C°C° Planted Forest Raw materials/Transformation Furniture Other ProductsVendor and Supplier FEDEMADERAS Production Chain Natural Forest
FEDEMADERAS 700 members Plantations Natural Forest Manufacture Transformation Furniture and others Supplier and Vendor Sector Councils
Area of Influence
Advantages of Commercial Forestry Environmental Climate change mitigation through CO 2 capture. Helps prevent erosion and desertification with proper management. One hectare of planted forest can replace the production of up to 30 ha of natural forest. ( 600 M3/20 years ) Helps regulate streamflow in watershed basins.
Advantages of Commercial Forestry Social Job creation by an activity that substitutes illegal crops. Offering long term job security for the displaced or reinserted population in rural areas. Supports food security processes. Is an alternative to informal mining. Builds rural social structure.
Advantages of Commercial Forestry Economics The goal of new hectares for , shall create direct jobs and indirect jobs Stimulating economic activity in depressed rural areas Producing raw material for industrial processes. Development of the road infrastructure.
Planted Forest – Latin America 2012
Colombia has a great potential for Commercial Forestry with low use AMAZON - ORINOQUIA has. Planted* has. Potential COFFEE GROWING REGION has. Planted* has. Potential CARIBBEAN has. Planted* has. Potential EAST CENTER has. Planted* has. Potential SOUTH WEST has. Planted* has. Potential Hectares planted for Commercial Forestry, rubber and bamboo * Information of MADR-CONIF 17.3 million hectares suitable for Commercial Forestry planted hectares = 2,4% of the potential.
Forests in Colombia 2012 AREASHas All Natural Forest Parks and Protected Areas Indian Reserves Afroamerican Property State Forests Comparison Planted Forest
Forestry Sector in Colombia - About direct jobs, and approximately indirect jobs. According DNP *: - The wood and furniture industries account for 4% of total industry production - The sectors associated with the production of paper and paperboard represent about 3.5% of the national production According to DANE: - The industrial GDP (including oil refining 12.7%) paper 3.5%, 2.2% furniture, wood 1.3%, = SECTOR 7% in 2010 *DNP. Balance del Sector Industrial December Mitchell Daniel
Colombia Wood Furniture Exports - (NO OTHER MATERIALS AS BAMBOO OR RATTAN BAMBOO) *BACEX information, processed by FEDEMADERAS. USD FOB HS CODE DESCRIPCION Other wooden office furniture Other wooden kitchen furniture Wooden bedroom furniture Other wooden furniture Other furniture parts TOTAL EXPORTS
Colombia Wood Furniture Imports - (NO OTHER MATERIALS AS BAMBOO OR RATTAN BAMBOO) *BACEX information, processed by FEDEMADERAS. USD FOB HS CODE DESCRIPTION Other wooden office furniture Other wooden kitchen furniture Wooden bedroom furniture Other wooden furniture Other furniture parts TOTAL IMPORTS
Action plan for Commercial Reforestation Specific Objective 1 Expand base with commercial forest species to 600,000 hectares by 2014 Specific Objective 2 To strengthen and coordinate the political and institutional framework related to commercial reforestation and maintain actions to promote sustainable forest development.
Official position of Guild FEDEMADERAS agrees with the presence of direct foreign investment, or in partnership with Colombian companies and producers, in the possession, usufruct and use of the land for commercial reforestation, to ensure the integration of the production chain.