Reviews the type of information reported on the Domestic Violence Victim Data table Clarify what qualifies as a domestic relationship Reviews modifications to domestic violence reporting Reviews domestic violence offense groupings Clarifies proper reporting of Domestic Violence Victim Data through the Uniform Crime Reporting Program
3 Domestic Violence is characterized by the current or former relationship of the people involved in a reported incident Domestic relationships include intimate relationships and other family relationships
4 Domestic Violence Victim Data
Domestic Relationship: a relationship where the persons involved Are related by blood or marriage Are married or divorced Have a child in common Have an intimate relationship (current or former)
The current or former living status of people does not determine a domestic relationship.
Expanded definition of Domestic Relationship –Living Status Expanded definition of Domestic Relationship-Spouses/Intimate Partners Clarified qualifying domestic violence offenses
11 Count ALL victims of DV related offenses within a reported incident Example: A man hits his wife in front of their child. Police charge man with aggravated assault and endangering the welfare of a child (2 victims total).
12 Victims of multiple offenses in the same incident should only be counted once Use the following hierarchy to determine which offenses a victim of multiple offenses should be reported under Murder Rape Aggravated Assault Kidnapping Sex Offenses other than Rape Simple Assault Violation of Protective Order Endangering the Welfare of a Child
13 Aggravated Assault Simple Assault Sex Offense Other Violent Offense Violation of Protective Order
Assault 3 rd WeaponPL sub 3 Assault 2 nd Degree PL Assault 1 st Degree PL Menacing 2 nd Weapon PL sub 1 Stalking 2 nd WeaponPL sub 1 Strangulation 2 nd DegreePL Strangulation 1 st DegreePL
Assault 3 rd DegreePL sub 1,2 Menacing 1 st DegreePL Menacing 2 nd StalkingPL sub 2 Menacing 3 rd DegreePL Stalking 4 th DegreePL Stalking 3 rd DegreePL Stalking 2 nd DegreePL sub 2-5 Stalking 1 st DegreePL Criminal Obstruction of Breathing or Blood CirculationPL Harassment 2 nd PL Aggravated Harassment 2 nd PL Aggravated Harassment 1 st PL Intimidating a VictimPL
16 Sexual Misconduct PL Rape PL & Criminal Sexual Act PL , , Sexual Abuse PL ,130.65, , , Compel Prostitution PL Incest PL , , Promote Sex Performance of Child PL
PL sub 3
18 Murder: PL , PL sub 2 Coercion: PL , PL Kidnapping: PL , PL Endangering the Welfare of a Child: PL
Selection criteria for converting IBR data into domestic violence victim data is programmed at the state level and is based on ◦ penal charge ◦ victim to offender relationship
IBR victim/offender relationship codes determine domestic violence relationship Literals and codes are listed on page 63 of the NYSIBR Data Capture Elements and Specifications document available at crimereporting/ibr_refman/NYSIBR-Data- Capture-Elements-and-Specifications.pdf crimereporting/ibr_refman/NYSIBR-Data- Capture-Elements-and-Specifications.pdf
Domestic relationship includes persons related by blood, through marriage, boyfriends, girlfriends, and same sex partners Domestic violence victim data is a victim count Offense groupings are UCR classifications and not NYS penal law literals Importance of accurate reporting
NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services Crime Reporting Unit