SMARTER BALANCED ASSESSMENT CONSORTIUM 1. Current ISAT 2. Future ISAT Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium b. Timeline a Pilot Testing b Field Testing c Full Implementation d Ongoing research and Evaluation
Smarter Balanced - Accessibility and Accommodations Category A: Options are open to all students. These options do not impact the construct nor item content. System options system might include masking of test items or visual magnification. Local options might include scratch paper or extended time. Category B: Options are available to students with a documented need. These options may effect item content but do not impact the construct being measured. System options might include read-aloud tools or language translation for mathematics content. Local options might include scribes or administering the test individually in a separate location. Category C: Option is essential for a specific access need and open to those with defined need. These tools may effect item content but do not impact the construct being measured. System tools might include refreshable braille display or audio descriptions of graphics. Local tools might include special equipment such as noise buffers, special lighting, or adaptive/special furniture. Category D: This category includes specialized supports for students who would not be able to access the assessment without them. Category D contains supports that violate the construct. System options might include a read-aloud on a reading test for visually impaired students who are not braille readers. Local options might be a scribe that translates responses into written English that are provided in ASL or verbally in another language. Focus on Access Needs Personal Needs Profiles (PNP) Being developed now
Waiver: Idaho’s Accountability Measures 1.ISAT 2.Growth to Achievement 3.Growth to Achievement Subgroups 4.Graduations Rates 5.Participation How to Read the Student Growth Report 1.Student Growth Percentile (SGP) provides a norm-referenced measure of academic growth by comparing the student’s scale score to that of the student’s “academic peers.” all Idaho students being tested in the same grade- level subject and having a similar ISAT scale score in that subject prior to the current year. 2. Adequate Growth Percentile (AGP) provides a criterion-referenced measure of academic growth by predicting how much growth is necessary to keep or achieve proficiency in three years or by 10 th grade, whichever comes first. IDAHO GROWTH MODEL
IDAHO GROWTH MODEL AND STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES 1. We do not include ISAT-Alt students in the growth model. -Size of population -Scale 2. WAIVER: If a subgroup is smaller than 25 then they will not be included in growth measures, rather all subgroups will be rolled into one.
NCSC is a project led by five centers and 19 states to build an alternate assessment based on alternate achievement standards (AA-AAS) for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities. NATIONAL CENTER AND STATE COLLABORATIVE (NCSC)
NCSC will not only develop an end of year test, but will work to develop curriculum, instruction, and professional development support for teachers of students with significant cognitive disabilities. An opportunity to ensure that students with the most significant cognitive disabilities benefit from the national movement toward Common Core State Standards designed to prepare all students for success in college and careers. NATIONAL CENTER AND STATE COLLABORATIVE (NCSC)
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