Website: | Facebook ‘Leeds University Union’ | Leeds University Union. LUU Helpdesk
Website: | Facebook ‘Leeds University Union’ | How the Helpdesk can help you: Room bookings Stall bookings Other foyer activities Ticket sales Nightbus daytime bookings
Website: | Facebook ‘Leeds University Union’ | Room bookings Who can book rooms? LUU society committee members Must have completed cash office induction Must have completed Development Coordinator induction Helpdesk tips: Nominate 1 person on your committee to book all rooms. This will make it easier to keep track of which rooms your group has booked. Remember to let us know who your nominated room bookings member is, so we can contact them with any queries.
Website: | Facebook ‘Leeds University Union’ | Room bookings Which rooms can we book via the Helpdesk? LUU Meeting Rooms on 2 nd floor The Lounge, Treehouse, Common Room & Raven (evenings & weekend only) Little LUU House University seminar rooms & lecture theatres (mainly evenings, only Parkinson building at weekend) ISS computer clusters
Website: | Facebook ‘Leeds University Union’ | Room bookings How to book rooms: LUU spaces uk/default uk/default University spaces Bars and Venues Contact Tom Smith: Detailed instructions on how book and use the rooms is available at sandsocieties/events/ sandsocieties/events/
Website: | Facebook ‘Leeds University Union’ | Room bookings How to use rooms Start and end promptly Leave rooms as you’d like to find them (clean & tidy) Treat rooms, furniture and equipment with respect Replace furniture according to room plans Sign into rooms at start of booking University owned rooms- keep noise levels to a minimum If you don’t need a booking cancel it as soon as possible to open it up to other groups Guest speakers & home made food at bookings must be confirmed by your dev-co in advance (3 weeks notice for guest speaker forms to be cleared)
Website: | Facebook ‘Leeds University Union’ | Room bookings Guidelines for use: This is your student union, but unless we treat these shared spaces with respect a single group can negatively impact all other users of the space. These guidelines are in place to ensure your meeting rooms stay in good condition and are used to their maximum capacity by all our societies. If groups do not attend 3 booking in a term, i.e. Don’t sign in outside the room 3 times (leaving rooms empty other groups could’ve used)... If groups do not respect the rooms, equipment or furniture- any messiness, furniture not returned to the planned formation or damage to property (preventing other groups from having a clean, tidy, usable space)......your Dev-Co, Rep and the Activities officer will be informed. Repeat offenders may be subject to further action to be decided by the Activities Exec.
Website: | Facebook ‘Leeds University Union’ | Riley bookings Most show weeks have now been booked into the Riley Smith Hall. If you would like to use the Riley for an event or show, you should book it out as normal via the Room Booking system. You will also need to complete a Riley Booking Form at least 2 weeks before your event and it to the Helpdesk. This form asks for information about any technical requirements (lights, sound etc) and how you would like the room setup. If we do not receive a Riley Booking Form in advance, you will not have any technical support booked and your event may not be able to go ahead.
Website: | Facebook ‘Leeds University Union’ | Riley bookings during show weeks When the Riley has been booked for a show, Backstage Society have control of the space for that week. They use this time to build the set & tech requirements and hold rehearsals. With at least 2 weeks notice, Backstage may be able to release the Riley to another group on Wednesdays, Thursdays or Saturdays until 5pm at the latest. To request these bookings, click on the booking in the Room Booking System and do a Transfer Booking Request. If Backstage are able to accomodate your booking, you’ll receive an automated confirming your booking.
Website: | Facebook ‘Leeds University Union’ | Performance venues There is some space available in the Riley for booking shows. Leeds and Banham Theatre are available to hire for shows. Contact Steve Ansell for details
Website: | Facebook ‘Leeds University Union’ | Stall bookings These are bookable tables in the foyer or outside in the precinct to promote your society / fundraise / sell tickets Food- must be wrapped individually Home made food- must have a committee member with food hygiene certificate to supervise baking. Helpdesk tips: Try to think of engaging things to bring people over to your stall- e.g. games / competitions. Treat manning to stall as your time to represent your society to new potential members
Website: | Facebook ‘Leeds University Union’ | Other foyer activities Performances / flash mobs are a great way to create a buzz about your society/event. Must be booked in advance via LUU Helpdesk. Risk assessment to be completed Noise kept to a minimum- if music / loud noises are required it must be a short burst of loud noise (max 5 minutes). Must not obstruct entrances or walkways- we may rope an area off for you.
Website: | Facebook ‘Leeds University Union’ | Ticket sales Free service to societies – tickets sold at Helpdesk & online at us with full details of your event and tickets and drop off any printed tickets at the Helpdesk. You can keep track of ticket sales, purchaser lists and customisations (the extra information you’ve asked for) by logging into your society’s msl account online and going to sales reports. Helpdesk tips: Even if you are selling tickets from stalls in the foyer / the Riley Box office, giving the Helpdesk a small number of tickets to sell will ensure they will be available pm regardless of whether volunteers are available.
Website: | Facebook ‘Leeds University Union’ | Night bus bookings Societies are able to hire the union night bus from 8.30am-6pm during term time and any time out of term time. You’ll need to be an authorised driver and have passed a midas test- see Anne-Marie to complete these.
Website: | Facebook ‘Leeds University Union’ | Here to help you... Helpdesk is open pm Mon-Fri, pm Sat and 12-5pm Sun.
Website: | Facebook ‘Leeds University Union’ |