Protecting Yourself from Violence How can you avoid being the victim of a violent act? Recognize possible sources of violence in your environment. Choose behaviors that minimize your chances of being a victim.
In this lesson, you will learn to: Lesson Objectives In this lesson, you will learn to: Compare the causes and effects of violence Show influences on violence, such as the media and alcohol and other drugs Identify different types of violence and strategies for avoiding violence Develop strategies for avoiding gangs and weapons
Causes of Violence Why Violence Occurs Some people use violence as a means of dealing with conflicts. In such cases, the victim may know his or her assailant. Some common causes of violence and deliberate injury: Need to control others: Using violence to control others. Way of expressing anger: Striking out against others. Prejudice: Some acts of violence are crimes of hate that stem from prejudice. Retaliation: People sometimes use violence to retaliate against individuals or groups.
Influences on Violence Factors That Contribute to Violence Weapons Availability Media Messages Substance Abuse Mental/Emotional Health Issues
Influences on Violence Weapons Availability Strategies exist to reduce accidents and intentional injuries caused by firearms, as well as to avoid weapons altogether. People must now undergo background checks in order to purchase guns from licensed dealers. People who own guns legally can install safety devices on their firearms. Owners are encouraged to keep guns unloaded and securely stored when not in use.
Influences on Violence The Media The role of the media in contributing to violent behavior is a matter of great debate. Some critics point to increased occurrences of violent acts following extensive media coverage of such events. Other experts think that young people become desensitized, or emotionally indifferent, to acts of violence when they see such images repeatedly.
Influences on Violence Alcohol and Other Drugs Drug users often turn to illegal activities, such as robbery, to obtain money to purchase drugs. People using alcohol or other drugs cannot think clearly and have difficulty making safe, healthful decisions. Use of these substances also makes it difficult for an individual to control his or her emotions. This may cause a person to behave violently.
Influences on Violence Mental/Emotional Issues People who feel unvalued may use violence in an attempt to prove their self-worth. Some violent behaviors are acts of revenge by people who have never learned any other way of dealing with disagreements. Anger management workshops and counseling are available in most communities for people who have problems controlling their anger.
Youth Involvement in Crimes Types of Violence Youth Involvement in Crimes Youth violence is violence directed toward or carried out by persons under the age of 19. Teens are two and a half times more likely to be crime victims than adults are. About 100,000 teens are arrested each year for violent crimes such as assault, homicide, and sexual violence.
Assault and Homicide Types of Violence Each day in the United States, about 18,000 people survive an assault. Some assaults involve people who do not know one another—this is known as random violence. Assault may sometimes result in homicide. After automobile accidents, homicide is the second leading cause of death among individuals aged 15 to 24.
Strategies for Avoiding Violence Types of Violence Strategies for Avoiding Violence If an attacker wants your money or jewelry and you are in danger, throw your purse, wallet, or jewelry away from you. Then run in the opposite direction. If you are being followed, go to a place where there are other people.
Sexual Violence Types of Violence Sexual assault and rape, two forms of sexual violence, differ from sexual harassment in that physical attacks are involved. These are acts of violence rather than acts of passion. The attacker is generally motivated not by sexual desire but by the desire to force another person to do something he or she does not want to do.
Sexual Assault and Rape Types of Violence Sexual Assault and Rape Sexual assault is often accompanied by battery or the beating of the victim. Rape is one of the least reported crimes. Of the estimated 683,000 rapes that take place each year, only about 16 percent are reported to police.
Sexual Violence in a Dating Relationship Types of Violence Sexual Violence in a Dating Relationship Most sexual violence is directed at females, but males may also be victims. Currently, 8 percent of teens report being victims of sexual violence during dating by the time they reach the ninth grade. In some states, sexual intercourse between a male of any age and a female under the age of 18 is considered rape unless the two are married. Penalties for this crime may include going to prison as well as a lifelong record as a sex offender.
Escaping and Surviving a Sexual Attack Types of Violence Escaping and Surviving a Sexual Attack If you do become the target of a sexual attack, try to run for help. If it’s not possible to run, try something else, such as screaming or yelling “Fire!” If possible, try to physically disable or stun your attacker. Be alert to moments when you might catch the attacker off guard and escape. Use your wits and try different approaches.
Gang-Related Violence Risks of Gang Membership Gang-related crimes often include the sale of drugs, physical assaults on rival gang members, and homicide. Joining a gang increases one’s risk of being arrested, hurt, or killed. You can avoid risks associated with gang membership by resisting pressure to join a gang and leaving when you see gang members.
Quick Review Choose the appropriate option. Q. An unfair opinion or judgment of a particular group of people is called _________. prejudice 2. assault 3. homicide 4. random violence
A. 1. prejudice Quick Review - Answer An unfair opinion or judgment of a particular group of people is called prejudice. Click Next to attempt another question.
Q. Common causes of violence do NOT include: Quick Review Choose the appropriate option. Q. Common causes of violence do NOT include: Desire to learn new things Anger or frustration Need to control others Prejudice
A. 1. Desire to learn new things Quick Review - Answer A. 1. Desire to learn new things Common causes of violence do not include the following: desire to learn new things. Click Next to attempt another question.
Quick Review Choose the appropriate option. Q. Use of alcohol or other drugs helps a person to control his or her emotions, which may lead to violence. True False
Quick Review - Answer A. False. Use of alcohol or other drugs does not help a person to control his or her emotions, which may lead to violence. Click Next to attempt another question.
Q. Messages from the media can sometimes affect violent behavior. Quick Review Choose the appropriate option. Q. Messages from the media can sometimes affect violent behavior. True False
Quick Review - Answer A. True. Messages from the media can sometimes affect violent behavior. Click Next to attempt another question.
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Quick Review - Answer A. Correct! An unfair opinion or judgment of a particular group of people is called prejudice. Click Next to attempt another question.
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Quick Review - Answer A. Correct! Common causes of violence do not include the following: desire to learn new things. Click Next to attempt another question.
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Quick Review - Answer A. Correct! Use of alcohol or other drugs does not help a person to control his or her emotions, which may lead to violence. Click Next to attempt another question.
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Quick Review - Answer A. Correct! Messages from the media can sometimes affect violent behavior. Click Next to attempt another question.
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Causes of Violence Why Violence Occurs Some people use violence as a means of dealing with conflicts. In such cases, the victim may know his or her assailant. Some common causes of violence and deliberate injury: An assailant is person who commits a violent act against another. Need to control others: Using violence to control others. Way of expressing anger: Striking out against others. Prejudice: Some acts of violence are crimes of hate that stem from prejudice. Retaliation: People sometimes use violence to retaliate against individuals or groups.
Causes of Violence Why Violence Occurs Some people use violence as a means of dealing with conflicts. In such cases, the victim may know his or her assailant. Some common causes of violence and deliberate injury: Prejudice is an unfair opinion or judgment of a particular group of people. Need to control others: Using violence to control others. Way of expressing anger: Striking out against others. Prejudice: Some acts of violence are crimes of hate that stem from prejudice. Retaliation: People sometimes use violence to retaliate against individuals or groups.
Assault and Homicide Types of Violence Each day in the United States, about 18,000 people survive an assault. Some assaults involve people who do not know one another—this is known as random violence. Assault may sometimes result in homicide. After automobile accidents, homicide is the second leading cause of death among individuals aged 15 to 24. An assault is an unlawful attack on a person with the intent to harm or kill.
Assault and Homicide Types of Violence Random violence is violence committed for no particular reason. Each day in the United States, about 18,000 people survive an assault. Some assaults involve people who do not know one another—this is known as random violence. Assault may sometimes result in homicide. After automobile accidents, homicide is the second leading cause of death among individuals aged 15 to 24.
Assault and Homicide Types of Violence A homicide is the willful killing of one human being by another. Each day in the United States, about 18,000 people survive an assault. Some assaults involve people who do not know one another—this is known as random violence. Assault may sometimes result in homicide. After automobile accidents, homicide is the second leading cause of death among individuals aged 15 to 24.
Sexual Violence Types of Violence Sexual assault and rape, two forms of sexual violence, differ from sexual harassment in that physical attacks are involved. These are acts of violence rather than acts of passion. The attacker is generally motivated not by sexual desire but by the desire to force another person to do something he or she does not want to do. Sexual violence is any form of unwelcome sexual conduct directed at an individual, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, and rape.
Sexual Assault and Rape Types of Violence Sexual Assault and Rape Sexual assault is often accompanied by battery or the beating of the victim. Rape is one of the least reported crimes. Of the estimated 683,000 rapes that take place each year, only about 16 percent are reported to police. Sexual assault is any intentional sexual attack against another person.
Sexual Assault and Rape Types of Violence Sexual Assault and Rape Sexual assault is often accompanied by battery or the beating of the victim. Rape is one of the least reported crimes. Of the estimated 683,000 rapes that take place each year, only about 16 percent are reported to police. Rape is any form of sexual intercourse that takes place against a person’s will.