 plants Production: m 3 MDF industry 5 companies, 12 plants m 3 Source:EPF and FEIC 3. Product selection – Wood chain Plywood industry Production: m 3
Eforwood week – Brussels Iberian case Portugal Particleboard industry 2 companies, 3 plants Production: m 3 MDF industry 3 companies, 3 plants m 3 Source:EPF and FEIC 3. Product selection – Wood chain Plywood industry Production: m 3
Eforwood week – Brussels Iberian case Spain Consumption of wood based panels 2005 Particleboard consumption : m 3 MDF consumption: m 3 Plywood consumption: m 3 Source:EPF and FEIC 3. Product selection – Wood chain
Eforwood week – Brussels Iberian case Source:EPF and FEIC 3. Product selection – Wood chain Portugal consumption of wood based panels in 2005 Particleboard consumption : m 3 MDF consumption: m 3 Plywood consumption: m 3
Eforwood week – Brussels Iberian case Production Value wood industry Manufacture of furniture in 2005 Spain: million Euros Portugal: million Euros Source:EPF 3. Product selection – Wood chain The number of companies of the furniture sector in Spain was of in 2005; almost the 90% they were of small and medium size. Source: AIDIMA The furniture industry of Portugal has more than enterprises, with an average of 8 persons employed, showing the familiar and traditional character of the industry. Source: Grupo Negocios de Ediciones y Publicaciones. Gaceta de los Negocios
Eforwood week – Brussels Iberian case Percentage of Spanish homes that acquired furniture in 2005 Total number of homes in Spain: Did not buy furniture: 72,3 % Bought furniture: 27,7 % Total Volume: Euros Source:AIDIMA 3. Product selection – Wood chain
Eforwood week – Brussels Iberian case 4. Product selection - Fibre chain Fibre
Eforwood week – Brussels Iberian case Fibre 4. Product selection - Fibre chain
Eforwood week – Brussels Iberian case Fibre 4. Product selection - Fibre chain
Eforwood week – Brussels Iberian case 4. Product selection – Fibre chain Fibre Source:STFI Packforsk
Eforwood week – Brussels Iberian case Fibre Source:STFI Packforsk 4. Product selection – Fibre chain
Eforwood week – Brussels Iberian case 4. Product selection – Fibre chain
Eforwood week – Brussels Iberian case 5. Product selection - Bioenergy Bioenergy Wood-based heat Power (wood-based electricity) Pellets Firewood Four categories cover around 80% of consumption in Iberia
Eforwood week – Brussels Iberian case 5. Product selection - Bioenergy Bioenergy M5 processes M5 input source M4 PULP & PAPER INDUSTRY M4 SAWMILL INDUSTRY M3 CHP production in Iberia (outside forest industry) Pellet consumption in Iberia in households Fire wood consumption in Iberia in households Liquid biofuel consumption in the future Solid biomass consumption: Spain TJ Portugal 7479 TJ Consumption of fuel wood (including imports): Spain m 3 Portugal m 3 Power production in Iberia (outside forest industry) Solid biomass consumption: Portugal 1033 TJ Wood-based electricity Wood-based heat Consumption: Spain toe Portugal toe (excluding paper and printing industry)
Eforwood week – Brussels Iberian case Bioenergy - pellets Spain National production in 2005: t/year (2007: close to t/year) Source:Pöyry 5. Product selection - Bioenergy
Eforwood week – Brussels Iberian case National consumption of pellets in Spain: lower than 5% of production. Exports to Portugal, Ireland, UK, Italy, France, (Central European countries) Price for consumers in 2005: €/t (2007: €/t) Consumption of fuel wood (including imports): Spain m 3 Portugal m 3 Consumption of wood-based heat and wood- based electricity Spain toe Portugal toe Source: Pöyry 5. Product selection - Bioenergy
Eforwood week – Brussels Iberian case 6. Next steps 1.Complete characterisation selected markets (joinery, building elements...) 2.Mapping of processes – backwards analysis 3.Data collection (indicators) 4.Work on scenarios in Iberian case