Response Circles Sexual Assault Prevention Project Ryan Swafford, BS (Chickasaw Nation of Oklahoma) Project Coordinator
About the Project Funded by IHS Domestic Violence Prevention Initiative (DVPI) Initial 3 year project, but has been extended Areas of Focus: – To Provide training to Tribal community collaborative groups to address sexual assault. Sexual Assault Response & Resource Circle (SARRC) Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Tribal Sexual Assault Dynamics Tribal Sexual Assault Advocacy Skills – Public Awareness – Tribal mini-grant funding IHS information taken from IHS Policy Update presentation by Beverly Cotton, National SANE/SART Coordinator
Project Partners Oregon Sexual Assault Task Force Private, non-profit statewide organization Mission: effective prevention of and response to sexual violence through collaborative, comprehensive, survivor-centered strategies Programs: SATI, SANE, Prevention, Policy/Legislation Members appointed from across state to TFAC with 8 subcommittees: IHS information taken from IHS Policy Update presentation by Beverly Cotton, National SANE/SART Coordinator
Sexual Assault Prevention Training Updates Grand Ronde Warm Springs Swinomish SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner): Largest turnout yet with 30 participants SARRC Reunion at the NPAIHB -Review the three project with the Tribes to evaluate successes, needs of improvement, and future collaboration IHS information taken from IHS Policy Update presentation by Beverly Cotton, National SANE/SART Coordinator
Training Updates 3rd Annual Tribal Sexual Assault Advocacy Training -May 4 th - 6 th,2015 hosted by Confederated Tribes of Umatilla IHS information taken from IHS Policy Update presentation by Beverly Cotton, National SANE/SART Coordinator
Project Closing Last year of project, ending August 2015 NPAIHB currently looking for new funding Tribes have expressed needs -Continue sexual assault prevention training -Continued mini grant support from NPAIHB -Support with costs associated with certifying SANE nurses while keeping them current -Increase Tribal community buy-in addressing sexual assault -Assistance searching and writing grants for their Sexual Assault Programs IHS information taken from IHS Policy Update presentation by Beverly Cotton, National SANE/SART Coordinator
Questions? Contact: Ryan Swafford (503)