United States Coast Guard Household Goods and Carrier Recovery Claims Claims Processing Briefing
WELCOME TO THE CLAIMS BRIEFING We can only process Household Goods Claims Claims should be mailed to: HHG Claims and Carrier Recoveries USCG Finance Center P.O. Box 4121 Chesapeake, VA Please have all documentation completed prior to mailing your claim.
Overview Required Documentation Private Insurance Repair Estimates vs. Replacement Cost Inspections and Salvage Rights How to complete the Forms
REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION DD Fm 1840/1840R (Pink form) DD Fm 1842 DD Fm 1844 Copy of Orders and any amendments. Government Bill of Lading (GBL) All pages of your shipping inventory Power of Attorney/Letter of Authorization Repair Estimates/Replacement Cost Substantiation Please make personal copies of these documents prior to mailing. We cannot make copies for you.
FIRST STEP Turn in the DD Fm 1840/1840R (Pink Form) within 70 days if you’ve noticed additional damage or loss after the carrier left your quarters. –If you have already turned your DD Fm 1840R and you are still within 70 days you may still add items. –Turning in your DD Fm 1840s does not constitute the filing of a claim Be detailed when listing the NEW damage Be sure to use the correct inventory number NOTE: You have 2 years from the date of delivery to actually file your claim.
Private Insurance You MUST file with your private insurance company before you file through the Government. If you purchased Option 1 or 2 Insurance through Transportation Office, you must file a claim through the carrier first.
Option 1 or 2 Insurance We may help you file against the carrier and may compute the carrier’s liability. –Do not accept a settlement offer or check from the carrier unless you are totally satisfied with the settlement and do not intend to pursue a claim against the Coast Guard for any portion of the claim. If the carrier denies the claim, makes an inadequate settlement offer, or causes hardship by delaying settlement for more than 60 days after submission of the claim to the carrier, then you may submit the claim to our claims office.
WHEN ARE REPAIR ESTIMATES REQUIRED? For any wood furniture. Any Upholstered Furniture that was torn. Any electrical item that is no longer working. When there is question as to whether or not the item is damaged beyond repair. Whenever Claims Examiner determines it’s necessary.
WHAT NEEDS TO BE ON THE REPAIR ESTIMATE UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE –Can the item be repaired by weaving or some other fashion. –How many yards of material and what it costs per yard –Labor cost –Pickup and Delivery charges *note: These must be listed separately on the repair estimate.
Repair Estimates Continued... Wood Furniture –Describe the damaged areas and repairs necessary to restore the item to pre-move condition. –Describe exactly what repairs are being made. –The type of wood the furniture is made of, if possible. *note: Repair Estimate must only be for NEW damage.
Replacement Items Items are typically replaced when: –It cannot be repaired (as stated in the estimate) –Missing –More cost effective than to repair Items of $100 or more must have written substantiation (based on the current price to replace the item). –Catalog (preferably military exchange) –Store letterhead or receipt –Paid receipt
Electrician’s Report Whenever there is internal damage, a detailed Electrician’s Report is required. Completed and Signed by the Electrician. Claimant completes and signs the Claimant Statement form.
ESTIMATE FEES If you are charged an estimate fee, it is reimbursable. Keep a copy of the receipt and file it with your claim. Ensure the receipt states what the fee is for. Also, if the estimate fee will be deducted once you have the repairs completed, it will need to be annotated. One estimate fee for all wood/upholstery items that require repairs
DON’Ts Do not throw away any items that you are claiming, including broken items such as fine china or collectibles. –(Exception: Broken Glass may be discarded for safety reasons.) Do not have any item repaired prior to the settlement of your claim. –(Exception: Every day necessity, i.e... Refrigerator.)
INSPECTIONS Carrier has 45 days from the date of delivery or from the date of dispatch of the last DD Fm 1840R (Pink Form) to inspect. Coast Guard has right to inspect.
SALVAGE Either the Carrier or the Coast Guard will have the right to salvage for those items you are paid to replace. –An additional deduction may be taken if the property has been discarded prior to the settlement of your claim. –If you’re not sure - call.
MEMORABILIA If there is an item you would like to keep because of sentimental value, advise your claim adjudicator. A salvage deduction can be taken on the item, allowing you to keep the item.
REPAIR FIRMS Use the Better Business Bureau, yellow pages, and recommendations of friends and co-workers. Ensure that you select the appropriate repair firm for the item damage. The repair firm must be able to perform the repairs that are estimated.
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