Milestones for Justice Information Sharing Larry Webster SEARCH August 7, 2003
The Problem of Integrated Justice Goal: provide complete, accurate, and timely information to justice system decision-makers, when and where it is needed Identity Legal status Criminal history
The Problem of Integrated Justice Time Space Structure
The Problem of Integrated Justice The rules for communication and transportation were different County-based justice was good enough
FELONY CONVICTION RECORD Crim Sex Conduct 1 12/98 Assault with Weapon 3/96 Burglary Occupied 6/94 Jon Lee Beasley 12/8/52 WARRANTS Dakota County Felony 1/1/99 Hennepin County Misdemeanor 2/5/99 Carver County Gross Msdr 5/5/99 WEAPONS PROHIBITED MISDEMEANORS Domestic Assault 3/3/97 Assault 2/15/94 DWI 7/4/93 DWI 9/15/92 PROBATION Hennepin Scott Dakota Domestic Restraining Orders: Y PRE-TRIAL RELEASE Ramsey 11/99 Hennepin 6/99 Dakota 5/99 JUVENILE FELONY RECORD YES NAME: DOB: SEX OFFENDER: YES
FELONY CONVICTION RECORD Crim Sex Conduct 1 12/98 Assault with Weapon 3/96 Burglary Occupied 6/94 Jon Lee Beasley 12/8/52 WARRANTS Dakota County Felony 1/1/99 Hennepin County Misdemeanor 2/5/99 Carver County Gross Msdr 5/5/99 WEAPONS PROHIBITED MISDEMEANORS Domestic Assault 3/3/97 Assault 2/15/94 DWI 7/4/93 DWI 9/15/92 PROBATION Hennepin Scott Dakota Domestic Restraining Orders: Y PRE-TRIAL RELEASE Ramsey 11/99 Hennepin 6/99 Dakota 5/99 JUVENILE FELONY RECORD YES NAME: DOB: SEX OFFENDER: YES
Brady Survey % criminal history records not automated 32.7% fingerprint not linked to disposition 43.3% felony information missing (some because cases are still pending)
Brady Survey 1999 Arrest data to repository 1 to 93 days (13 days average, 14 days median) Entry of arrest data 0 to 180 days (26 days average, 14 days median)
Brady Survey 1999 Court dispositions to repository 0 to 110 days (30 days average and median) Entry of disposition data 1 to 365 days (39 days average, 10 days median)
Brady Survey 1999 Corrections admissions 1 to 60 days (15 days average) Jail admissions 1 to 30 days (17 days average) Entry of admissions 1 to 365 days (53 days average, 10 days median)
Private-sector Comparisons $1,000,000,000 per day 6,000,000 flights per year 600,000,000 passengers annually 2,000 offenders?
The Problem of Integrated Justice Criminal activity is no longer confined to a county Paper cannot move information far enough or fast enough to meet the goal
The Problem of Integrated Justice Independent organizations Interdependent organizations
Milestones Initiation and Governance Planning Performance Measures Analyze Information Exchange Standards Architecture Infrastructure Applications Interfaces
Initiate the Process and Develop a Governance Structure Is there a common understanding of integration among key policy leaders, and a commitment to pursue it? Is there a decision-making structure in place to which everyone has agreed?
Continue Planning Is a strategic plan for the effort in place? Mission Goals and Objectives Technology Assessment Evaluation of Available Technology Review of Best Practices Business Process Review
Develop and Use Performance Measures Can performance in accomplishing goals and objectives be demonstrated quantitatively?
Analyze Information Exchange Have existing information exchanges been documented and analyzed? Have automated information exchanges been designed?
Adopt or Develop Standards Are justice agencies using common, shared tables for key data? Are operational and technical experts monitoring efforts to develop standards at the national level?
Create a Sound Integration Architecture Is there agreement at the conceptual level among justice agencies concerning the model of integration that will be adopted?
Develop the Infrastructure Have adequate communications networks and computing and application development environments been established?
Improve Agency and Organization Applications Do justice organizations operate case and records management applications that are compatible with the chosen integration architecture? Are all relevant agencies able to connect their applications to the integration infrastructure?
Establish Interfaces Are justice organizations able to pass information electronically between applications? Query and Response Application to Application Subscription and Notification
Milestones Not a comprehensive evaluation of the status of an integration initiative Simple indicator of approximate location in the process More detailed planning information is available
Milestones for Justice Information Sharing Larry Webster SEARCH August 7, 2003