“Libraries, traditionally focused on the products of scholarship, are now prompted to understand and support the processes of scholarship” Karen Williams. A Framework for Articulating New Library Roles.
Foster researcher success by providing active support throughout the research lifecycle
Connects students and faculty to services, tools, programming, and technology to support research. It provides spaces for collaboration, shares and highlights research and creative output, and engages scholars.
Timeline July 2013Research Commons Planning Committee charged November 2013Final report submitted March 2014Staff reassigned to Hub efforts, design begins May 2014Material shifts begin June 2014Most furniture, fixtures, and technology for Davis Library is ordered July-August 2014Furniture and fixtures delivered and installed August 2014Soft launch of the Davis Research Hub
Core features Skilled staff to support research Spaces for consultation, creation, and presentation Cutting-edge technologies, with training and support Events that showcase faculty and student research, and provide opportunities for interdisciplinary
Davis Library Kenan Science Library Health Sciences Library Points of engagement
Davis Library Research Hub Collaborative, bookable work spaces Presentation space GIS/Stats Open Lab Digital scholarship consulting Copyright consulting Digital humanities support
Davis Library Hub Services GIS services Numeric data services Data analysis Data visualization Data management Data curation
Health Sciences Library Research Hub Collaborative work spaces Space for instruction and presentation Distance education and point to point videoconferencing Multipoint videoconferencing
HSL Hub Services Grant partnerships Funding source research NIH Public Access Policy Compliance Systematic reviews Data management assistance Reputation management
Kenan Science Library Research Hub Makerspace 3D design, printing and scanning Arduino, Raspberry Pi and soldering station Creativity center (drawing & modelling materials ) Co-working space Collaborative group work area Reservable group study rooms “Hearth” – comfortable seating
Kenan Hub Services 3D printing and scanning 3D design consultations & workshops Support for classes and research projects using maker technology Data and reputation management Company, industry, and market research consultations
Davis Library Partnerships Howard W. Odum Institute for Research in Social Science Center for Faculty Excellence
HSL Partners NC Translational and Clinical Sciences Institute (NC TraCS) Carolina Health Informatics Program (CHIP) REACH NC
Other Collaborators UNC Creator Space Kenan Flagler Institute of Private Enterprise: Research Services and KM UNC Minor in Entrepreneurship Carolina Digital Humanities Institute Digital Innovation Lab
Staffing in Davis Library New Department: Digital Research Services Shifted existing staff from Library IT, Research and Instructional Services, and CDLA Two graduate assistants 40 hours/week & student employees 40 hours/week Two employees from Electronic Resources Management contribute some hours to the Hub
Staffing in Kenan and HSL No reorganizations or new staff In Kenan Makerspace Two graduate students assist with Makerspace One employee from UX Department contributes some hours to the Makerspace At HSL Efforts showcase existing HSL Research Services New hires and training of existing staff will support new service needs over time
Continual assessment Invest in skills and facilities Continually build capacity Strengthen partnerships Demonstrate value Future Plans
Thank you Jill Sexton Head of Digital Research Services UNC Chapel Hill Libraries