Jack and Jill are climbing the hill… and getting ready for school
Five Leading Fatal Injuries by Age Group Orange County Residents, 2003 < 1 year (5 deaths) 1-4 years (14 deaths) 5-12 years (11 deaths) years ( 9 deaths) years (65 deaths) 1. Suffocation (2)1. Drowning/ Submersion (7) 1.MVT, Occupant (4)1. MVT, Pedestrian (3)1. MVT, Occupant (19) 2. MVT, Occupant (1)2. MVT, Occupant (3)2. Assault/Homicide - Firearm (3) 2. Assault/Homicide – Firearm (2) 2. Assault/Homicide – Firearm (11) 2. Assault/ Homicide – Other (1) 3. Fall (1)2. MVT, Pedestrian (3)3. Drowning/ Submersion (1) 3. Self-Inflicted/Suicide – Hanging/Suffocation (6) 2. Natural, Environmental (1) 3. Pedestrian, Other (1) 4. MVT, Unspecified (1) 3. MVT, Bicyclist (1)4. MVT, Pedestrian (5) 3. Suffocation (1)3. MVT, Unspecified (1)5. Unintentional Poisoning (4) 3. Assault/Homicide – Other (1) 3. Assault/Homicide – Cut/Pierce (1) 5. Self-Inflicted/Suicide – Firearm (4)
Five Leading Nonfatal Hospitalized Injuries by Age Group Orange County Residents, 2003 <1 year (137 Injuries) 1-4 years (598 Injuries) 5-12 years (755 Injuries) years (488 injuries) years (1,302 injuries) 1. Unintentional, Fall (45) 1. Unintentional, Fall (234) 1.Unintentional, Fall (310) 1. Unintentional, Fall (103) 1. MVT, Occupant (328) 2. Unintentional, Burn, Hot Object/Substance (23) 2. Unintentional, Burn – Hot Object/Substance (66) 2. MVT, Pedestrian (54)2. Self-Inflicted/Suicide – Poisoning (55) 2. Self-Inflicted/Suicide – Poisoning (164) 3. Unintentional, Suffocation (11) 3. Unintentional, Poisoning (46) 3. Unintentional, Struck By Object (52) 3. Unintentional – Struck By Object (46) 3.Unintentional, Fall (131) 4. Assault/Homicide – Abuse and Neglect (10) 4. Unintentional, Struck by Object (30) 4. MVT, Occupant (47)4. Self-Inflicted/Suicide – Cut/Pierce (45) 4. Unintentional, Struck By Object (48) 5. Unintentional, Poisoning (7) 5. MVT, Pedestrian (27) 5. Unintentional, Bicyclist Other (44) 5. MVT, Occupant (36)5. Assault/Homicide – Firearm (46)
California Chapter 4, AAP Training In collaboration with Robert Sege, Karen Miller, Howard Spivak Funded by Children and Families Commission of Orange County
NRA Gun Safety Parent Materials (1988) We’ve come a long way!
Keep Kids Safe Systematic Childhood Injury Prevention Program (SCIPP) Increase IP counseling and education Develop and disseminate culturally and linguistically appropriate tools to support counseling and education efforts Provide IP education to pediatric professionals
SCIPP Implementation Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Site assessment surveys Materials Dissemination Technical Assistance
SCIPP Medical/Dental Care Care SchoolReadiness SocialServices LawEnforcement Family Resource Centers Early Childhood Education Libraries
4% 9% 0–4 5–14 15–24 25–44 45–64 65– % 40% 20% 3% Total Cost of Injury by Age Group $406 Billion (Finkelstein, et al 2006) Age 4%
It’s been an uphill climb… …but Jack and Jill will make it