Company Data Data/Facts more than 1000 employees u turnover 139 Mio. Euro u 6 subsidiary companies abroad Engineering 470 linked PC-workplaces, 120 of them in the CAD field Production u office and production facilities approx. 57.000 m² u 420.000 m² of board material processed per year u 980 tons of steel processed per year u 370.000 rm of sanitary pipes processed per year Installation u 120 skilled Waldner employees Service u 13 skilled Waldner service technicians
The WALDNER mc6 laboratory furniture system provides for a multitude of advantages for the user, some of which please find in the following: u The complete mc6 – product range is awarded with GS / TÜV certificates. u Waldner was the first laboratory furniture manufacturer awarded the DIN ISO 9001 certificate. A „young“ and innovative high-tech product, with a repeat purchase guarantee of 10 years. u The design of the mc6 laboratory furniture system is modular. Sanitary and electrical services on service modules and fume cupboards, are easy to be changed or upgraded. Ä For the user this means a minimum interruption of the laboratory work when upgrading and reduced installation costs. (user friendly / economical) Safety Variability
Fume Cupboard Technology
Fume Cupboard Technology u Sash routing via toothed belts, with incorporated double anti-skid device instead of steel ropes without anti-skid device Ä The endurance is approx. 10 time higher than with steel ropes, and additional safety is given by the anti-skid device (reduced maintenance costs, safety). Fume Cupboard Technology
Fume Cupboard Technology u Spoiler-like double aluminium sash handle on the front sash instead of single sash handle without spoiler technology Ä presses air into the fume cupboard upon opening and thus opposes pollutant emissions (safety) Fume Cupboard Technology
Fume Cupboard Technology u Patented air foil cill of powder coated aluminium profile at the front of the worktop instead of worktop without air foil cill Ä effective exhausting of heavy and harmful gases from the worktop (safety)
Fume Cupboard Technology Optimized routing of airflow due to patented profile uprights of powder coated aluminium instead of fume cupboard pillars of square profiles Ä air intake short of turbulences and therefore reduced production of whirls in the area of the pillars Ä increased containment (safety)
Fume Cupboard Technology u Baffle with slot extraction for heavy and light gases instead of formation of baffle for light gases only Ä improved distribution of extraction at the rear panel, thus suitable for heavy and light gases alike (safety)
Fume Cupboard Technology u detachable front panels of powder coated sheet steel instead of screwed, melamine resin coated chipboard Ä fast access for maintenance works at the control devices and the lights (efficiency)
Fume Cupboard Technology u front above the sash is completely glazed (if required also available with cross sliding windows) instead of melamine resin coated chipboard Ä excellent visibility, safe control of high test set-ups possible from the exterior (safety)
Fume Cupboard Technology Owing to the modular panel technology the fume cupboards can be equipped extremely dense with electrical and sanitary services. Alterations and upgrades with new services are thus possible at any time and at almost no effort. instead of largely complete detachment of the fume cupboards when altered or upgraded on site Ä saving of costs due to reduced installation times and reduced standstills of the laboratory works (efficiency)
Fume Cupboard Technology u The Euro Fume Cupboard is factory-assembled and is delivered to the site in 2 parts (incl. commissioning of control compontens) instead of complete installation on site Ä reduced installation and commissioning times on site (safety)
Fume Cupboard Technology Fume Cupboard Technology u The new aerodynamics allows for the Euro fume cupboard to be operated with considerably higher airflow volumes than possible with conventional fume cupboard types. instead of airflow volumes from approx. 200 m³/h to approx. 1000 m³/h Ä airflow volumes from 100m³/h to 1500 m³/h (depending on the fume cupboard type and the applied standard) (efficiency / safety) u The Euro Fume Cupboard fulfils already now the ventilation requirements of all relevant national standards instead of according to the just valid DIN standard Ä DIN Ä British Standard Ä AFNOR (French Standard) Ä and the European fume cupboard standard 14 175 soon to come (efficiency, safety)
Ventilation Control u short installation length (280 mm above exhaust air manifold), no additional velocity path required instead of additional velocity path required (min. 1 x diameter) Ä reduced installation efforts on site (efficiency)
u Pressure loss of Waldner Airflow-Controller = 20 pa instead of pressure loss between 60 – 100 pa Ä cost reduction of ventilation plants and operational costs (efficiency) u patented, automatic zero point compensation of the pressure sensor within the controller instead of no automatic zero point compensation Ä high long-term stability – pressure sensor is automatically calibrated 1 x each day (safety, efficiency) Ventilation Control
Ventilation Control u patented, automatic self-control recognizes pollution in the controller instead of no automatic self control Ä high functional safety (safety, efficiency) measurement exactness through the complete control range (< 5 %), by a patented measuring process via an orifice plate and a motorised damper instead of measuring process via orifice plate only, or with a measuring cross with deviations of up to 30 % in the lower control range Ä high functional safety Ä no prompt position changes of motorised dampers due to strong pressure changes within the exhaust ducts (safety)
Double Workbenches
Analysis Workplace
Service Wing
Service Modules patented screwless panel technology for sanitary and electrical services installations instead of firmly fixed service panel Ä fast and cheap upgrades and alterations possible at any time, interruptions of work during upgrades are avoided (efficiency)
Service Modules u PEX (polyethylene) pipes for cold/hot water, compressed air, with John-Guest quick release coupling system (TÜV-tested according to DVGW guidelines) instead of copper piping Ä fast and cheap installation of alterations and upgrades (efficiency) Ä no risk of localized corrosion (safety)
Service Modules 2 service modules are used for double workbenches instead of one service module Ä in case of alterations a double workbench can be changed into 2 separate wall workbench modules (efficiency)
Service Modules u separation of installations and furniture u separation of installations and furniture instead of firmly linked units Ä Drip cups are installed on the service module and are not incorporated in the worktop. Worktops and underbench units can be altered/upgraded at any time without detaching the sanitary installations. (efficiency)
Melamine Resin Worktops u double rounded postformed edge instead of single rounding Ä ergonomic shape, insensible to shocks (safety / efficiency)
Underbench Units u front edges of all carcasses and shelves covered with 2 mm PP-edges instead of 0.8 mm melamine resin edges Ä durable, insensible to shocks (efficiency)
Underbench Units instead of single wall frame with open guide rollers u drawer with high-class, double wall steel frame and covered guide rollers instead of single wall frame with open guide rollers Ä high stability, durable easy-running guide rollers, secured against pollution (efficiency) u depth of underbench units 650 mm, instead of 500-530 mm Ä approx. 20 - 30 % more storage area (efficiency)
Underbench Units instead of plinth corners with joint u plinth corners executed without joint, instead of plinth corners with joint plinth of boiling and water resistant glued plywood board lined with plastic foil instead of plinth material of chipboard Ä durable, no swelling of plinth corners in case of humidity (efficiency) . u height of plinth 80 mm, instead of 100 – 150 mm Ä more storage capacity (efficiency)
Underbench Units instead of plastic handles Underbench Units u bow handles of powder coated aluminium instead of plastic handles Ä resistant to chemicals, long-lived, (efficiency)
Sanitary Supply u water fittings with ceramic sealing in top part instead of simple fat chamber top part Ä absolutely free of wear and tear (efficiency)
Electricity u use of freely locatable electrical modules instead of firmly installed electrical trunkings Ä electrical modules can be changed or extended at the service modules without any circuit changes (efficiency)
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