Nevada Department of Corrections Leading Nevada Corrections Into The Future Coping With An Assault DNOC Employee Development Division
WARNING!!! Some contents in this presentation are of a graphic nature. There are movies of assaults that have taken place and there are photos of injuries that have occurred from assaults. Graphic language might also be used.
Assaults can happen! In Law Enforcement they will happen! And quite possibly…
You NEED to be Mentally&Physically ready for an….
The inmate population in U.S. Prison/Jails since 1996 has increased… 27%
Of all the assaults that occur in Prisons/Jails, the percentage that involves staff is… 33.5%
A national statistic states that the average amount of times an officer can expect to be assaulted in a 20 year career is… 3
The number of staff deaths that have occurred in U.S. prisons from 2000 thru 2004 are… 37
50% of all staff assaults will occur between the hours of… 3:00pm&11:00pm
48% of all staff assaults will occur in a… Secured housing unit Secured housing unit
37% of all staff assaults are committed by… Mental Health Inmates
10% of all assaults on staff are committed by… Gang Members
Types of Assault Verbal Propelled Items/ Body Fluids Hand to Hand Weapons Group Attacks Sexual Assault
Verbal It’s going to happen, Deal with it… The power of the pen is mightier than the sword… If you retaliate, They win…
Propelled Items/ Body Fluids From water to Human Waste Stones/rocks 24-7 to make it Everything can be a weapon
Hand 2 Hand You will get hit… It will hurt… You might see blood… Fight for you life…
Weapons Prepare to get hit or stuck… 24-7 to make them… You see it they can use… From toothbrushes to styro-foam…
Group Attack Not common… Scary… Fight for your life…
Sexual Assault Not Common… Male or Female… You need to take control…
Results of an Assault Minor Injuries Serious Injuries Disease Mental Injuries Death
Minor Injuries Bumps and Bruises… Cuts and Scrapes… Fat Lips…
Serious Injuries Broken Bone / Concussions / Stab Wounds… Long Stays in hospital… Possible loss of job… Life time affects…
Disease HIV / Hepatitis Affects family Likelihood High
Mental Issues It will happen… There is no shame… Get Help… Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome…
Death The end-No more tomorrows… No More Family… It’s Not an Option…
Defending your life Target Areas Eyes/throat Ribs Lateral Peroneal Common Femoral Anterior Femoral Groin
Are you prepared to have this happen to you?
Always get backup!!!
Use the Four M’s of Self-Defense…
Use your Mind To Perceive Danger Through Your Senses To Perceive Danger Through Your Senses To Plan A Response Strategy To Plan A Response Strategy To Rehearse Your Psychomotor Skills To Rehearse Your Psychomotor Skills To Maintain A Winning Attitude To Maintain A Winning Attitude
Use your Muscles For Total Body Strength For Instinctive/Conditioned Psychomotor Responses To Overcome Danger
Use Your MASS For Creating Follow- Through Body Momentum For Trunk And Hip Rotation For Keeping A Low CENTER To Ensure That You Are Using All Your ASSets
& Move Using your ability To Create Distance In A Dynamic Manner Using Your Patterns of Movement
With all of This, How could you lose. Good Luck in your Career.
Thank You and Be Safe