1 BSR InnoReg Panevezys review of WP4 18 January 2011
WP4 activities 1.Preparation of Regional analysis 2. Organization of Local seminars (workshops) 3. Participation in TTMs 4. Preparation of I nnovation strategies and D evelopment plans 5. Plans for 2011 Year
1. Regional Analysis On September – November 2009 the research was made; 30 Panevezys region enterprises (25 SME’s and 5 big enterprises) were questioned; 87 percent of questioned enterprises consider themselves as innovative; 57 percent are going to implement innovations. Creation of the innovations in the enterprise depends on: the head of the enterprise (36 percent), specification of the activity (24 percent).
Biggest obstacles: -low financing of innovations, -big expenses, -the risk of implementing economical novelty, -too long payback time of innovations and shortage of proper funds sources. Requests for: partners search, training on various business topics, information, consultations in business, science, new technologies.
10 BDOs were questioned, among them: Lithuanian innovation centre ( LIC), Panevezys Science and Technology Park, Panevezys Business Advisory centre, Panevezys Labour market Training and Consulting authority, 3 Business Information centres in towns of Panevezys Region, Panevezys Chamber of commerce, industry and crafts, Panevezys Businessmen association, Panevezys mechatronics centre There is no service uniqueness (6 from 10)among BDO’s 2 BDO’s have Innovation Strategies Requests for: -co-operation; -development and implementation of joint projects; -effective innovative business promotion system.
2. Organization of Local seminars (workshops)
1st local seminar- „Strenghening of Innovations through transnational cooperation“ was organized in Panevėzys on (51 participant) Among 6 presentations: -presentation of the Project purposes, target groups, expected outcomes and main activities; -encouragement of inovative Women businesses during the EU project “EU women”; - Importance of Partnerships, general understanding of Innovations; - presentation how to develop business environment of microsystem techniques.
The 2nd local seminar- “ Creativity, Innovations, Business“ organized in Panevėzys on (58 participants) Among 7 presentations: -Innovations in Business sector, Innovations promotion. -Innovations in students activities; -Research overwiev about transportation equipment for disabled people. Summary about Regional analysis was presented.
The 3rd seminar „ Seed capital for businesses and innovations. Transnational experience and new financing possibilities“was organized in Panevezys ( , 43 participants ) Among 7 presentations : -Experience in start up companies development and seed capital funding; -Risk capital funding; -Tax advantages for research and experimential development for business companies; -Innovative products created by Panevezys Mechatronical Centre.
4th seminar “ Business Development Organizations and Innovations” was organized in Panevezys on (31 participant) 6 presentations, - Lithuanian innovation strategy for ; -Innovation strategies and development plans for BDO’s ; -Innovation strategy for Textile and Furniture sectors in Panevezys; -New study programmes in High Technological School( Robotics); -Possibilities to develop Cluster of Textile and Furniture.
3. Participation in TTMs
TTMs I.Seinajoki – 2 representatives from LIC II.Tartu – 2 representatives (1 - PSTP ) III.Riga - 4 representatives ( 2 -PBAC, 1 – PSTP)
4. Preparation of Innovation strategies and Development plans
By the end of 2010, prepared innovation strategies and development plans for BDO’s: Panevezys Science and Technology Park Panevezys Business Advisory Centre Prepared : Innovation Strategy and Development plan in the Textile and Furniture sector in Panevezys
Innovation Strategy for Panevezys Science and Technology Park Vision by 2025, Panevėžys Science and Technology Park will become: „The centre for the development of North-East Lithuanian innovation and entrepreneurship culture, technology business“. Over the period of the Park should achieve its 2 main objectives: 1) to promote scientific and business cooperation, and raise a culture of innovation; 2) to enhance the competitiveness of the region's companies and ensure the quality of the PSTP services. 5 tasks have been set, 19 measures, including: -to promote development of joint projects of research institutions and businesses and their implementation (at least 3 projects); -to develop cooperation with Lithuanian and foreign innovative companies (it is expected to sign at least 6 cooperation agreements). -installation of a robotics laboratory ( to promote scientific research, develop the scientific potential and promote the high-tech sector development). For the next 3 years might require 358,55 thous.Euro of investment, or about 120 thousand Euro every year.
Innovation Strategy for Panevezys Business Advisory Centre Vision by 2025, Panevezys Business Advisory Centre will become: „The most reliable business partner for Northeastern Lithuania, in the establishment and development of innovation-oriented business“. Over the period of Centre should achieve its 2 main objectives: ) to provide professional services of the Centre and promote cooperative relations; 2) to encourage start-ups and expansion of innovation-oriented companies. 4 tasks have been set, among 11 measures there are: -development of the Centre project activities in the preparation and implementation of projects for the dissemination of innovation (at least 1 project / per year); -organisation of training for SMEs in the field of innovation and training of qualification of employees in these companies ( at least 60 people/ annually); -to adapt and maintain a website of the Centre for foreign consumers, also to establish and maintain a module to disseminate innovation on the PBAC web site Development plan for the next 3 years might require 151 thousand euro of investment, or about 50 thousand euro every year.
Innovation Strategy for Panevezys Textile and Furniture sectors Textile and furniture sector group's vision „A group of innovative and environmentally friendly companies that develops innovative products using modern technologies and long lasting traditions“. the development plan for the period of provides the implementation of the 2 main objectives: 1) to install and keep up to date modern technologies and methods, 2) to create a favourable environment for enterprise development 4 tasks among them -promotion of the Cluster of Textile and Furniture industry formation. Between 13 measures there are foreseen: -to implement quality and environmental management systems in companies( 12 sertificates); -to prepare the research necessary for the development of new products( at least 3 studies/year); -to develop cooperation with the Lithuanian textile and furniture industry ( 12 cooperation agreements); -to contribute to the establishment of Foreign Investors Business A ssociation in Panevezys and active participation in it; For next 3 years might require 3,89 MEUR of investment, or about 1,3 MEUR / year.
5. Planning WP4 activities in 2011 m. March , -participation in 4 TTM –Rostock; May, - 5th Local seminar in Panevezys; June-July, – Final conference in Panevezys
19 Expected outcomes 1)Competence of BDO is raised; 2)Prepared innovation strategies and development plans for 2 BDOs and textile+furniture secture; 3)Raised up innovation culture in Panevezys region among small and medium Business companies, Academic organizations, BDO’s and Politicians
20 Thanks for attention Project coordinator Diana Bajorūnė parama/ BSR InnoRegwww.panevezys.lt/ES parama/