+ Subject: HOME LaDiva Project April 2014 Group 4 Caroline Puntervold Egle Rabikaite Eleni Nikoloudaki Marta Avotniece Rosanne Luitjes
+ Topic of the project: Home and house Aim group: 6-8 years old 20 students Projects lasts: 2 weeks
+ Goal of our project Language challenge In this project children learn the English vocabulary of the home, the types of the home, the materials we use to build them. The rooms of the house and the furniture of each room. Content challenge The content challenge is to realize and learn about all the aspects a home has, in an emotional and physical way. At the end of this project the pupils understand the input they have got but also can use output. The project is based on communication (teacher-student, student-student).
+ Reward system As a reward of every activity during project teacher are able to reward students. They may color one object of the house We have a house in black and white colors 20 objects We post it in front of the classroom to motivate students to discover vocabulary of the topic
+ Suggestions If pupils want to share things or photo’s about their home, they are more than welcomed to do that Together they can make a schedule on the wall where they are able to sign up for their moment in front of the class during these two weeks Then they have 7 minutes attention of the class to share things or photos from their home (1-3 items)
+ Day 1 Every pupil comes in their home clothes. To get in the mood of the project. What is home for you? Talk about the subject and the teacher presents the house where it will be all week about. Activity 1: mind map – home What is home ? What do you already know about this topic? Write the word ‘home’ in different languages. Activity 2: The pupils draw their own house or dream house. Afterwards they present what they’ve drawn.
+ Day 2 Activity 1: Field trip/excursion in the neighborhood of school The pupils explore what kind of houses there are in the neighborhood. They take some pictures. Activity 2: Look at the pictures that are made in the morning. Discuss what they’ve seen and add some English vocabulary.
+ Day 3 Activity 1: Finger game about the house We have built a beautiful home, Not too tall and not too small, Not too narrow and not too wide Sun from two nice windows shine, Door invites to go inside There I live a long long time. Activity 2: Talk about different houses We have a collage/presentation about different houses and talk about all kind of houses (in different country’s)
+ Day 4 Activity 1: Tell the story about The wolf and the three pigs (in a interactive way). Click here for the story on YouTube. After this talk about the materials of the houses.here Activity 2: The pupils construct/make the houses of the pigs out of different materials (lego, straws, twigs). Home assignment: Count how many doors and windows your house has. Draw tally…
+ Day 5 Activity 1: discuss the homework assignment and make a table out of it. Introduction for the next week: inside of the house. The teacher tells a story about a house inside to train the vocabulary. To make it sensory, students should close their eyes. Story “Daily routines”. Opening activity: The puppet comes home and all the furniture is gone. The pupils need to think what is missing and draw a furniture, and write the name of it in mother tongue.
+ Day 6 Activity 1: Introduce the names of the furniture and the rooms. Activity 2: Tell the same story as day 5 with daily routines but this time with the movements and eyes open. Pair game: Read a card and move furniture in the classroom. Example: Take a chair and move it next to a window (vocabulary + prepositions).
+ Day 7 Activity 1: memory game Activity 2: In shoe boxes the pupils make different rooms with different kind of materials (play-doh, stones, twigs, paper) Afterwards present what they have made. Homework assignment: To bring an item from home (spoon, candle, book etc.)
+ Day 8 Activity 1: Different items from the house are laying on the table. Teacher takes away one or a few items, and the pupils have to name them. Activity 2: The pupils learn a song about the houses. Click here for the song. here
+ Day 9 Activity 1: Provide an assortment of construction paper shapes: squares, triangles, rectangles, and circles. Have children glue a variety of shapes onto a large piece of construction paper to create their own “shape houses”. Activity 2: Storyline: Make a (puppet) story/play, and after that write it down with words they have learned during this project. Think about : place, main character, hobbies, problem, solution
+ Day 10 Activity 1: Reading the story which they made yesterday. The pupils speak through the puppet. Activity 2: Summarize. Finish the mind map. Add new words. What do they know about the topic now?
+ Thank you for your attention