COSMOB is a Technology center offering advanced services and specializing in the furniture sector, with the primary aim of promoting and sustaining the technological, productive and commercial development of its industrial and artisan associate companies. COSMOB intervenes with strategic approaches in five critical areas : 1. QUALITY 2. TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION 3. INTERNATIONALIZATION 4. PROFESSIONAL TRAINING 5. DESIGN
COSMOB’s EU PROJECTs GLASSTECH - technology transfer system for the innovative curved glass industry MEPOS - optical measurement of position and size of wood panels for intelligent automation of sanding machines LAIPP - dissemination of IPP tools in the furniture industry DIPP - Development of Innovative Particleboard (chipboard) Panels for a better mechanical performance and a lower environmental impact SCOOP – Sheet cutting and process optimization for furniture enterprises GALILEO - Growing Adriatic Laboratory In Locating Economic Organizations” project GALILEO-NET – technology platform for the B2B market in a furniture cluster DIRCE – National survey on the innovation technology in the furniture SMEs of the south Italy
COSMOB Universities, Research Centers Public Bodies Furniture Enterprises, Industrial Associations
FIRST CHOICE TOPIC for FP7 Nanotechnologies Materials Production Technologies Advanced Wood-Based Composites and their Production Environment Energy
Contact: Eng. Francesco Balducci CONSORZIO DEL MOBILE s.p.a. Piazzale Lazzarini – Galleria Roma, scala B – Pesaro Phone Fax